1-min walk from Exit B, Sheung Wan MTR Station continue reading
Opening Hours
Mon - Sun
08:00 - 18:00
Payment Methods
Cash Octopus
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (240)
📍Bluebird Coffee 上環呢間藍色小鳥都可以稱得上係我 top of mind 咖啡店☕️戴個頭盔先,我其實唔係好識咖啡,所以通常評論咖啡店都係由非咖啡飲品、環境、網速同插頭去入手嘅🪖今日同朋友食完飯打算去咖啡店chill吓,於是我就揀咗呢間🤓我次次都基本上會上二樓 - 少啲人、位又多啲。今次嚟發現格局好似唔同咗 - 角落頭放咗張大床褥同投影機(唔知係咪籌備緊電影觀賞活動🤩)不過發現清潔度好似差咁啲 - 啲檯面有啲漬同癡癡哋......環境以上 🤣 飲品評價嚟喇,我叫咗Chai Latte,味道唔錯嘅,唔似粉沖,不過如果香料味重啲可能會再正啲😉略嫌細杯咗少少🤏🏻40幾蚊都真係兩啖就飲完咗😮‍💨小弟記憶太短暫,唔記得朋友飲咗咩咖啡,但根據人哋做飲食業嘅意見,杯啡好似唔錯(?)基本上你一坐低就安安靜靜唔會有人催你走或者趕你,wifi穩定而且張凳絨面幾好坐🪑係小毒毒me-time好選址🤜🏻#飛到上環嘅藍色小鳥 #又chailatte #小毒毒metime選址 #上環 #sheungwan #øhhejfoodie continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
成間cafe都係以藍色、銅色、木色為主色,呢個配色有啲高級感💙入面有兩層,都有幾個位可以打卡,而且坐得好舒服,一啲都唔迫,chillchill嘅一個中午😆今次揀左坐入面一個大木框位,幫野食影相靚,但唔係固定會有少少搖,後尾搬咗去隔離雲石枱食🫣本身諗住試埋啲鹹食,但係嗰日咁啱冇廚師,唯有叫咗一大堆甜食滿足下自己😍!✨Raisin Scone $24Scone焗得金黃🔥,外面口感比較紮實、脆身,入面好鬆化,加埋啲提子乾同jam酸酸甜甜,中和左少少膩嘅感覺👀✨Chocolate Danish $24係外面已經見到個丹麥酥好多層,而且好鬆脆!不過大家要趁熱食,凍左會冇咁脆~ 一路都食到陣陣嘅牛油香🧈中間有啲朱古力醬🍫雖然唔算好多醬,但我又覺得食落岩岩好,再多啲就太甜😛✨Banana Loaf Cake $36香蕉味都幾突出🍌 口感比較紮實,唔會太乾身,甜度亦岩岩好😙✨Chocolate Muffin $30朱古力味好濃郁,入面嘅朱古力粒粒都幾多,每啖都係朱古力香🍫蛋糕帶點濕潤感。✨Peanut Butter Latte (R $45)花生醬同咖啡好夾🫶🏻搞勻左之後花生醬嘅味道都幾突出,同時又唔會蓋過咖啡嘅香,兩樣嘢好balance😜好好飲呀🤩!✨Matcha Latte (L $50)抹茶味好濃,飲落微甘,奶味同樣突出😍 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2022-11-04
位於西營盤同上環都有分店嘅Bluebird Coffee🕊係本地精品咖啡品牌☕️品牌以藍色為主調💙今次我去咗上環分店🤩有兩層高,樓下戶外戶內都有位置,可以帶埋寵物🐕樓上有台階區域,除咗鞋後可以喺大型咕𠱸上relax下🥰夠晒chill🥳🥜Peanut Butter Latte花生醬同咖啡嘅融合🥜☕️好香好濃嘅花生味🥜花生味更襯托出咖啡嘅香濃🥰仲有靚靚拉花,下次試埋凍先😛☁️Marshmallow Latte上面鋪滿棉花糖,棉花糖燒過好香🥰甜甜哋再加埋咖啡幾特別😛口感豐富😚餐廳有多種類食物提供,好似brunch、意粉、salad、小食、輕食等等🤩我試咗薯條、牛角包、Chocolate Scone同Blueberry Yogurt😍薯條上面有木魚絲同紫菜碎,另外仲會跟埋松露醬🍟牛角包香脆🥐Chocolate Scone口感鬆軟🍫Blueberry Yogurt濃郁藍莓味🫐 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2022-11-03
The place is roomy and the ambience is nice too. The coffee was nice and it didn’t take long to be served but the food that I ordered took me more 20 minutes to get it. I went there around 11 am and there were only few customers and they had their food and drinks already. There were two staff and one was at the counter. I didn’t mind waiting if the food was good. But it was sour cream bagel and truffle eggs with avocado and tomato. The only thing needed to be on the pan was the truffle egg and and it was ok. The bagel might need to be grilled in the oven for 2 minutes but where’s the sour cream. It just had the avocado paste and two slides of tomatoes on it. The avocado paste is tasteless. Not all avocado have strong taste depends on the countries they are from and how ripe they are. If the taste is not strong at least need to put some seasoning, that’s basic for cooking. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2022-11-02
Bluebird正正喺上環地鐵站出口旁樓高兩層,上層感覺比較似餐廳地面就似返cafe~玻璃窗有自然光🐶outdoor seat岩晒同毛孩一齊嚟~有基本breakfast / brunch / salad / sandwich wtc 之餘都有意粉、蕎麥麵呢類主食。「 11:30-17:00 Main 」《 日式照燒汁鰻魚 💲118 》照燒汁足夠又帶甜,意粉掛汁好味,鰻魚彈牙厚肉,份量足夠兩個人share。Cashier旁嘅甜品櫃有scone, muffin, pound cake, brownie, croissant 等等,應該每日都有品同。我就對Chocolate Scone最有興趣。《 Chocolate Scone 💲24 》個鬆餅好大個,整熱咗好脆口鬆軟,又多朱古力粒,不過又唔會太甜,而且仲配埋果醬,$24真係好抵食!《 Dark Mocha (iced) 💲50 》呢杯好濃黑古力味,好正~《 Espresso Tonic 💲45 》好似cocktail咁中間有ice ball~而味道好清爽嘅有汽啡味,好消暑~ continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)