1-min walk from Exit D2, Tsim Sha Tsui / East Tsim Sha Tsui MTR Station continue reading
Serves authentic Thai and Royal Thai cuisine. Same as the sister restaurant of Arun Thai in Sydney, Hong Kong shop carries an array of exquisite Thai dishes and an extensive wine list. There is also an outdoor terrace for dining. continue reading
Opening Hours
Mon - Sun
11:30 - 00:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master Cash AE UnionPay
Number of Seats
Other Info
Alcoholic Drinks
May Bring Your Own Wine Details
Cake-cutting Details
VIP Room
Parking Details
Phone Reservation
10% Service Charge
Outdoor Seating
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Signature Dishes
Chicken and Tiger Prawn Salad Twice-Cooked Duck in Red Curry Stir-fried Free Ranger Chicken
Review (28)
Level4 2017-02-02
My friend ordered a fired pork noodles but the pork was cold and not fresh with bad smell. He asked the waiter to smell it and exchanged. Finally waiter suggested chicken rice. The chicken is smooth texture and the taste was up to a normal standard. Rice with chicken oil which was tradition enough. I ordered a Laksa but it was not salty enough, so I kept adding salt and this made my friend even more angry... as he suggested to come and none of the food is in ok My friend ordered a iced coffee. It came up with a iced milk tea. So waiter change it. But they changed to hot coffee. My friend was piss off and use body language :1. Iced2. CoffeeFinally they served a correct iced coffee! The taste was normal, maybe a bit too sour.Appetiser continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2017-01-04
好開心地諗住同朋友仲有bb 一齊去食,有bb而又懷孕的我想食泰國菜都當然想去好小小既地方而特登唔去九龍城食泰國菜。 點知咁都中 jackpot! Pad Thai 有小強,仲要係煮熟的小強,而我1歲半的bb食左好多, 我好擔心。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
今次收到一個美食app既邀請,尼到k11既泰國餐廳試食。雖然係試食活動,但係我都會實話實說,唔會故意討好。話說餐廳老闆係悉尼做左40多年既泰菜,希望尼香港大展拳腳。多年既經驗可以係香料運用度就體現出來,泰菜係好濃味既菜式,需要增加層次就一定要識得用香料。泰式前菜拼盤包括有泰式燒豬頸肉,泰式原隻炸蝦春卷,泰式生蝦同柳葉包。豬頸肉燒完才切,外皮微微帶焦,肉質鮮嫩。泰式生蝦加了甜酸汁,一隻唔太夠喉。較特別既係柳葉包,用柳葉包住花生碎,青檸汁,炸紅蔥碎,炸椰絲等,甜甜酸酸,味道口感也頗有層次。四角豆雞肉沙律用手撕雞肉,四角豆,紫生菜做成既泰式沙律。雞肉新鮮,用上了甜酸汁令沙律更開胃。生洋蔥微微香辣,aftertaste 仲帶點甜味。冬蔭公冬蔭公係泰菜重要既菜式,同出面既餐廳唔同,這裡既冬蔭公係很濃味,較稠既冬蔭公。而佢果種辣唔係刺口果種辣,而係飲完係喉嚨慢慢滲出尼果種。這湯非常足料,用了大量鮮蝦烹煮令湯好有蝦膏既味道,不過冬蔭公有點太咸,不然就perfect喇!酥炸魚配金泰特色辣醬最岩懶人食既炸魚,大廚將新鮮既盲曹拆肉落鑊炸。味道分為4個層次,咸味有泰國魚露,甜味有椰子糖,酸味有羅望子汁,辣味有生胡椒串。用了以上既食材,令味道非常豐富有層次而且富有泰國風味。新鮮魚肉有鮮味亦很嫩滑,是我整晚最喜歡的菜式。馬沙文文咖哩煨牛腱肉大廚話佢地既咖哩係很出名,亦都曾被選為城中最正咖哩之一。馬沙文咖喱係種泰國式嘅咖喱,主要材料係馬沙文咖喱醬、洋蔥、椰奶、椰糖、魚露同月桂葉,煮出嚟比較似橙色,甜中帶辣。而佢既牛腱用slow Cook 既方法,所以佢既質地非常之林同入味。芒果糯米飯同椰汁糕這餐廳菜式的味道很豐富,而且菜式種類多,風格會係比較甜酸菜式多,所以特別適合華人食。去開果頭藉得一試!每位大概$250 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2015-08-04
好好味勁抵食extra appetizerSo supprised!!!椰奶冬陰功Heavy 咗少少好多料雞好滑又多菇Ok!肚餓又唔駛點等又有春卷卜卜脆好好味海南雞飯 D雞有D鞋D飯同普通一樣多咗黃薑  更惹味冬陰功豬肉碎金邊粉  四方形金邊粉好得意又彈牙Service very good continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2015-04-03
約左朋友食飯,諗住口痕食泰菜。朋友話黎過,氣氛吾錯,所以特地介紹。我地book左八點,女士通常都遲小小到既。同朋友meet up就一齊係地鐵站行上黎。明明話G/F,行極都未搵到,所以叫男士黎接。原來係商場出面地鋪。一入到去就覺得度門好重,用盡力先推到入去。而入到去,全部係啲中年男人,仲要個個都係飲下洒吹水,心諗個fd係咪玩嘢。人吾多,加埋我地十隻手指數哂。餐牌冇咩特別,冇話想特別想食咩。見佢bar枱有個signature dishes,就揀左生蝦同明爐魚。仲有睇餐牌叫左咖喱雞、柚子大蝦沙律、蒜蓉包、菠蘿炒飯。曾經有一排好鍾意泰國菜,同朋友又去過泰國品嘗過,都算半個專家,所以對泰菜要求都高。首先個生蝦賣相就好吸引,但啲蝦完全冇膠質,又淡,吾夠新鮮,吾得。咖哩雞擺到我面前都聞吾到啲香味,食落雞切到好細舊,想係堆咖哩醬同三色椒度搵出黎都幾考眼力,搵搵下都放棄。 唯一我欣賞既係個沙律同蒜蓉包。個汁好香,食材算新鮮,炸脆左蒜蓉同個汁好配合。蒜蓉包香脆,但吾覺太油膩,幾好。 等到頸都長既明爐魚!可惜…好失望…試左個湯底,辣味係ok,但酸度欠奉。條魚一望就知吾新鮮,食落好hai,又冇魚味,所以冇以往爭住食既衝動。 既然條魚都甘,真係冇心機食落去。菠蘿炒飯黎到,出所料,吾夠熱,冇香味,得個樣,食落冇菠蘿,又淡…無言…甘就食左千幾蚊,我去啲細鐘食,仲有鑊氣P.S.:鋪頭細,裝修以黑色為主,幾有情調,但佢竟然冇音樂,成餐淨聽抽風機既洪洪聲…好煞風景… continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)