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Review (13)
我大約一個星期前去到這裹食飯因為果日係我生日去到我地叫左兩個set頭盤叫左鵝干,同蘋果沙律ok幾好食個鵝干煎得好香,金有兩個湯係菜湯黎的好飲,大盤金就要左10oz肉眼扒,同帶子蝦天使麵,肉眼有紋的煎得好香成數好準帶子蝦天使麵就麵質幾好吳會太難有三隻蝦四隻帶子好足料,甜品叫左焦糖燉蛋,同意大利奶凍,ok都無問題.....我對這間餐食品無什大問題?但對待應的服務就有問題啦,大家有冇見過一間餐廳的經理景然著牛記粒記出黎招呼個客呀其實著什麼都吳係問題但重要醉住同我地 take order 講野重要一舊舊吳比d心機都聼吳到金q同時重有幾張枱有客我見樓面得佢同一個男仔係到佢就醉住做個男仔鬼死金辛苦係到跑黎跑去好[心就請多一兩個樓面我真係吳知佢間餐廳念什麼念住d野好食就會有人黎呢嗎一間餐廳係雖要服務同食物水準一流先會有吸引力的 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2009-02-20
came here for tea! signature omelette (parma ham) $78in fact, not expensive because their portion was superbly generous! a huge omelette with parma ham, onion and tomato, comes with a hot crispy hash brown and a thick brown crispy toast, and also a small side salad. all very nice! omelette was juicy was a lot of parma ham. would definitely try other omelettes next time =] apple crumble $28very nice as well, soft within, crispy outside, tastes just right, with succulent chunks of apples etc inside. crust nice. only that if it comes with ice cream, that would be even better. maybe im a bit greedy wanna try the other cakes next time: carrot walnut cake, blueberry cheesecake, etc.environment: nice, ambient, very very nice decoration. chose to sit in the cafe area, they also have a dining area. and outdoor area, which would be very nice for beer-drinking, which they have promotions on as well i think...service good, abundant staff.would definitely go back!!! =] =] =] continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2009-02-13
以往每月大概都會到一次bread & breakfast, 因家住附近, 喜歡他們的自家意粉, 意粉很彈牙, 這在別處很難找到。開張幾個月來, menu換了幾次, 我也去略略試過, 覺得最近品質差了點。尤其是Sirloin Steak, 我本身喜歡rib eyes, 但最近去那次, 他們沒有rib eyes. 那一份sirloin steak 味道頗奇怪, 肉質較硬, 不夠Juice.之前的殷勤, 活潑的waitress不在了, 我頗喜歡她的親切及專業, 邊吃邊研究美食, 尤其在晚上放工後,獨自來吃晚餐, 感覺很不錯。食品方面, 希望他們能有所改進, 始終也希望家附近有一所頗舒適的餐廳, 親切,專業的侍應, 讓我能好好享受一頓美好的晚餐, 然後能近步回家。推介: 意大利煙肉意粉, 南瓜湯, 日式拉麵, 肉眼牛扒p.s. 今次再去, 餐廳的氣氛靜了許多, 有一種死氣沉沉的感覺.個人認為, 一間餐廳除了食物品質外, 環境要舒適, 侍應生要親切兼具專業知識, 再加上其他的餐廳配套, 如: 杯碟, 擺設, 價錢 等等, 這便能捉住顧客 下次再來, 繼續光顧的目的了。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2009-02-06
大家好金日我同男朋友食飯就帶左佢去我上班附近的一間餐廳我今次係第二次黎這間餐廳食野嫁啦上次食左個lunch吳錯所以想試下佢晚餐得吳得金就叫左一個set同頭盤同一碟意粉頭盤係:火腿伴蜜瓜set:有湯大盤:香燒美國西冷配紅酒燒汁甜品:紅酒燴蘋果配雪糕意粉:鮮茄海鮮闊麵火腿伴蜜瓜:火腿蜜瓜都可以因為價錢合理香燒美國西冷配紅酒燒汁:碟牛扒從女侍應手上未放下枱以經聞到香味食落有肉味都好諗滑肉汁彭拜我覺得d燒汁劃花幾靚紅酒燴蘋果配雪糕:味道好特別係,係一般餐廳冇得食鮮茄海鮮闊麵:好食好有口感總結:食物真係可以接受,價錢合理每人約二百元左右但d樓真係吳係金得,由其有四眼年紀比較大哪位吳知係吳係年紀大d反應遲鈍d呢!佢同我落單間直係(九吳搭八)好彩有野食咋,真係大家去食野落單的話最好搵d靚妹女士必注意:連我男友都話個經理靚仔 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
I and my friend were the first time to come here. The atmosphere of the restaurant are quite good. The place is large and comfortable.We were surprised on the price of food. The price is reasonable and the quality of food is above expected. We ordered Arugula salad, Carbonara spaghetti, Mix Mushroom risotto and Blueberry Panna Cotta.Arugula salad is okay. It contains cherry tomato, parmesan cheese with lemon olive oil. The sauce of Carbonara spaghetti is smooth, full of the taste of parmesan cheese. Mix Mushroom risotto is surrounded with wild truffle and cream sauce. The softness of rice is gentle.Blueberry Panna Cotta is not too sweet . continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)