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Review (79)
Level4 2015-04-24
下午外出看醫生,路過這商場便和媽咪來嘆茶休息。這裏的下午茶都想試,可惜中午已有人請吃飯,所以只能來嘆茶。飲品也尚算不錯,希望下次來試食物。**************************這餐廳在商場內,是開放式的。因為想找個地方坐下喝杯飲品,便來了杯綠茶鮮奶,和即磨咖啡。綠茶鮮奶帶著淡口的綠茶味,鮮奶沒什麼味道,但把這杯飲品質感帶出滑溜,整杯飲品不會太甜,個人較愛香濃綠茶味多一點點。媽媽飲的即磨咖啡香濃,細細杯收費來算也是貴了點,但以味道來說是不錯。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Spaghetti Carbonara Rocket Leaves Only 3 minutes, my dish was on my table! The speed can be compared with fast food. As the avocado was mashed, not in dices as other cafes usually do so, the whole dish was green and beautiful. However, the first taste was oily and bubble-feeling, not creamy. Oh! I could see much oil under the plate. After finished the dish, there were about 3 tablespoons of oil left which I could not accept if it was artificially added. (I could not tell the oil was came from the avocado or artificially added.) There were several slices of button mushroom, bacon and onion. Though the name of dish had rocket leaves, it was so few in amount that no need mentioned in the name of dish. The texture of spaghetti was acceptable and had very mild of avocado flavor.  continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2014-04-26
早前偶爾經過荃灣灣景廣場的Balencia看到tea set的餐牌, 它的碎蛋丹麥酥三文治令我念念不忘雖然曾經在尖沙咀及沙田的博洛尼亞已經試過同款食物, 但碎蛋沙律的香滑(蛋香)、丹麥酥的香脆(牛油香)尌我仍然有相當吸引力在博洛尼亞吃一個三文治set要一百元以上, 但這裡供應的同款食物只需要一半的價錢!在旺角新世紀店的tea set menu是一樣的:1) 碎蛋沙律丹麥酥三文治 ($46) + 餐湯 (加$10)丹麥酥稍為烘得過燶, 脆得有點乾硬; 牛油味不及博洛尼亞的香濃碎蛋沙律味道不過不失, 不會太稀或太乾, 但份量太少伴碟的沙律最讚! 沙律菜新鮮不馬虎, 而個sauce竟然是我最愛的日式芝麻汁!! 只可惜份量太少, 吃完真是意猶未盡加了$10要了餐湯, 是最普通的意式什菜湯, 味道不過不失, 只收$10都不能要求太多吧2) 蕃茄牛肉烏冬鍋 ($52) + 餐湯 (加$10)原本一個普通的牛肉烏冬是没有甚麼賣相好與不好可言, 不過這烏冬鍋上的一隻荷包蛋反而令整體的感覺降了grade, 它令我想起以前在中大眾志堂的頹飯牛肉不錯但不及吉野家的牛肉滑烏冬口感合格但味道是平價烏冬的味道整體來說, 這質素是乎合這價錢, 若碰巧對的時間地點, 也會再來吃!環境方面, 這分店內部環境比較迫, 枱與枱差不多零距離而且由於門面相當Open, 內部有點越食越熱 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2014-02-28
北上工作,先食個豐富的上午餐先!喺旺角搭火車,就喺新世紀搵食啦!經過《Cafe Balencia》就試下啦餐包~~~包包的味道同質感都不錯,暖暖的配上凍凍的牛油GOOD WOR 餐湯~~~蕃茄雜菜湯,味道好淡,有D似蕃茄水,NO GOOD,重點是又唔熱唔凍的牛油果卡邦尼意粉~~~味道比較清淡,意粉質感都不錯,牛油果配上卡邦尼醬汁好好味喎時間仲係好早,未夠12點所以食客好少呢! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2014-01-19
四位Ladies o既聚餐揀o左呢個地方~ 貪佢可以慢慢坐d o野又好食~ 叫o左四個main course...又加o左沙律...湯...同埋南瓜餅~ 前菜樣樣都好好味~ 南瓜餅真係一流~ 餅面炸得好鬆好味~ 正!!!主菜我地無share...不過我都試o左其他人o個d~ 炸豬扒o既皮就厚o左少少...大蘑菇飯真係好好味~ 不過都幾漏~ 好彩份量無咖哩豬扒飯咁多~ 忘記o左試卡邦尼意粉...睇個樣真係唔錯~ 下次再試~ 我自己叫o既漢堡扒餐真係好好味~ 塊漢堡扒又厚又juicy~ 仲有一大片芝士同成隻蛋~ 又有勁多薯角...仲有一碗飯...最後真係食唔晒碗飯lor...不過真係估唔到咁大份...勁!!!飲品我地都加$15叫特飲~ 我杯野莓凍茶酸酸地真係好正~ 我地6點幾開始食到9點都無人趕...慢慢食...食飽先加order叫o野飲~ 好正好開心~ 下次一定會再嚟~  continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)