Good For
Private Party
Additional Information
逢星期五,六,日晚上7時至10時, 有現場鋼琴演奏。
Opening Hours
Mon - Sat
11:00 - 23:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master AlipayHK Alipay Cash AE
Number of Seats
Other Info
Alcoholic Drinks
May Bring Your Own Wine Details
10% Service Charge
Smoking Area
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Signature Dishes
火焰焗雪山 朱古力心太軟 芝士焗鮮蟹蓋 意大利生牛肉冷盤 鮮蟹肉意大利飯 鹽燒海鱸魚
Review (103)
Level4 2019-06-17
今晚一行六人相約在紅磡 C+ bar,🍴前菜 :香草燒烤雞沙律,新鮮沙律菜仲有我喜歡的紅蘿蔔仔清爽開胃又健康!羅宋湯比較濃茄味。😋🍴炭燒紐西蘭天然鮮黑安格斯西冷牛扒牛扒我比較喜歡炭燒,可提升肉香多份焦燒味, 烤過的牛扒肉質仍軟稔咬落嫩香口感不錯。👍C+ Set for two $498🍴前菜:是蟹肉沙律及羅宋湯🍴主菜 1)炭燒羊扒外觀吸引可惜我一向不食羊無口福,朋友食過油潤鮮嫩來形容還說有點黯然羶香!🍴主菜2) 是烤豬手, 皮脆肉嫩香氣四溢。😋🍴主菜 2)招牌鮮蟹肉意大利飯配淡忌廉龍蝦汁盡吸芝士及忌廉龍蝦汁的意大利飯軟硬適中,陣陣龍蝦汁惹味可口。👏🍴甜品 :火焰🔥焗雪山現在極少餐廳可以食到的火焰🔥焗雪山,用 40 度君度橙酒淋在雪山上火焰隨即火光熊熊,靚女老闆窩心地提醒我們盡快品嚐,外層軟滑帶橙香,內層是雪糕同蛋糕,滿意度 100 分。👏👏🍴Chocolate Crumble $55軟滑的 75 度黑朱古力做的 Chocolate Crumble,又脆又暖入咩熔化,滿嘴都是幸福滋味!🍸Rose Lady $68🍸Lychee Co Co $68我們追加一客 🍝煙肉蛋黃忌廉汁意粉 $98鹹香蛋黃加上惹味煙肉配滑滑意大利粉,口感軟黏😋精簡晚市套餐,不用太花巧只求品質保證已足夠。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2019-04-28
First course were oysters, but I forgot to take a picture 😅 I can’t read taste the difference between the oysters tbh 😅 but each one had a slightly different texture, like crunchy, creamy, smooth, etc. There’s a certain order you’re supposed to eat them too, from not as salty, to saltiest. I learned that oysters are paired with white wine usually, but I got mocktail instead cuz they recommended it. I got Belong to Zeta mocktail which is lychee juice with bits of strawberry, lychee jelly cubes and mint. It wasn’t too sweet, but I didnt like the mint 😅 For appetizer, I got the stuffed crab shell. The shell was smaller than I expected 😅. It was stuffed with a mixture of crab, mushrooms, and cheese, but I couldn’t really taste much crab 😅For main course, I ordered lamb since I rarely eat it and so I wanted to try it. I ordered it medium rare, but the meat was still a little tough. My aunt said that the meat will get rough if I didn’t eat the lamb quickly 😮 There were more bones than I expected, so I took a while trying to get the meat off 😅We also shared a crab meat spaghetti in lobster sauce. Even though it’s supposed to be risotto, they let us get spaghetti instead. I’m not a big fan of spaghetti, but wow, it was cooked just right! I also liked the creamy lobster sauce. Baked Alaska for dessert and it was huge! It was fun watching them flambé the dessert. The mountain of meringue topped with mixed berries was so fluffy and light (basically eating air 😂) and inside was vanilla ice cream and chocolate sponge cake. Not all of the alcohol was flambéed and so the cake soaked up the extra, making some parts kinda bitter 😅 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2018-08-18
收到消息公司就快要搬呀!有同事話好鍾意呢度嘅朱古力金莎特飲,成日都話要約埋公司搬屋之前食多次,每次我哋都係食差唔多嘅嘢。不過我就好少喺度食牛扒,因為我個人比較嘴刁,而且我成日都話要減肥,有 quota 啊唔可以亂食。今日破戒食牛扒 $108。我自己比較喜歡跟薯條,平時見同事食有好多薯條㗎!但我今日就得幾條,有啲唔夠喉。真心塊牛扒比以前進步,不斷進步,不過仲未去到我食嘅質素。一般普通牛扒我一定不會食 medium,我 order well-done !但似乎都係比較 rare。差啲唔記講下個湯,今日比較淡口味。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2018-08-04
在崇潔街內,選擇用饍地點實在太多一間加太賀已經佔了半條街道但太太喜歡西式晚餐所以嚴選了這間C+ bar & cuisine 訂枱跟太太慶祝生日,與家人歡聚了一晚。論食物質素,有高級餐廳的水準。無論精選一人或二人套餐都非常吸引正値特選生𧐢買一送一令整個晚餐更臻完美價錢又的確相宜,所以物超所值。氣氛環境亦一流,星期六晚上還有鋼琴演奏。服務人員更殷勤好客,整體而言市內已極少此類有心餐廳火焰雪山更是店內必點之選甜品時段更播出生日音樂助興令人感動 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
4月19日,繼續同小女孩尋找美食,今次去嘅餐廳又係紅磡,崇潔街C+ Bar & Cuisine,因為喺facebook度見到朋友嘅朋友影啲相好靚。今次嘅晚飯係通過openrice訂枱,有九折。睇完餐牌之後,我哋決定食二人餐,498蚊兩位,包括有餐湯、沙律、main course、一個飯或者粉類、餐茶及甜品,當然重頭戲梗係Baked Alaska火焰雪山。小朋友問可唔可以叫多一個雪山,我話食住先,食得落就叫。海鮮非常新鮮甜美最贊是在油酥點面包小朋友話這是她目前食過最好味的野菌飯有肉味👍冷熱咖啡期待已久的🔥火焰雪山🔥終於出場第二日,小女孩話下次去只叫火焰雪山同咖啡就足夠了。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)