Exit A, Central MTR Station, Exit A2, Hong Kong MTR Station continue reading
Opening Hours
Mon - Sat
11:00 - 21:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master AlipayHK AE Apple Pay
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (73)
Level4 2024-03-02
Bookmarked this store with my student and went here with her!.We got Deep Fried Hot Chicken with Grilled Pineapple Gua Bao, Traditional Pork Belly Gua Bao and Tiramisu Press Cake with Oreo Crunch to share. The Deep Fried Hot Chicken with Grilled Pineapple Gua Bao included fried chicken, grilled pineapple, kale and garlic vinegar, spicy mayo and sour jam. The fried chicken was super crispy, meaty and juicy, its saltiness complemented the sweetness of the grilled pineapple nicely. The spicy sauce elevated its savoury. The Traditional Pork Belly Gua Bao included braised pork belly, peanut, coriander, yuzu paste and fragmented vegetables. The pork belly was tender, which was enjoyable to have with the soft bao, esp when the fat of the pork belly sipped to the bao. The fragmented vegetables and yuzu paste reduced the greasiness of the pork belly. The Tiramisu Press Cake with Oreo Crunch was an evil dessert. Topped with oreo crunch, the dessert was filled with coffee and cheese. When we cut it, its interior overflew, making it very satisfying to have esp when it was hot. .The store was originally in Jardine House's BaseHall, which is a comfortable and neat food court. Sadly it was closed, as their food was really outstanding and memorable🥹... Now they only have a shop in Yuen Long. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2023-12-09
估唔到中環店咁快就last day趁最後一日再去食菠蘿炸辣雞刈包 $68(炸雞 | 英式酸瓜醬 | 燒菠蘿 | 辣油 | 辣粉 | 辣蛋黃醬 | 羽衣甘藍)刈包質感好軟熟 食極都唔厭耶大大塊炸雞炸雞又香又香又juicy 個蛋黃醬絕對係另一精粹你辣辣哋再配埋炸雞 好惹味好好味麻辣蒜香台灣腸刈包 $65(台式蒜香腸 | 麻辣蛋黃醬 | 蒜蓉 | 醋漬萵荀 | 焦糖脆脆 | 羽衣甘藍脆片 | 辣油 | 辣粉)台灣腸幾好食羽衣甘藍脆片無乜草青味加埋一齊食 幾有口感但就無炸雞嗰款啖啖肉咁爽轉lunch set +$33地瓜條份量仍然好多 仲要新鮮炸起 夠熱夠脆炸白玉 (黃豆粉及黑芝麻味) $35外層好脆 入面就煙煙韌韌 口感幾得意Tiramisu 壓餅 $43一啖咬落去 就係流心嘅Tiramisu唔會好甜/漏 帶啲酸酸哋咁 係種好特別嘅味道 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2023-11-27
同事話中環店做多幾日就唔做想約大家一齊食本來對刈包無咩興趣既我就一齊去食店入面係food court食飯時間真係要提早出去攞位唔係根本唔洗指意lunch time食到刈包有分散叫同套餐套餐係用平少少既價錢多個蕃薯條同野飲今次試左佢既酥炸什菇刈包套餐$96炸蕃薯條甜甜咸咸咁最後食都仲keep到脆 好食刈包有驚喜醬料配搭得好好食菇炸得好酥脆不過除左厚身啲既菇有食得出菇既口感本身較幼既已經脆到食唔出啲菇就咁食包一定唔夠我飽食埋個蕃薯條就岩岩好~ continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
我哋都係倆口子,食完午餐架喇放個假 又適逢喺IFC附近 梗係過嚟朝聖啦一句中環店限定我哋就慕名而來當然試咗中環限定:· 冬陰公青木瓜沙律蝦餅刈包仲有抹茶忌廉芝士壓餅同埋炸白玉刈包超軟熟又濕潤,冬陰公乳酪醬口感清新,加士青木瓜沙律非常balance,仲有塊用全蝦製造嘅炸蝦餅,鮮味juicy又香脆爽滑,食落有啖啖嘅泰菜感覺,但配上台式刈包嘅軟滑好感,感覺新奇創意無限,一軟一脆,對比強烈但係又出奇嘅非常匹配如果鍾意Mochi、湯丸、麻糬嘅煙韌軟糯好感,就一定一定一定要食炸白玉,芝麻同黃豆各有特色,2款都喜歡,why not both? 我哋各自一個人都可以食三份,唔係講笑,必試甜品!品牌故事知多啲:「倆口小吃」源於元朗鳳攸北街,網上資料報導,有說店主賣的刈包由量粉、搓包、備料、蒸包全部一手包辦,完全係心機手作;而刈包用上中筋粉及澄麵粉製,所以口感份外煙韌,而元朗元祖店係創意團隊嘅大本營,提供不同款式口味供選擇,據說更有台灣食客表示味道好吃過台灣!📍元朗順豐大廈地鋪18號中環康樂廣場1號怡和大廈地庫BaseHall Kiosk 11#中環美食 #元朗美食 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
中環怡和大廈地庫開左個高級Food court🤗裡面有好多間香港本身都好出名嘅食肆😌但我今次係衝着倆口小吃而去嘅🤓傳統豬腩肉刈包✨唔好睇得個包咁,我咁大食,食完佢真係超飽!我同朋友都係唔食芫荽所以都走左🤣係呢度食有度好,唔會食得四圍污糟😛因為佢落咗大量嘅花生碎,真係食到成口都係😆豬腩肉切左好幾塊,肥膏接近入口即溶🤤下面嘅說酸菜+柚子醬,酸酸甜甜令到個刈包唔算過份油膩💖刈包嘅饅頭好軟熟,整體出色😇另外加咗$33 有飲品同埋香噴噴嘅梅粉番薯條🥰番薯條話係細Size但都好大份,好彩我地只係一份加左套餐,如果唔係真係食唔晒😜P.S. 呢個中環Food court 高級到連免費任裝啲水都係氣泡水🤣大鄉里覺得真係好豪華🤪倆口小吃 (中環)中環康樂廣場1號怡和大廈地庫BaseHall Kiosk 11 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)