3-min walk from Exit B1, Jordan MTR Station continue reading
Additional Information
Only in-house guest is served.
Opening Hours
Mon - Sun
07:30 - 18:00
Payment Methods
Number of Seats
Other Info
Eco-Friendly Details
Phone Reservation
10% Service Charge
Outdoor Seating
TV Broadcast
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Signature Dishes
貓屎咖啡 藍山咖啡
Review (10)
想享受寧靜悠閒既下午 就要睇呢個影片去尋找繁忙鬧市中既Hidden germ~今日要介紹位於佐敦長樂街1號木的地酒店3樓(港鐵佐敦站 B1 出口, 步行約3分鐘)要先同接待員講去三樓,因為電梯必需要拍卡,有不少戶外露天座入面都有分兩個區域 :點餐區有座位,室內英式復古陳設 ,梳化椅舒適度高。更設有書架畀大家選擇閱讀唔同類型嘅中英文書。輕食有不同嘅麵包糕點:muffin、牛角包等供大家選擇 ,亦有紐西蘭奇亞籽果汁....點餐區亦有熱食menu提供,先點完食物付款後 再選擇位置,店員其後會將食物送上除咗出面嘅輕食  下午茶時段3-530pm,英式下午茶 只係128蚊(另收一) 包兩杯咖啡或茶(但要注意Tea set嘅份量真係好細 ,只有2層)建議大家加配主菜share 睇下主菜餐牌真係好抵 只係平均四十幾蚊一個 意粉或飯  all day breakfast 都系68蚊(另加一) 配餐飲只係加十蚊我哋叫咗一個($48)肉醬千層麵 醬汁味道好濃沃足料 但意粉底層略嫌乾硬😅相反英式下午茶性價比一般 打卡影相可以一試 但對食物不要抱有太多期望 。呢間隱世咖啡店環境寧靜舒適,  價錢相宜,人流稀少,員工服務輕鬆有友善,可以寧靜慢活一個下午。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2020-12-15
Came here for brunch the other day. They serve a good variety of food at a reasonable price. I ordered their vegetarian all-day breakfast that came with a drink as well. The pastry was crispy and delicious to taste. I also really liked my cup of cappuccino too. The service was great and it’s just rare to find such a quiet spot to dine in! 100% would visit again! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2020-10-21
今日好需要一個地方可以坐得耐咁做自己野 search一search眼見既Cafe都需要大大力消費 然後趕住走 唔想幫襯連鎖咖啡店 係呢個時候竟然俾我發現呢個地方!!Cafe1997係酒店內既Cafe 要入酒店上3樓 只要同reception講聲 就可以上去 上樓要拍卡先到 有番咁上下私隱度架見冇人upload過menu就等我黎為大家upload下 (好傷心max.淨可以up12張 冇咗啲main dish, salad, sandwich, season’s special ...)呢道環境恬靜 做自己野或者同朋友上黎傾計 過一個悠閒下畫都係個不二之選 坐位有室外同內 服務員服務好 成個氣氛好舒服今日嗌咗一份Tea set($53) - Pastry or Cake and Coffee or Tea 同單點一個dessertTea set - Apple Turnover + CappuccinoApple Turnover有酥皮包住蘋果醬 清新 如果有蘋果粒粒就好喇 Cappuccino正常Dessert嗌咗心太軟($38) 但心忘了軟 變咗朱古力蛋糕 但都無阻好心情 環境服務加咗好多分呀!!呢道要加一 所以total $100 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2020-06-09
路過這裡, 見有野食, 便上去睇下, 又有位, 便坐了下來, 囝囡吃lunch, 老公叫 all-day-breakfast, 我要一份 tea set, 各人都單叫凍朱古力,  服務員很hea, 是攪笑的hea, 我唔可以話他們服務唔好, 因為hea 的態度是禮貌的, 例如搓手液無了, 我通知他, 他笑笑地回答:「無咩?」之後去攪了一輪, 再通知我, 塞了, 攪掂了。囝囡的lunch, 份量很少, 我的tea set 中有個小柸甜品, 但比我們用的小匙, 是放唔入小柸底的, 我又通知他, 他又笑住說對不起, 即刻叫員工去買, 咁都得, 笑哈哈地工作, 沒什麼不好。而我們將近食完,  all-day-breakfast都未到, 我又再通知他, 他又再笑容可掬地再說:「對不起, 忘記了, 即刻煮, 好快的。」我的感覺完全沒事, 反而感到hea 是很襯這裡的氣氛的。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2020-06-03
無人既話都幾好,個蘋果雞蛋沙律🍏🍎🥚🥗既蘋果係即刻切,新鮮蘋果金寶鬆餅裡面居然有夾心,有驚喜!不過啲餐具就有啲污糟,可能因為一早鋪定係度。餐飲選擇唔算多,咖啡有得加錢做個彩虹拉花,價錢唔貴。賣相一般,不過都幾抵食,味道都唔錯!地方細細算幾private,雖然搭𨋢要搵reception拍卡,不過價錢算幾抵!等人或者寫作都幾適合! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)