6-min walk from Exit F, Admiralty MTR Station continue reading
Opening Hours
08:00 - 18:00
Mon - Fri
08:00 - 18:00
Sat - Sun
09:00 - 18:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master AlipayHK Octopus AE UnionPay Apple Pay Google Pay WeChat Pay
Number of Seats
Other Info
Alcoholic Drinks
10% Service Charge
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (45)
Level2 2024-12-11
呢間餐廳永遠都唔使等,平時行過都冇去,今日試左第一次,唔會再有第二次。1:00落單,差唔多1:30先有食物。$92 一個三文魚班尼迪,只係一個半分嘅三文魚生菜三文治:底層烘底麵包,中間夾住生菜,上面一塊煙三文魚同雞蛋,冇醬汁,份量少,欠誠意,但係賣$92一份。同事叫左雞胸貝高,同事說雞胸肉OK,但是貝高偏甜和較硬,中間夾住塊生菜,一份$75,性價比同三文魚班尼迪一樣低到喊,終於知道點解唔使排隊直入。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2024-02-09
Received guests and went to this café with them..I ordered Egg Benedict with Smoked Salmon and Mocha. For the Egg Benedict, its base was a piece of bread instead of toasted English muffin. The poached egg on top was runny, which complemented the savoury smoked salmon nicely. It would be better if the bread could be crispier. A bit pricey as the portion was not that large. The Mocha blended more espresso than chocolate, so it was more on a bitter side. It would be nicer if the chocolate flavour could be richer. .With blue and pink colour tone, the cafe looks neat and comfy. It is a nice place to sit for a while and do your own stuff. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
bowtie保險嘅cafe☺️環境好闊落 坐得好舒服好適合傾重要嘢之餘 同朋友吹水都唔錯😂-👩🏻‍🍳Idiots翻兜之選❤️‍🔥Chicken Breast Bagel $70雞肉同牛油果嘅份量都算多~加埋cream cheese 同沙律菜清新得嚟好飽肚😋❤️‍🔥Bow Coffee $48招牌咖啡!喺即磨咖啡上加一層厚綿嘅奶泡👅而奶泡上面加咗蜜糖 幾特別~❤️‍🔥 Passionate Fruit Tar好有驚喜🤩味道好fresh!上面仲有熱情果核咬吓😂-👩🏻‍🍳Idiots食過就算⚡️ Matcha Latte $48茶味唔算好濃 不過不失~ continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2023-06-04
未試過,專登入嚟一次,呢一次之後未必會再試第二次。門口雖然有兩個三文魚的bagel餐。但我始終選擇了all day special 的Egg Benedict: 有鹹牛肉$及三文魚$90兩款選擇。飲品另計。我叫咗三文魚egg Benedict ,荷蘭汁on side及nutty的Americano, 唔收現金,八達通PayMe及另一種電子貨幣,唔記得咗係乜。大大杯咖啡,好似幾抵,可惜所謂嘅nutty都係比較淡。Egg benedict 仲失望,以為會有兩塊包,最少有兩隻蛋,點知係一片似乎係日式/丹麥式軟麵包,上面幾塊沙律菜,一隻雞蛋。感覺份量少一節,只有半份的感覺。因為本身唔肚餓,所以OK。如果唔係, $90呢份嘢,就真係唔抵。因為基本上冇技術可言!而且所謂的荷蘭蛋黃汁,應該係現成買返嚟嘅沙律醬!其他餐廳的荷蘭汁,可能真係會自己用蛋黃去做。Anyway, 坐喺度幾relax。因為如果冇位,店員會同進餐廳的的客人講full House,所以令到環境唔會太迫。唔會有人喺身邊等位,亦都唔會喺長梳化旁,攝好多人坐。想要選擇嘢食,或舒適度,你自己揀。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2023-02-24
Americano (hot) ☕️ $35 (9/10)因為我剛吃完午餐 急需要一杯咖啡來提神 咖啡豆可以選果味或豆味 這次選了果味的 帶點微酸 個人蠻喜歡的Double chocolate cookie 🍪 $25 (7/10)反而這塊曲奇比較失望 價錢可以接受 因為份量還蠻大的 大概有掌心的大小 而且蠻厚的還以為美式曲奇口感會比較軟韌 結果是比較硬的 因為店員有翻熱過 所以有一點點的巧克力流心OVERALL: 推薦😆 (8/10)蠻喜歡這一家的環境 藍色的裝潢在香港也是比較少見的 給人一種酷酷的感覺 而且店裏有提供wifi也沒有用餐時間 所以蠻適合帶著筆電來工作的 甚至還有一家小小的會議室呢 不過餐廳主打輕食 貝果餅乾之類的 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)