3-min walk from Exit A2, Sheung Wan MTR Station continue reading
The Japanese founder worked at Australia. The cafe uses the coffee bean from Melbourne. continue reading
Opening Hours
Mon - Sun
08:00 - 17:30
Payment Methods
AlipayHK Alipay Cash Octopus
Other Info
Spot payment
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (69)
👣 Brew Bros Coffee👣—☕️☕️☕️☕️☕️☕️☕️☕️☕️☕️☕️☕️☕️☕️☕️☕️ 第一次去便得知上環店將在31/10結業不過新店在西環山道住西環的或讀hku的就能常去了!——————————————————————————⭐️⭐️#Pancake with seasonal fruits, ice cream HKD98⭐️⭐️賣相幾色彩繽紛🌈整體味道正常普通 但有口感層次面層佈滿有酸蘋果切條🍏酸嘅士多啤梨粒🍓藍莓粒味道偏酸 不過有甜的香蕉片 🍌雪糕🍨以及蜜糖🍯中和酸味都好啲🤣再加上腰果 令整個口感豐富啲😌Pancake有兩層😝質地偏實淨亦較厚身係傳統嗰款空氣感少的班戟🥞食完都幾飽肚😋味道:🌕🌕🌕🌑🌑價錢:💰💰💰💰打卡:📸 📸 ⭐️⭐️# Flat white HKD38⭐️⭐️其實不太懂得品評咖啡的味道唔敢隨便寫或者喺度班門弄斧但呢款幾易入口 好順滑☕️不是咖啡愛好者應該都可以嘗試拉花亦很美😍🌸我知道日籍店主是對咖啡很有研究的人透過其他食評也知道他對沖調咖啡很用心用的是來自墨爾本的咖啡豆亦可見店裏都擺放着不同咖啡豆都飲得出咖啡師的誠意🤓味道:🌕🌕🌕🌕🌑價錢:💰💰 打卡:📸 📸 📸📸⭐️⭐️#Hot Matcha Latte HKD50⭐️⭐️拉花係心型圖案很美💚💚我相信抹茶控一定會俾佢吸引到抹茶味真係幾突出 🍵飲落去會有少少澀味 但不是苦味但係有奶味中和返 我覺得幾好飲😋睇好多食評都只係飲Flat White較少有foodie飲呢款所以都想推薦俾大家!味道:🌕🌕🌕🌕🌑價錢:💰💰💰打卡:📸 📸 📸📸 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2020-10-14
We wanted to try the french toast here but the 上環 location didn’t have it 😢 🍳Signature Brew Bros Brekkie:Basically tastes like how it looks 😂Had bacon, beans, toast, avocado, sausage, side of greens and scrambled eggs! 🥞 Berries Pancake with Ice Cream:I like that they were generous with the fruits and the ice cream went well with the pancakes!! Overall not too unique but definitely going to go to the other location at 石塘咀 to try the French toast ☺️ continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2020-08-31
已開業一段時間,選了上環分店,吃頓早午餐。在疫情下,稍作等候位置,絕對可以理解。門口的餐牌,乃是等候位置時的,好讀物。跟友人研究了一會,大概都想好了吃什麼。友人的奶啡,熱拿鐵。奶泡夠厚,拉花持久有造型,久放欣賞也很可以。當是,是吃,煙三文魚班尼迪。配酸種麵包,非常吸引。滿心歡喜,熱切期待,酸種麵包口感不錯,夠軟熟、帶酸,有嚼勁。美中不足是顆全熟透的蛋,並非想像中的半熟蛋,沒有一切,便流心,那份治癒感。也許各店各有特色,熟透的食物較有保障。抹茶厚pancake上環店限定,另一分店只供法式西多士。Pancake非常有厚度,抹茶綠得均勻,質感頗鬆軟。伴上莓子水果伴碟,上放一球雲尼拿雪糕。雪糕漸融,滲入pancake更濕潤。冰凍的雲尼拿雪糕中,帶抹茶甘的pancake,整個口感更多層次、更豐富。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2020-08-06
Brew Bros Coffee ☕️ -澳洲菜-西式-咖啡店1️⃣Pancake with seasonal fruits, ice-cream水果班戟配雪糕 🍏🍓🍌🍦HKD$98味道分(tastefulness):⭐️⭐️⭐️打卡分(photogenicity):⭐️⭐️⭐️份量分(Size):⭐️⭐️⭐️環境(Environment):⭐️⭐️⭐️服務(Service): ⭐⭐⭐⭐😢上菜時間比較長,需要15-20分鐘。🧐水果豐富,但味道普通,無咩特別。✅Brew Bros Coffee (上環)上環禧利街33號LG層F2舖 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2020-05-15
由佢開鋪至今差不多五個年頭, 內部沒有大收改動過, 差不多同時期的COCO Expresso亦已經轉手了, 而佢依舊守住個鋪同時保持水準, 自己已經有差不多4年有多無來, 再次幫襯居然是在疫情期間, 本來這店生意係相當人氣的啡店, 而店主為店打做的溫馨形象多年來都係吸引顧客的原因之一, 而價錢更是5年來變動不太大, 食物可說係簡單即做組合而成的快餐式一碟過, 蛋糕並非這店強項, 而今天我們試咗BROWIE $28尺寸係細碼,不過因為這蛋糕從來都係高脂食物, 小食多滋味, Flat White 依舊幾好價位唔過四$38, Prana Chai $50太座認為以前做得較好味, 不過現在雖說不及從前但已經係坊間飲過最好飲的香料茶, 無話可說, 即係讓你半臂都嬴嗰隻!更難得的係佢表示出的係那份知足常樂的氣氛, 沒有刻意的嘩眾取寵, 從容面對一切,這可算是一般日本人的生活態度,  希望這店能撐過這幾個月,儘管日本人也明白世事無常。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)