Restaurant: Bismillah Kebab House

To encourage eatery outlets to reduce food waste at source together with customers through offering portioned meals and adopting food waste reduction measures, the Environmental Protection Department has launched the “Food Wise Eateries” Scheme. Participants will be awarded with a Food Wise Eateries (FWE) accreditation status if they comply with the assessment criteria and will be granted with the FWE Logo and Stickers for displaying in the premises and their promotion for public identification. Applications are accepted all year round and are FREE of charge.

For details, please click here, https://www.wastereduction.gov.hk/zh-hk/waste-reduction-programme/food-wise-hong-kong-campaign

Exit D1/ L1/ N5, Tsim Sha Tsui / East Tsim Sha Tsui MTR Station continue reading
Opening Hours
09:00 - 23:00
Mon - Sun
09:00 - 23:00
Payment Methods
Other Info
Alcoholic Drinks
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Signature Dishes
Biryani rice Curries Pratha Turkish Doner Kebab
Review (32)
Level4 2024-08-18
#bismillahkebabhouseafter watching a very good movie allien :rumulus, imax @ tst. very good quality movie between 1, 2 alien talking about the people at minimg zone wanna escape their no hope planet wish going out and go to steal the ice sleeping capsule for 9 year travelling at space. they arrive a abandoned space craft to try to steal capsule but eventually meet the alien vest. very good jump scare and crazy bloody screen.after movie. i was very hungry. wanna eat sth and they gf would like to try. i pick that 重慶大廈, i famous place where indian there and alot curry to try. i didnt choose some expensive food. but see that orange place. its curry taste like India that i went 10 years ago. yummy. not so spicy but spicy enuf. very refreshing.must come back❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️#food #hkfood #hongkongfood #台灣美食 #ukfood #ausfood #馬保國 #香港美食 #thunder5dicks #閃電五連鞭 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
心思思想試吓土耳其風味?我喺重慶大廈嘅一間店食到嘅卡巴卷,真係令我驚喜連連!話唔定望落普通,但味道絕對唔減當年。首先嚟啲土耳其卡巴卷,鬆脆麵包之中,塞滿咗雞或者羊肉,再加埋紫洋蔥、生菜同番茄,接著淋上三款神秘燒汁。每一啖咬落去,都係滿滿嘅新鮮同肉汁,將羊肉嘅juicy 同蔬菜嘅清新完美融合!真係好想即刻同大家分享呢份美味!重頭戲未完,仲有串串香嘅烤肉!你睇佢樣其實頗普通,但轉轉眼間羊肉滿天飛,多到令人喊救命!串得唔只香辣透味,更重要嘅係肉質夠腍,唔會乾巴巴,令人越咬越有味。當然唔少得靚絕嘅薯泥薄餅,啖啖雞肉夾雜著洋蔥同蕃茄嘅香味,真係一絲不苟,仲有埋專門嘅薄荷蒜蓉醬,係我最愛。最後,一提啲添飯嘅蛋沙律,清爽中帶點微辣,一啲都唔沉悶,有種「開胃小菜,功夫見真章」嘅感覺。下次再嚟重慶大廈,一定要再嚟呢度,食個過癮!🥙🌶️🥗 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2023-08-01
重慶大廈一二樓有唔少不設堂食或者設計較為簡單嘅餐廳,選擇多到都唔知點揀好🤣經過呢間嘅時候見到門口嗰兩個大大嘅pizza,即刻坐低叫兩塊嚟食($25/塊)😎因為餐廳上面冇寫一塊pizza幾錢,食物櫃亦都冇講呢兩個pizza係咩口味,所以真係盲舂舂咁入去食😜不過職員會好nice咁安排座位,仲比定刀叉你食pizza,而且有4款醬汁可以加,分別係薄荷醬、乳酪醬、茄汁同埋千島醬🤩職員會將pizza連埋碟一齊放入焗爐整熱,所以一擺上枱係香噴噴、超吸引😍我試咗表面多啲芝士嗰款先,完全係某連鎖薄餅店嘅芝士雞肉pizza,批底超鬆軟又有啲煙韌,係我最鍾意嘅pizza底😝另一款有啲紅色嘅燒肉做料,食落唔知點解有浸叉燒味😂雖然唔係特別嫩滑,但勝在夠多料,最重要係食完唔會覺得油膩/好濟,就算摸到底下有好多油😏因為呢款冇咩汁/芝士,所以加埋薄荷醬就啱啱好,仲要變到超清新😚佢仲有漢堡包、飯、烤肉等等可以嗌,下次再去試下先🤓 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2022-09-02
🥘🍛Bismillah Kebab House🌮🌯有一日去尖沙咀做野,同事話一齊去重慶大廈食飯,其實一般都唔會唸起去果度食飯🥹細個啲會一大班人試伏心態,但個試伏位係因為我地口味同正宗咖哩/印度菜有唔同,所以未必慣。今日係大個左鮮有過黎食🤣🔸Butter Naan - 牛油印度薄餅, 同事成日黎食,佢話呢個最香,但又唔算好油🔸Beef curry - 因為我唔食羊既關係,所以都係叫牛咖哩,佢係紅油醬咖哩,都唔算辣🌶惹味就一定啦🔸Chicken Shish Biryani - 雞肉黃薑炒飯,個飯係印度米,好長形,反而呢個飯本身都幾辣🌶🌶佢仲有啲大粒黑胡椒係入面,食完都流鼻水。同事話其實佢kebab 都好食,不過我唔想食生菜,所以無揀到。好特別既係佢會俾四支醬你用,茄汁,千島汁,沙律汁,同一支綠色既唔知咩汁,不過都幾好味😋落左少少試下啦👍 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2022-06-24
🔷🍽以前在外地旅行時,知道我在香港來,都總會說香港是美食天堂。不但多元化,價錢也不算太貴。而且香港真的有很多不同國籍的人在這兒開店,帶給大家很多美食有一天男友說很想去重慶大廈逛逛,想試一些印度菜,但最後被多個熱情的員工吸引我們試一試土耳其菜😆😆〰️lamb kebab roll🔹我其實一向超愛吃kebab roll 在新加坡時,都常常去吃😋這次吃都有小驚喜,最怕羊肉烤得很硬,但他們控制得很好不會油,不會乾,加上生菜和不會太厚又軟熟的餅皮太棒了 🤗吃每一口都有羊肉跌在碟上,太多太多羊肉了吧🤔Order時,員工都超細心地問我們要不要辣,我們選擇了中辣有辣味更好,會令人更想吃下去💙〰️烤雞薄餅?🔸我忘了英文名字,但原本他們提供牛和豬的烤餅,但LaLa不愛吃牛和豬肉,所以要求轉做雞肉第一口已經吸引了我,我完全被餅內的薯泥和雞肉忘記我在哪裏😆 沒想到,即使不太愛吃洋蔥的我,明知口內有很多洋蔥粒,也沒有阻止我繼續吃下去😋桌子上,有3種汁配搭 分別是mint ,garlic and chilli sauce 我喜歡Mint and garlic sauce多一點😛😛〰️Egg salad?🔷 這也是員工推介給我們,應該是炒蛋,辣椒、青椒、洋蔥,蕃茄等炒的,很香口,香辣味很棒,我一開始吃都沒有停下來😎沒想到第一次到重慶大廈就有驚喜,如有時間都要跟男友再試其他印度菜🔺📌 Bismillah Kebab House📍 尖沙咀彌敦道36-44號重慶大廈1樓75號舖 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)