4-min walk from Exit F2, Causeway Bay MTR Station continue reading
All Branches (3)
Opening Hours
07:00 - 18:30
Mon - Sun
07:00 - 18:30
Payment Methods
Alipay Cash Octopus
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (110)
My friend and I went to a restaurant called "Boss House" (波士冰室)located in Shop E, G/F, Po Wing Building, 73 Lee Garden Road, Causeway Bay銅鑼灣利園山道73號寶榮大廈地下E號舖..Stir fried beef flat rice noodles乾炒鮮牛河HKD$64.the beef does not possess unpleasant meat tenderizer flavor.full of wok hei.the scallion addes some freshness crunchy texture to the dish.generous portion of beef.Yummmmm..Beef brisket and beef tendon curry rice咖喱牛筋腩飯HKD$68.generous portion of beef brisket and beef tendon.the beef tendon has a bite not too soft.the beef brisket is soft and tender.highly recommended ..Deep fried fish fillet with salad吉列魚柳配雜果沙律HKD$43.the fish fillet is covered by thin batter.golden crispy and crunchy .not oily nor stodgy .the salad compose of diced apple,sweet corn,Pineapple and Peach.add freshness and help cutting through the fattines of the cutlet fish fillet..Egg tomatoes sandwich鮮茄蛋三文治HKD$26..chees Egg sandwich芝士蛋三文治HKD$26 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2025-01-19
今日同朋友去左銅鑼灣shopping路徑利園山道附近見到有一間懷舊冰室入去食咗個下午茶🤣這裡提供多種經典港式美食,如撈公仔麵、吉列豬扒飯和西多士等等~吉列深海魚🐟柳漩渦🥚蛋包飯 $70這道菜的特色在於其獨特的漩渦造型,搭配外酥內嫩的炸魚柳和滑嫩的蛋包,口感豐富且美味。顧客普遍反映這道菜色香味俱佳,特別適合喜愛日式蛋包飯的人士👍🏻香煎豬扒拼超力銀絲米粉$57這道菜以香煎的豬扒搭配超力銀絲米粉,米粉口感滑順,🐷豬扒外酥內嫩,風味獨特,深受食客喜愛。乾炒牛河🐮$64乾炒牛河的口感豐富,河粉韌性十足,滑爽不黏,搭配牛肉的鮮嫩和豆芽的脆爽,形成獨特的層次感 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2025-01-17
位於銅鑼灣❣︎波士冰室❣︎係一間港式茶餐廳🍴招牌同外圍設計得好有懷舊風格,裝修簡約舒服,有多款冰室必有食品系列及懷舊小食,價錢合理,呢到經常full場架。❣︎厚切餐肉雙蛋公仔麵❣︎$36鍾意食餐肉要試下呢個,真係堅厚切😋👍🏻啖啖肉。❣︎常餐C沙嗲牛肉公仔麵➕炒滑蛋➕奶油脆脆豬$57🌟必食推介😋👍🏻沙嗲汁微甜鹹香,牛肉稔滑入味,➕$6轉出前一丁,炒滑蛋嫩滑,配埋奶油脆脆豬外脆內軟,超滿足👍🏻❣︎生炸雞髀伴沙律❣︎$40大大隻炸雞髀🍗😋酥脆多汁,無雪藏味,連埋沙律一齊食減低油膩感。❣︎粒粒花生醬西多士❣︎$30西多士口感鬆脆,入面有大量粗粒花生醬😋加埋牛油同蜜糖🍯來食,經典茶記滋味。❣︎招牌奶茶❣︎跟餐➕$3茶奶比例岩岩好😋👍🏻香滑濃郁。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2024-12-23
大約2點15分, 趕時間又肚餓, 附近真係冇乜餐廳可以吃, 第一次嚟試下原來兩點半先下午茶時間ordered常餐, 應該穩陣掛多士正常, 炒蛋有啲水, 即刻出餐即刻食都唔係好夠熱😑瑞士汁雞翼撈公(公仔麵), 唔夠瑞士汁😑, 雞翼有三隻, 尚算肥美, 但係瑞士汁只係響雞翼外皮, 入面啲雞肉仍然白曬曬!!未至於有雪藏味但係冇乜味道😑. 公仔麵稍為硬,僅僅煮得熟嗰隻..😶咖啡唔係即磨嗰隻, 有啲苦澀.有一個比較年長嘅女侍應態度幾好不過有個男侍應就真係麻麻地掉嘢(落單簿仔, 碗公仔麵)落我張枱😑😑食完都唔夠飽57蚊🙄🙄🙄 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2024-11-17
.銅鑼灣竟然仲有懷舊冰室🤩今日帶妹妹去玩順便去波士餐廳食個lunch先😋估到都係高質茶餐廳黎‼️傳統港式茶餐廳🙌🏻但入邊嘅餐單比較有特色❤️‍🔥咖喱吉列豬扒蛋包飯🍳🍚日本咖喱醬口味較為溫和,帶有微甜的香氣,適合大多數人的口味‼️蛋包的質地通常柔軟滑嫩,搭配米飯和咖喱的口感相當好燒汁牛扒🥩蛋包飯🍳🍚燒汁牛扒的外層有微微的焦香,肉質鮮嫩,咀嚼時會釋放出牛肉的鮮美和燒汁的味道燒汁雞扒蛋包飯🍚🍳燒汁雞扒外層略帶香脆,內部則保持了雞肉的鮮嫩,咀嚼時能感受到肉汁的豐富味道花生碎西多士🥪西多士裡的花生醬香濃,加入了花生碎,增加口感!再加上楓糖漿和牛油,外脆內軟📍波士冰室 (銅鑼灣)銅鑼灣利園山道73號寶榮大廈地下E號舖 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)