3-min walk from Exit B, Whampoa MTR Station continue reading
All Branches (5)
Opening Hours
09:00 - 18:00
Mon - Sun
09:00 - 18:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master AlipayHK Cash Octopus AE UnionPay Apple Pay Google Pay
Number of Seats
Other Info
Alcoholic Drinks
May Bring Your Own Wine
10% Service Charge
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (82)
Level4 2024-11-09
好多次夜晚去黃埔都經過呢間舖頭,一直都想嚟,每次都太遲啦,因為6:00就關門。今日終於有時間下午嚟到黃埔,一於就來試吓Cafe 細細,以大量木製傢俬,植物為主,而牆壁掛滿狗仔嘅照片,有種日和感覺,播上舒適放鬆嘅音樂。地方不大,坐位有單座,2人桌及小量4人桌。Black Sugar All Day Breakfast $138呢款全日早餐非常豐富,有日本滑蛋,厚切煙肉,煙三文魚,酸總麵包,自家製草莓醬及新鮮沙律菜。滑蛋入口嫩滑,帶有黑松露味道。酸總麵包香脆鬆軟,無論鹹肉定係果醬都好夾。厚切煙肉好正,肉同脂肪一層層,煎香兩面,入口帶有楓糖味道,微甜微咸,剛剛好!Flat White $45香濃幼滑,咖啡味濃,拉花唔錯。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2024-10-26
今日係我第二次來Black Sugar,環境舒適寧靜,適合自由工作者安靜工作,情侶拍拖,甚至有毛孩既朋友到來過舒適既下午.今日來到時,餐廳比較多客,初頭安排左比較冇甘舒服既卡位,工作人員好好,非常有耐性,當餐廳安頓好,就詢問番我會否坐吧枱,我當然樂意,畢竟可以睇到咖啡師做手沖.工作人員提供二維碼,隨後我點了一份牛油多士同一杯冇冰既冰抹茶拿鐵.食物質素吾錯.冇冰既冰抹茶拿鐵可以保持口感不變,適合我飲得比較慢. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2024-08-26
第N次幫襯,除咗貴唔可以成日食,冇嘢好投訴🤲🏻❍ 木系裝潢加一整排玻璃窗,自然光透入嚟嘅時候,真係好有假日閒適感❍ 設户外座位,帶埋毛孩邊嘆brunch邊享受親子時光,一樣好寫意❍ 無論平日定weekend,帶本書或者拎電腦落嚟做嘢都好合適水波蛋嘅流心度冇一次令我失望,洶湧而出嘅蛋漿足以滋潤整塊多士有餘。三文魚、牛油果、荷蘭醬嘅份量一啲都唔欺場,加埋三文魚子嘅鹹香點綴,整體味道非常豐富。竹炭多士亦毫不馬虎,外脆內韌。雖然定價比一般Egg Benedict高,但食完有種好wholesome嘅感覺💞,錢錢畀得心甘命抵🙂‍↕️第一次嗌呢度嘅甜品,作為巴斯克芝士蛋糕唔算厚重,冇特別順滑,表現平平,可以唔使專登試 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
未夠鐘上堂 黎左大學附近嘅呢間cafe諗住食個lunch 同埋做一陣嘢 入邊嘅枱相對細啲 但當日都見唔少人攞住電腦喺度做嘢 呢間cafe彩光好好 裝修都好靚 適合打卡📸個人好鍾意闊條麵嘅口感 而中間空心嘅特色可以令到條麵吸更多嘅醬汁牛肉份量適中 唔會太難咬配上面同少少酸嘅乳酪醬 整體好夾 唔會太漏呢一間Cafe都幾適合大家嚟工作同埋坐下旁邊都有叉電器 方便大家使用食物同飲品質素不過不失 如果大家想做吓嘢又想食吓嘢呢個都係一個唔錯嘅選擇😚 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2024-06-29
It is a cafe with welcoming atmosphere and high quality cuisine. Three of us went there for lunch today. The interior is nice and there are abundant of natural light streaming in through the large windowsills. The menu at this cafe offers an impressive arrays of food ranging from risotto, spaghetti and all day breakfast, particularly impressed by the drink selection which featured a wonderful variety of coffee, tea and lattes. My meal: 🍄‍🟫🍚 $108 Gourmet Mushroom Risotto(Including: Seasonal Mushroom / Parmesan Cheese / Risotto / Asparagus) 🍵 +$25 Iced Matcha Latte (for weekday menu only) I found the price is reasonably given with expectational quality of food and drinks. We had a delightful dining experience that I would recommend to others continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)