4-min walk from Exit F, Admiralty MTR Station continue reading
Opening Hours
*Last Order: 20:45
Mon - Sun
08:00 - 21:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master AlipayHK Cash AE UnionPay Apple Pay Google Pay WeChat Pay PayMe
Number of Seats
Other Info
May Bring Your Own Wine
10% Service Charge
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (52)
一路追随着吃了好几年的Baked铁粉来报到了,虽然价格不便宜,但份量巨大完全可以吃到撑,菜式的创意也遥遥领先其他brunch。·酸种面包更是强得要命,用的已经是爷爷奶奶级别的酵母了,咀嚼感很震撼,相当锻炼咬肌(但我就好这口hh),相当有记忆点。·年初坚尼地城和大坑双店齐开,一度是我的食堂,没想到不到一年就悄无声息结业了(目前只剩下湾仔和浅水湾两家店),想来还是蛮可惜。·【OMG】这狂野的造型谁看了不得说一句OMG,虽然是以大啡菇为主角的veg菜式,但相信我,有了这咸香味喷张的浓郁黑松露芝士酱汁像瀑布一样自上而下地肆意流淌浸润,比吃肉还爽。·【Eat With Gusto!】虽然上一款推荐最多,但我的最爱是牛肉卷。金灿灿的炒滑蛋太澎湃,大块和牛紧致多汁,裹挟着辣味蛋黄酱和焦糖炒洋葱,这咸甜永动机怎么都吃不腻!·【Bakoven】默认搭配pita bread,但我强烈推荐你换成sourdough。鸡胸肉用芫荽酱腌制再煎,弹韧油润完全不会觉得无味。·用料实在太足了,厚厚一层hummus像一床柔软香浓的棉被盖住面包,还淋了微辣的chutney, 层次感丰富得像在口中放烟花。·【Chicken Kebab】Baked以前在Soho开过中东菜,所以kebab和pita的水平说能单独出来开店都不足为过。·大块鸡肉用香料里外腌入味,皮塔饼跟一般小店出品的最大区别在于,它嚼起来面团完全不死硬,而是充满了绵韧鲜活的拉扯感。·【PFFFT Ricotta Toast】甜党别错过这款草莓ricotta,这里的ricotta跟Fineprint的“水泥”质地不是一个路线,搅打后像奶油一样绵密顺滑。·【Comfort Toast】糖渍啤梨、蜂蜜、豆蔻、和搅打蓝纹芝士!如果能接受蓝纹有点咸咸臭臭的味道,应该都会觉得这个调味很仙品吧。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2025-01-05
I recently dined at Baked with my brother, and while our initial experience with the coffee was pleasant, things quickly took a downturn once the food arrived. The sourdough bread we received was clearly undercooked, with a raw, floured texture that was unmistakable. We are not ones to cause a fuss, but the quality of the food was unacceptable. Although the restaurant did compensate us with a 50% discount on our bill, we had to wait approximately 20 minutes for the manager to come and address the issue, which significantly disrupted our dining experience.While I appreciate the effort to rectify the situation, I hope the restaurant takes steps to ensure such issues are resolved promptly in the future. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2024-12-12
一直很喜歡介乎金鐘與灣仔之間的這個小區,總覺得有種特別的氛圍,有很多特色小店和食店。這西式餐廳以麵包作為各種菜式的主打,配合優質的咖啡,午飯時段有set lunch。Set lunch 可選多種特色咖啡如Flat White、Dirty 等,很不錯!要知道平時單點一杯特色咖啡已要四、五十元!我點了一號餐,主打牛油果多士,有完整的半個牛油果,加了調味得宜的沙律菜和紅椒粒,看似簡單,但知道是用心製作的西餐。墊底的多士烤得脆脆的,是酸種麵包,也是高質麵包! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2024-09-21
呢一間餐廳嘅分店,我喺其他地方都有試過,覺得佢嘅口味都做得唔錯,所以今日喺灣仔呢一區經過就決定咗再試一下!餐廳嘅空間感都唔差,坐落去都非常舒服,適合朋友同埋家庭聚會!我就叫咗一個酸種麵包加牛油果/ 墨西哥款嘅莎莎 上面再有一隻煎蛋!酸種麵包同埋牛油果嘅配搭不嬲都係好match, 牛油果有半個,所以成個份量嚟講都算非常飽肚,再加埋紅椒,餐廳用咗少少黑椒去撈埋,成個口感更加開胃,亦都增加咗成個口感嘅多元化!上面再加多一隻煎蛋,鍾意食嘅朋友都可以試吓🙈🙈 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2024-06-13
平日既lunchtime 到訪都無full house 既~想坐耐啲都無問題可以慢慢食、傾計 唔洗趕時間還枱(^ν^)餐廳播Michael Jackson 歌,幾 chill —水有得揀tap 或者加錢可揀still/ sparkling Gravy Train $160request 少辣,侍應話ok sourdough 個 crust 好硬完全食唔到於是4塊全部自己切開個 crust 先食個醬好食,惹味~Bakoven chicken wrap $186牛油果上面啲鹽會唔會太重手(。 ́︿ ̀。)好鹹 雞肉好乾—去過一次,覺得可以試下其他野食於是再去第二次到訪都係平日 lunchtime 今次仲少人啲12:30-1:30pm lunch hour都好多位~Cinnamon bun with cream cheese $75 外脆內軟,面個層脆啲,好食底個部分唔脆就麻麻地而且食到中間個位好多cinnamon 醬,甜到癲左 ⋯(一個人食一半差唔多,太膩) toppings cream cheese 有啲酸,味道似 yogurt 多過 cream cheese 網上有foodie 話好好食,係「必食」可能我當日唔好彩個dough 偏甜/ 太多cinnamon 醬⋯掛ಠ_ಠ ?! piccolo 拉花幾靚Gravy Train $160 成盤好似室溫,完全唔熱室溫食chicken liver 好奇怪⋯ 下次可能要request extra hot 今次sourdough 個crust ok 唔會好似上次咁硬食唔到 Brackfast $165 presentation 麻麻地之餘雞蛋下面堆mushroom 全部黑色以為無加baby spinach原來係因為同mushroom一齊炒,所以菠菜都變晒黑色⋯ 加埋豬肉pancetta 好鹹 menu 話係 crispy pancetta, 但一啲都唔 crispy (。 ́︿ ̀。) 呢個超級中伏 !食到一半放棄,放落紙盒拎走 ⋯—去之前睇openrice 食評,睇到有人話落完order 要等60分鐘先有野食、男manager 好惡,會鬧客人 !(◎_◎;) orzz 好彩到訪兩次都無遇到任何問題(´・Д・)」侍應都幾nice 只係唔會主動幫手refill 水—係灣仔可以搵到餐廳lunch hour 慢慢坐,都唔係太多選擇,下次會再去~ a fried “egg”? continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)