Exit A1/ C1/ L5, Tsim Sha Tsui / East Tsim Sha Tsui MTR Station/ Exit F, Austin MTR Station continue reading
BLT Burger is similar to a traditional American burger joint. Unlike most burger joints, BLT Burger offers a "build-your-own" burger option that has toppings like bacon, grilled red peppers, portobello mushrom, fried egg, homemade chilli and avocado. continue reading
Opening Hours
Mon - Sun
11:00 - 22:00
Public Holiday
11:00 - 22:00
Public Holiday Eve
11:00 - 22:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master AlipayHK Alipay Cash AE UnionPay JCB
Other Info
Alcoholic Drinks
May Bring Your Own Wine Details
Cake-cutting Details
Parking Details
Phone Reservation
10% Service Charge
Live Sports Broadcast
Spot payment
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (387)
Level1 2021-06-29
行海港城就成日經過知道係食漢堡包嘅、嗰日行過就決定食呢間啦、都知道漢堡包一般佢哋係5成熟!但當我食嗰時有啲好稀嘅血水滴落碟度、就始終唔慣囉,因為係食漢堡包都唔係鋸扒不過味道還可以嘅,杯奶昔好飲👍(不過食完都冇幾多日,佢哋就搬咗啦🤷‍♂️ continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2021-06-24
This restaurant gives you a real American dining experience in Hong Kong🇺🇸🇭🇰 The patty in its classic burger is so juicy and the flavours are just the right balance👻 Their waffle fries are also great!🍟 However their chicken patty in the spicy kowloon chicken burger lacks flavours in itself and the burger relies on the siracha sauce to make up for that😓 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2021-06-22
/ 返工放lunch時間,老闆提議行去尖沙咀海港城食Burger🍔,另一同事已經好興奮咁提議「BLT Burger」,而老闆都點頭話「好,Let’s go👣」!我地四個人,每人一個餐🤪📍澳洲和牛漢堡🍔,炸薯條,汽水 ($238)💬好後悔唔記得左加錢升級轉飲奶昔,因為聽好多人講呢間d奶昔好好飲😭,整體上覺得好好食,和牛漢堡真係好出色,而員工服務態度都好好👍🏻,勁高水準既Burger Resturant🤩但價錢就真係見仁見智,不過老闆萬歲,我地唔理咁多lu,食左先講🙈🤣 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2021-06-13
BLT burger一向大排長龍,好難得星期日既午餐時間等左唔駛廿分鐘就有枱。肉類或海鮮類既burger平時就食得多,見得多。友人又已經點左和牛burger, 見到BLT有素burger,仲要唔係omipork呢類仿肉,而係vegetarians falafel,當然要試下啦。Falafel,係炸鷹咀豆餅,中東食品。絕對唔係平常係香港一般食肆內會見到的食物。我係電視見得多,但係從來都未試過,所以都好期待。個burger除左有炸鷹咀豆餅,又有牛油果,青瓜等起配全麥包,令成個burger感覺健康左。炸鷹咀豆咬落鬆脆可口,有特別既香料味道,半點也不油膩,加上其他配菜,係一個集美味可口,清新清爽於一身既burger。和牛burger雖然有流心蛋,牛肉亦不會乾硬,但整體而言,食味及口感都很普通。個人認為,和牛還是成塊扒或肉粒咁去煮最能突顯入口即化既口感,拿來做漢堡後個texture已被破壞,有點兒浪費。炸蕃薯條,香脆不油,但稍硬。同樣是炸蕃薯條,台灣夜市的炸甘薯條比較得我歡心。整體來說,falafal burger性價比高,素食人仕想吃burger的話,可以一試! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2021-06-09
BLT有分Steak定Burger 而兩間都係海港城度既曾經食過Steak覺得唔錯 今次就食埋Burger! 成日夜晚經過都勁多人係門口排隊搞到我想試係咪真係咁好食😂😂😂平日3點鐘左右去到5成入座率都無可以慢慢食好舒服店員全部都識講中文 唔似Steak咁叫咗個澳洲和牛漢堡餐 再+28 由汽水升級至Milkshake個包入面有煙肉 芝士 流心蛋封和牛都juicy既但牛味唔算好出朋友就叫咗個BLT Burger $198 又係再+28 由汽水升級至Milkshake佢個包入面有生菜蕃茄 牛比澳洲味勁重 覺得呢個既牛好食啲🤣真心建議大家叫餐 因為真係好抵!薯條可以叫粗/幼薯粉或者薯格都ok 而+28 既milkshake 應該每款都得因為我叫咗Oreo & cream 既都唔洗加錢今次係用海港城coupon 扣完埋單每人$170 真係抵食🤣🤣🤣 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)