4-min walk from Exit J, Tsim Sha Tsui / East Tsim Sha Tsui MTR Station continue reading
BluHouse brings the vibrant streets of Italy to its sun-drenched dining hall, where a convivial atmosphere and authentic dishes await. Discover freshly brewed coffee, pasta, rosticceria, pizza al taglio, pasticceria and gelato, then gather around a large wooden table or sit on the outdoor terrace to enjoy the stunning views of Victoria Harbour. continue reading
Opening Hours
11:30 - 22:30
Mon - Sun
11:30 - 22:30
*午餐 每天上午11時30分至下午2時30分 (全日菜單) 午後時光 每天下午3時至5時 (下午菜單) 晚餐 每天下午6時至晚上10時30分 (全日菜單)
Payment Methods
Visa Master AlipayHK Alipay Cash Apple Pay
Number of Seats
Other Info
Online Reservation
Alcoholic Drinks
10% Service Charge
Outdoor Seating
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (279)
Love Mortadella in BluHouse the Dinning Room super yummy one haaBluhouse having pretty large room, it’s divided into two areas, including the bar area and dinning area, the whole environment is so relaxing , i like the large light bulbs hanging on the you  can walk to the cooking area and see which dishes you like so cool, and it’s easier to choose what to eat when i know how they look before ordering haaaWe tried two flavors of pizza, one is mortadella, another is Guanciale, first one is super goodbut second is pretty disappointing Mortadella, making of “Bologna Mortadella”, Burrata Cheese, Pistachio is so goood, such a nice recommendation by the waiter thankyou haa, super lovely one we’ve had, i usually don’t like cold ham, but this italian luncheon doing good job with cheese and pistachio sauce, soso yummy, one piece seems not enough for me haa, mortadella tastes good with chewy textureGuanciale, making of seasonal mushrooms, cured pork jowl, caramelized onion is pretty disappointing, the taste is not matching my stomach and there’re too many leaves on top, so the texture is like soaring dry vegetables sad, really wrong choice for usMezzi Paccheri AI Frutti Di Mare with prawn, octopus, mussels, clams, squids and cuttlefish, having strong tomatoes sauce and fresh seafood but i’d say it’s better having softer paccherifoodsutsides:insides:menu:The food quality is pretty good with lovely environment even our table is in the middle, so there’re many ppl crossing around, honestly a bit annoying, but i like the whole setting in Bluhouse, it’s beautiful, grand, and relaxing environment, with a bit of romantic feeling, but sad didn’t try the dessert this time crycry continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2024-06-26
上個月趁着友人生日慶生~終於試咗呢一間book mark咗好耐嘅BLU HOUSE🍴平時西餐類嘅價位都會普遍略高一點點~但呢一間仲要係Rosewood酒店嘅意大利西餐反而價錢定位好親民❤️仲要食物質素算高質👍🏻 -🐙Octopus Salad / $268-🍕Tonno Pizza / $110-🍕Diavola Pizza / $110-🍝Rigatoni Carbonara / $238-🐔Roasted Chicken Half / $408-🍸ELDERFLOWER DROP / $100-🍉WATERMELON FIZZ / $100-🥃Bluhouse Negroni / $130呢度嘅Pizza份量啱啱好,唔太大一份分好咗4小塊總共試咗兩款鮪魚同埋辣肉腸,但整體比較似食緊麵包多d,不是脆底Pizza。Carbonara係必點item❤️醬汁超級Creamy意粉好似通粉嘅形狀;另一個必點item係八爪魚沙律😋超級多份量呀~而燒雞都OK,肉質都非常Juice唔乾!餐前上嘅麵包都好好食🥖🍞Drinks方面就一般般…💵最後埋單連加一$1610~四人人均約$403 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2024-11-15
週末同好友親生,去咗位於Rosewood地鋪的BluHouse,餐廳光線明亮開揚,室內外環境都有打卡位,而且枱與枱之間有足夠距離,好適合閨蜜暢談~ 不過如果室內位置,維港景色會有所遮擋。員工服務態度好好,主動細心,見孕婦,會拎個cushion問我需唔需要,抵讚👍 食物方面揀得中口味嘅話,都有唔錯個選擇。🍽️🅕🅞🅞🅓&🅕🅔🅔 💸 (單點人均~$360) ✨紅酒燴牛面頰燴牛面頰、根莖類蔬菜、蘑菇、紅酒 裡面切開仲帶粉嫩,朋友話偏鹹。✨八爪魚橄欖沙律八爪魚沙律、切里尼奧拉綠橄欖必點項目!八爪魚嫩口,橄欖好香搭配一流,鐘意橄欖嘅朋友會超愛!✨卡邦尼長通粉長通粉、蛋黃、風乾豬肉、羊奶芝士、黑胡椒芝士量超足,好濃郁,風乾豬肉細粒脆口,但就幾鹹下。 ✨羅馬風味薄餅 揀咗parma ham, 雖然睇落細份,但1/3塊已經好飽肚,而且味道都好好,鐘意面層的脆口感! ✨甜品可選自選幾件做拼盤,亦有大件蛋糕,全部睇落都好精緻。揀咗berry cheese cake, 甜度剛好,芝士都夠綿滑香濃~ continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2024-11-10
我們共3 人一齊食飯,其中2 位朋友均生日,這餐是我請的,在預約前及到達的時候也詢問過職員,是否生日會有生日牌及甜品?,佢話到時甜品會有生日牌寫住Happy birthday。食到最後的時候,我的朋友並沒有叫甜品,因為這個是一個surprise,所以我沒有提出強制他們要甜品,但是餐廳到最後也沒有生日牌送上,可能因為我冇叫甜品🤔?其他餐廳一直都會有一個service可能比少少餅乾?或者小小nuts ?再寫上生日牌,我也OK。但佢哋顯然沒有做到同埋每一台都會有麵包送上,但係食完頭盤都沒有,要提職員先至有,我覺得比以前差咗好多。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
見到連坤哥都同佢老婆嚟慶祝生日即刻覺得book呢間幫朋友慶祝生日都係一個唔錯嘅選擇環境平心而論係靚嘅,不過我哋都要留意番個內涵只怪我哋一切都想得太美好我哋一早book咗枱同埋訂埋蛋糕,幫壽星女慶祝生日點知一坐低就發現枱底有垃圾同食物殘渣🫥就連枱邊都未抹乾淨,個手袋揩一揩到已經變到黐立立🫥🫥用咗兩三張濕紙巾先抹得乾淨🫥🫥🫥究竟發生過咩事可以衛生做得咁差?我哋當時早咗到未齊人餐廳入座都只係得少少人咁即係話落場時間之前都做得好馬虎🫥🫥🫥🫥未食已經扣咗啲分🙃到嘢食方面pizza原來好多款都係逐件逐件咁叫~Share嘅pizza只有好似三款所以我哋叫咗:Pizza Al "Testo" Mortadella $228Mezze Maniche Pasta $208Rigatoni Carbonara $188嘢食只能夠話係中規中矩 比起平時食意大利餐廳嘅期望可能要降低少少有啲surprise Carbonara用嘅pasta係同另一款我哋叫咗嘅意粉差唔多不過兩者嘅口感都好食嘅!反而成晚覺得最好食嘅係Vegan嘅Eggplant Parmigiana $228唔知係咪其他嘢食比較一般所以覺得呢一款有啲驚艷佢將茄子壓到好似千層麵咁~配埋啲汁係好好食#冇對比冇傷害本身對Tiramisu (Cocktail) $140有啲期望上菜嘅時候見到好靚仔仲有一粒咖啡豆做點綴不過杯嘢好淡,比較適合鍾意追求健康但又要飲酒嘅人士至於慶生方面,蛋糕present出黎到好好睇侍應幫我哋影嘅相都好靚,好滿意👍佢等我哋影晒相打晒卡先至再將蛋糕好平均咁分咗四份俾我哋食 👍拿破崙都分得好好👍如果衛生方面都可以加以改善就更加理想 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)