6-min walk from Exit A2, Sheung Wan MTR Station continue reading
Additional Information
Dress Code: Smart Casual
Opening Hours
Mon - Fri
17:00 - 00:30
Sat - Sun
12:00 - 14:00
17:00 - 00:30
Payment Methods
Visa Master Cash AE UnionPay
Number of Seats
Other Info
Alcoholic Drinks
May Bring Your Own Wine Details
Cake-cutting Details
Phone Reservation Details
10% Service Charge
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (65)
Level3 2019-09-25
一間充滿藝術氣息食法國菜噶餐廳,環境非常好,系度食法國菜簡直系一種享受!菜噶擺盤好精緻,分量偏少,但系看起來好靚,味道也挺不錯的,但系就系價錢偏貴,喜歡食法國菜噶朋友可以試試。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2019-08-24
來到Bibo要留意的, 還是她那大量的當代潮流Artists的作品, 如Kaws, 奈良美智, Space Invader及Andre Saraiva等, 基本上來這裡是看作品多於吃飯吧! 這裡的菜式都是很Contemporary的西方菜式, 前菜出奇地都帶有強烈東南亞風, 特別是在醬料上, 例如是沙嗲醬配千層及帶子配喇沙醬, 味道濃烈但不過火. 主菜則是典型的當代風, 鮟鱇魚柳配上酸汁再加上火腿, 咸酸味道帶出了魚的油香; 燒鵪鶉肉質軟滑, 炭香較強, 炸鵪鶉蛋內裡流心, 水準和她的藝術展品一樣見得人. 甜品又是另一種路線, 是少見的中式元素, 日本桃配上腐竹和其汁液, 豆香和其甜味相映成趣; Dacquoise裡的Custard說是加了咸蛋, 但一點也不咸, 反而似是奶皇月餅的味道, 令我想起....中秋又來了! (笑) continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2019-06-30
For a fancy birthday dinner! We ordered a 6-step ‘food imagination’. The chef will ask your food preference in advance. As my friend is vegetarian, the set dinner are all veggie and seafood. The risotto is not risotto but a plant like celery, which is very tasty with a delightful taste of sea urchin. We enjoy this dinner very much! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2019-06-27
文青朋友 提議 過來試試 日法式 fine dining入到餐廳 已經畀周圍嘅藝術品 同裝修 吸引住掛畫 雕像 形形式式 將餐廳形容為 小型藝術展覽館 亦不為過 因為 算係early dinner 時間尚早 第一枱客 咁我都行慢少少 欣賞一下餐廳佈置食物方面 不過不失 食咗八度菜 廚師發板 各有特色 冇話特別鍾意 同覺得特別好食 fine dining 法國菜 都係 presentation靚 食泡泡 同埋食唔飽 為主下次會約朋友 嚟happy hour因為呢度環境同氣氛 真係好舒服 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
再次到荷李活道開業了5 年的Bibo朝聖,一進門 Kaws 便向你打招呼,每件擺設皆是藝術精品。我和友人坐在吧枱,吧枱這支像真度極高的可愛老鼠很吸睛,看著它,喝著白洒,就是有種輕鬆、藝術生活的心情。我點了每天下午5:00-8:00供應的「oyster hour」,一杯精選白酒配3 隻oysters (加拿大、美國、法國產地的各一隻),盛為$98,絕對是不錯的happy hour 之選。生蠔質素不錯,不是頂級,但入口也鮮甜肥美,唊一口白洒,帶著微燻醉在蘇豪區chill 一下,星期日就是要這樣過吧! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)