6-min walk from Exit A2, Sheung Wan MTR Station continue reading
Walking down the outdoor stairs,customers can find basement restaurant which serves not only tasty food, good wine and great coffe, but its warm, cosy ambience and semi-hidden venue also make the restaurant a perfect stop off point for customers to escape from the stress of the busy city life. continue reading
Good For
Romantic Dining
Special Occasion Dining
Additional Information
Meatless Menu Details: "Green Monday" vegetarian set available daily.
Opening Hours
Mon - Sat
12:00 - 13:00
18:00 - 23:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master Cash
Other Info
May Bring Your Own Wine Details
Phone Reservation
10% Service Charge
Outdoor Seating
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Signature Dishes
Fruit Mousse Organic Italian Rice with Grilled Mushroom Grilled Beef Fillet Bread Pudding
Review (47)
Level4 2015-08-12
自命係牛魔王既我,一聽到牛扒就會雙眼發光可以話得上係牛扒專家HAHAxddd第一次黎宜間餐廳,感覺幾特別。餐廳既設計同裝修令人彷如置身於酒窘之中!!~一道好既Starter永遠令人有深刻既印象…亦都影響對main course 既感覺!!!今次個starter絕對令我一試難忘!!!<3個湯不但有濃濃既忌廉味,而且仲有好多磨姑粒,每一啖湯都口感豐原,真係好足料!!!!至於Main course,我就點了Rib Eye,五成熟,有手掌咁大,夠厚又鬆軼,算係唔錯!再加上一杯酸酸甜甜既mango mocktial,一洗滿腔牛扒既油膩,好清新!!不過...好可惜...下星期就係最後一星期了...黎緊宜間餐廳要搬遷了!!!! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2015-06-11
 As I live nearby, I quite often eat out at this very nice restaurant! To my surprise, for all my previous visits it was not full at all. I guess it's because of its location, which is basically and literally the basement of one building on Gough Street, making it not visible at all. Having said, it's not necessarily something bad because in that way so that I can keep it to myself (well well sort of), and enjoy a nice, comfortable and queit dinning experience! The atmsphere of the restaurant  is pretty romantic - a bit dark and with nice decor, even though I have to admit that there is a HUGE ROOM for improvement on their selection of music, I mean pop tunes is a weird choice for such setting. Back to the FOOD. Food here is always super yummmmmyyyyyy that keeps me wanting more. It's nothing fancy, but you can see and taste the efforts of the chef. Plus, being marketed at quite a reasonable price point, there is not much to complain about. First first first, we ordered the Pan Fried Foie Gras with Bell Peppers Salad, which is always my first choice for appetizer here! Apology that I forgot to take a food porn for the dish as I was starving and the dish made my mouth water like crazy. Moving on, we had the Organic Two Styles Risotto, which was YUMMMMMMMMMM. So on the left side that was the organic risotto with vegetable salsa - as it was pan fried a bit, it gave that cripsy texture on top of the refreshing flavor, pretty interesting. On the right side that was the mushroom risotto with 36 month parmasen cheese - I MUCH PREFER THIS ONE as it was so rich and so flavorful. Omg thinking about it makes my mouth water already. Apparently, we were not satisfied after just one risotto, so we went on to have MORE. Following the risotto, the French Halibut came - cooked in a pot with broth and vegetable, it's pretty light and the fish was very tender and moist! Definitely worth a try! Finally, for my muscle's sake, beef is inevitable. We thus ordered the Grilled USA Black Angus Rib Eye (10 oz). Rib Eye is really the basic dish that if a restaurant screws it, the restaurant is a no no no. And of course, Basement didn't, probably never will! The rib eye was perfectly done, medium rare - I got exactly what I asked for! Nice dish, no complaint!Plus drinks, the dinner costs around HK$500 per head, extremely reasonable considering the food and the environment as a package! As for service, the waiters are very extremely helpful and very local (meaning not pretentious at all)! Nice dinning experience as always! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
2015 Restaurant Week 的第二選擇是位於九如坊之Basement,選擇原因是見其菜式豐富,不止於3道菜。九如坊在中上環區是其一條較寧靜的食街,街頭人氣旺盛,街尾就往往令人忽略,想不到還要在大路走下一級,如走下地庫,餐廳亦順勢為自己命名為地庫Basement。餐廳躲在兩棵大樹後,燈火約隱約現。店內又真的有幾分楓葉國地庫之感,簡單吊燈丶木桌木椅木地板,燈火柔和,舒適和諧,家之感覺。$448/位的菜單,有3款前菜丶3道主菜丶2款甜點及咖啡茶,而此茶乃是少有供應是蜂蜜玫瑰茶,合我心意。簡約風格的餐前麵包,早已放在桌上,兩個小bun,一個是灑上白芝麻的餐包,另一個是煙韌健康的麥包,配以牛油一小磗,橄欖油及意大利陳醋。出頭陣的麵包並無一鳴驚人,也許並非自製,尚算新鮮材料不錯,外脆內軟,其他塗醬料亦可口對辦。餐具並不豪華,卻富鄕土風味,三款前菜同時放在一長型木盆子送上,最吸睛的自然是牛肉他他,因為它高人一等!Appertizer 1: Beef Tartar On Bone 牛肉他他圖柱形的牛骨頭垂直放,因此高過另外兩款前菜,食物擺放三層高,難免最搶鏡,牛骨髓的粗壯牛骨是基層,嫩紅色的生牛肉肉條填滿洞穴,頂部放了破殻鵪鶉蛋一只,愛吃蛋的我隨即被吸引了。無需思考,牛肉他他一向配生蛋混合來吃,於是自然取起生鵪鶉蛋,把蛋白蛋黃倒在生牛肉上,目的是增添香滑,生蛋生牛肉配,入口果然軟滑無比,卻又保持嚼肉之感,稍為咀嚼,已經溶化,味鮮不膩,口感輕巧舒適。份量不多,兩三口吃掉,方才發現牛骨是通心至底的。Appertizer 2: Wasabi Ginger Marinated Scottish Salmon 芥茉薑汁醃蘇格蘭冰片三文魚三文魚沙律可有甚麼新意?這兒卻又真的玩玩新意思,不用煙三文魚,用薑汁及芥末自家醃製蘇格蘭冰三文魚,入口透出陣陣芥末之辛丶薑汁之辣,卻又並不強烈,剛好為鮮嫩的三文魚提味,配以爽脆的新鮮沙律同吃,好一道魚沙律前菜。Appertizer 3: Duck & Orange Terrine 鴨肉香橙批平常的肉批,特別加強橙香,配以橙味啫喱及一片鮮橙,效果又成功的討好,啖啖鹹的同時,嚐到酸酸味道,吃之無膩感,反有開胃之效。Main Course 1: Pan-Fried Chilean Seabass with Ricotta Cream & Zucchini Tagliatelle 香煎智利鱸魚丶奶油翠玉瓜、意大利全蛋麵一向對西餐之魚類菜式有保留,但見加以奶油煑,估計可以增添滑嫩。鱸魚肉嫩有焦香,從圖可見頂部及魚皮位煎至焦脆,加了溶化了的芝士更滑溜,亦成功蓋了可能有的雪味,身軀算厚有份量;醬汁黏稠香滑,闊條意粉有靱性,吸汁力強口感滋味滿足。Main Course 2: Grilled Wagyu Rib Cab with Creamy Mashed Potato & Veal Jus 和牛肉眼扒、奶油薯蓉、袐製牛肉汁見烤紋及嗅到烤肉香,已知有水凖,烤功準繩,牛肉中央保持紅潤但無血水,暖身肉嫩,牛肉汁豐富惹味,配合完美,雖然並非上乘牛排,廚藝補充,伴以同樣烤過的車厘茄,簡單就是美。Main Course 3: Roasted Guinea Fowl with Grilled Asparagus & Portobello 香燒珍珠雞丶烤露筍丶燒烤菇珍珠雞腿亦份量十足,同樣有濃郁烤香,顔色有光澤,配以豐富醬汁,另一道見賣相已知有水準的主菜。雞腿肉嫩入味有嚼勁,雞皮烤至酥脆,咀嚼有層次。烤巨菇討我歡心,多年前初嚐一試難忘,剛燒至腍身,保持巨菇之脆爽,吸汁力是它的強項,盡收烤肉之精華,吃得滋味無窮,美味盡在不言中!烤露筍亦爽脆香甜,淨化一下肉之濃郁。Dessert 1: Homemade Ice Cream Apple Crumble 自製雪糕蘋果脆批名符其實,蘋果批粒子質感香脆有口感,軟硬度適中,脆爆有硬度,又一咬即碎,熱騰騰散出焗烤餅之氛芳,配以冰凍雪糕強烈對比,口感香口甜美,滿心歡喜。香脆硬朗的背後,即下層,原來是忌廉豐富的蛋糕層,軟清甜美。Dessert 2: Basement's Signature Choco Platter 朱古力寳庫見者豈能禁不住垂涎,不愧為鎮店寶庫,各款知名甜餅,皆全部以朱古力為主餡料,marcaron, opera、brownie、 almond cake、 chocolate 比比皆是,甜而不膩,可可粉香,甜魔的宇宙。Rose Honey Tea 玫瑰蜜糖茶玫瑰蜜糖茶,盛載之杯子亦別緻,蜜糖分開上有心思,香甜清新,以此作結尾,完美。Basemant 餐廳,食品不花功,材料足用心製作,水準不俗,價錢合理,值得重臨。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2015-04-30
悶局星期三,難得約齊叄伍知己,落上環豪一豪,食餐好。正好有人話依間野個 Feel 好正。所以抱住極大希望,去享受下。點知,希望越大,失望越大。1. 地點 - 中環歌賦街29號地庫 (隱閉過斜角巷 真係好難搵,我行到佢 5 米範圍都唔知佢存在! :upset 2. 飲品 - 價錢合理,但係唔夠凍.... (算!我唔識欣賞)3. 小食 - 薯角 (值得讚,好食,充滿薯仔香味,唔油!超水準)4. 主菜 - 以為小食咁高分,應該主菜都有番咁上下,誰知令我太失望    性價比極低 - 食貴野我預咗,但係食落肚完全無回味嘅感覺。    "蔡生"話齋,食餅最起碼有餅味,    可是:    1. 食安格斯牛柳,卻沒有柳肉之鮮、香味;    2. 食雞,雪藏味;    3. 食黑毛豬,卻有五花腩的感覺    4. 食焗海鱸魚,好似水煮魚 (走辣)!而且好腥,唔多新鮮。總結:味道唔吸引,價錢貴!         環境清幽, 暗暗地唔錯, 用黎談心睇書唔食野就一流         服務及衞生亦屬上品。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2015-03-10
去地庫吃晚餐!晚上走到靜中帶旺的九如坊,盡頭有家西餐廳,要落幾級樓梯先到,名叫地庫Basement,但並非真的係地庫。晚餐價錢合理,其食物都有水準,今晚特別想食肉,所以最欣賞和牛肉眼扒,出場外表已經吸引,表面有密密燒烤坑紋,鋪滿牛排醬汁,六成熟,肉質嫩滑多汁;伴碟的車厘茄亦先烤過,牛扒下面係軟棉棉的薯泥,份量唔少,食得飽,非常高興。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)