供應西亞混合大碗麵, 多款湯底+麵底選擇.
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Opening Hours
Mon - Sat
07:30 - 19:00
Public Holiday
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Signature Dishes
同同事係孖沙街揾左大半日都揾唔到位食lunch,但間間都迫爆哂人。好啦,轉身準備離開孖沙街既時候,見到呢間餐廳冇乜人食,感覺就好似係沙漠見到綠洲咁,衝左入去。我地入到去,感覺好特別,因為佢既裝修充滿歐陸風情,宜加有好多好有藝術性既擺設,我地真係以為去左法國既羅浮宮。我地坐底,枱上冇乜menu,只見到lunch有三個餐揀,好啦,我就叫左個紅酒燴雞飯,而同事就叫左個魚柳食同車仔noodle。我個紅酒燴雞,食落冇乜特別,唔夠紅酒味,但最值得一提既唔係佢D雞同細酒,而係D飯!我食得出呢D竟然係日本珍珠米!!!我對上一次食珍珠米已經係唔知十幾年前﹐因為屋企煮親都用泰國米,所以印像特別深刻,我心諗以呢個價錢呢個地段食到珍珠米,33蚊有埋奶茶送,簡直係超值,係超級值!而我隔黎既同事就叫左炸魚聊飯,我見佢個魚聊炸到咁靚,係仲金過KFC既炸雞果種靚,我叫佢比一舊我試下。我放入口試,嘩,層外層好脆,而入邊D魚肉好鮮。我試左一舊之後,心中真係有種衝動搶左果位同事既魚聊成舊食左。而另一位同事既雞翼我都試左, 外皮又係炸得好好。總結我覺得呢間野既炸野特別有水準,我會試多幾次睇下點。我地4個人埋單都只係149,呢間野我訓身推介!
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午市bang bang聲搵食,唔想食飯,見到門口有個麵字,人又唔多...(查實係少到有人企響門口招客) 食左先算,名叫碰麵,logo設計都好似係食日本面,但原來係車仔面,唔緊要車仔面通常好食......我錯,超錯!!日本腐皮+午餐肉+腸仔+米粉,跟豬骨湯底....首先,個湯係豬骨湯(稀釋5倍),腐皮淡口甜甜地有點怪味,直覺認為係變左味,午餐肉,你唔會覺得係豬肉,都有可能係肉,但又梅又核凸的貨色,腸仔同午餐肉都係同一個家族....個米粉係好食的,檸蜜都唔錯的,但成碗野係可以用"嚇親人"來形容,實在好唔得。食野途中有幾次好想望下個廚,一個點既廚可以煮到d咁難食既野,入d咁難食既貨?佢自己有無食過??係咪已經準備好....但我望佢唔到...會比多一次機會佢,不過肯定唔係食麵。
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I have always wanted to go this place because there are so many choices of broths and noodle combinations to choose from.Got there late in the afternoon and there were only three people finishing off their tea then.The air conditioning at the restaurant was quite stuffy so it was lucky that it wasn’t that hot that day, but hot enough that you felt the air conditioning was not adequate.On my table there were lots of toast crumbs which didnt seem to bother me, but it meant that no one wiped the table after the previous customer left.I doubt they were busy because there were only three people in the restaurant and about five empty tables.Again, I learnt another lesson, I should have dined here a few years ago before they changed the menu and when it was on good tracks.Before they changed the menu, there were so many items that you would have difficulty deciding what to get.I would have ordered Grilled beef, deep fried squid tentacles if they had them.+++++++++++++++++++++++++++Pork bone brothI am not expecting the quality of the broth served at ramen joints but it was so bland and pale.+++++++++++++++++++++++++++Bite sized dumplingI didn’t realise they were that small.Anyway they reminded me of those miniature Taiwan gyozas that used to be sold in MK a few years ago, it was such a shame I didn’t take pictures of them then.+++++++++++++++++++++++++++CourgettesThere were three slices and a total waste of money for $3, they were not fresh and undercooked.They were still crispy and the bitterness of courgettes were nearly as bitter as bittermelon.++++++++++++++++++++++++++++Fried scallopsIt was impressive some of the fried items were served separately so they remained crispy.This was the only item that tasted nice!++++++++++++++++++++++++++++Hopefully this restaurant gets back on its track and serves the nice noodles it did a few years ago as seen on Openrice.
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因為剛剛搬office 到上環區,所以就黎到呢區搵野食,這個星期內試過呢一帶既茶餐廳...多數都係麻麻~而價錢又貴…剛剛見到bump 以為只係食麵 ....原來都係飯食....價錢正常.....現在每天都會黎食午餐~~~我今日點了午餐b 是 吉列魚柳飯,米是用珍珠米~魚柳有差不多半個碟咁大塊...外趣內軟,非常可口…飯上面有好似曼魚汁的物體,再加上特別的沙拉將伴碟…食完之後給人滿足的感覺.....雖然價錢唔係平,但你會感覺到它們是用心去做的...PS. 從來未試過它的麵食...
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