Review (12)
Level2 2009-11-29
I read good comments from openrice and so i looked forward to coming this little coffee shop for a few months. Today, my friend and I were in wan chai and we finally had chance to come here.We arrived at 12:20. We found that it provides lunch sets which includes a main dish with the basic coffee, either cappuccino or latte. As those special coffee on the drink menu are so attractive, we decided to make separate order.Being chocolate lovers, we have ordered paspuccio and pas-ciock . For food, we wanted to try the mushroom sauce and therefore we ordered a sandwiches called "Roma" (which has mushroom sauce with ham, tomatoes and salad) and the ravioli . Paspuccio came first, the pattern was so nice. After a few minutes, the waiteress came and said they have no chocolate, so we couldn't choose any drinks with chocolate added in. I really wonder why it didn't have chocolate, which is one of the most important ingredient of its coffee. Per its drink list, 80% of its coffee drinks are made with chocolate. And the reason for me to come here is to try the rick and thick hot chocolate. I was very disappointedBtw, per the list, Paspuccio should be made of espresso, milk, caramel, and CHOCOLATE. Then, how can the waiteress made this coffee if she didn't have any chocolate on hands?! The way is just simply SKIP the chocolate without imforming usFor the food, truely speaking, we didn't have much expectation as foods is not their selling point. We believed that the ravioli was the re-heated frozen food. While for the "Roma", we discovered that there were no salad and mushroom sauce inside! We asked for the reason and once again, the answer was "out of stock". How come they didn't inform and explain to the customer?! If we know the truth, we might order another food. We came here to seek for something special and something we value, but not paying $40 for the ham and tomatoes which I can easily buy in the supermarket and make it by myself in 5 mins!!!I believe it is very important for the owner and waiters to keep in mind: They should understand and provide what the customers value, but not pushing the customers to pay for what they value. continue reading
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女友做了點資料搜集,說帶我去喝咖啡,當然是求之不得,所以在一個Weekend的下午,也來了一試,到了其店門口,有一幅大大的海報,是推銷Gvsto的餅,而店內也有大量Gvsto的紙袋,正想着兩者究竟是否姊妹店來的呢?問店員才知道,原來此咖啡店的老闆其實是其Gvsto的老闆的朋友,安頓好後,也是先研究餐牌。下午有Tea Set供應,三十五元至四十五元不等,視乎客人點的是什麼咖啡,基本上,吃的部分,是在凍餅櫃內的Mini Cake,任選三件,而喝的部分,只可以選不同咖啡類別中最基本的那種,如Espresso,就只可以點Single Espresso,而Cappuccino,就不可點那些在大餐牌上那些Yogurt Cappuccino Fruit及Gianduio等,但其實咖啡師也真的非常好人,說我們可隨便點吧,所以最後女友點了她想喝的Paspuccio,而我則點了例點的Double Espresso。較大件的是一件沾滿了糖霜的Cream Puff,吃起來軟熟,但表面的糖霜有點濕及雪硬了,但對口感的影響不是太大,在內的忌廉也是既香且滑的,整體來說是好吃的;另外也點了一個小Cream Puff,小的比大的來得實,沒有大的那麼鬆化,但忌廉也是既香且滑,此品只屬還可以之列;小巧克力蛋糕精巧的骰,可是巧克力味很薄,而且蛋糕一點也不綿,蛋糕是呈很多粒粒狀的,吃起來有點實加嚡口。繼續有榛果醬Puff,此Puff也是如上的小Cream Puff一樣,口感較實而不鬆化,榛果醬的榛果味可以重一點;蘋果撻是除了Cream Puff外,最滿意的另一甜點,蘋果粒密度高,而且充滿香味,可是底部的撻皮可以鬆一點,及多一點牛油味會更好;果撻的撻皮也如蘋果撻的差不多,不夠鬆,而在中層的忌廉則如Cream Puff的,既香且滑,而士多啤梨及火龍果帶來一點清新的感覺,整體來說也不錯。有吃的,最開心也是當然有喝的,Paspuccio是一款變奏了的Cappuccino,用了Espresso Base,然後再撤上Pas Ciock巧克力粉,然後分別再加上熱鮮奶及鮮奶泡沫,最後用上焦糖漿在奶泡上晝上數個同心圓,再以牙籤或類似的物件由圓心向杯邊劃上直線,形成蜘蛛網狀的圖案,其實從側面一看,已知對版,一個shot size的Espresso加了一份奶及兩份奶泡,當然奶跟咖啡已經是融合了。先連泡沫喝了一口,焦糖非常香,奶泡也是打得綿密,完全沒有很實在的感覺,打泡功夫做得不錯,鮮奶是用上印尼製的Greenfield,喝下溝了熱鮮奶的Espresso也很順喉,但奶香稍嫌不足,而咖啡味在焦糖味之後,緩緩釋出,喝起來絕對是一杯令人很舒服的一杯Cappuccino。Double Espresso即雙份的Espresso,也是咖啡師特別造出來的,也是例牌的先先鼻子猛嗅,然後再用匙羹喝一口,第一個感覺是,整體的味道像極Segafredo內喝到的,隨即問店員其所用的咖啡豆是否從意大利來的,怎知真的是,喝起來是中度Smoky的,而咖啡也是中度重身,酸度不高,但有點天然果香,整體來說很平衡,雖然Crema層不厚,但也香而滑,總括來說,不可以說是非常出色,但也是喝得很舒服。臨走前,最後也決定喝多一杯咖啡,是在夏天非常解渴的Pasquita,即是咖啡梳打,咖啡真的飲得多,咖啡梳打也真的是第一次喝,看其包裝,相信應是自家品牌在意大利製做的支裝飲料。開瓶一刻,像汽水一樣「嚏」的一聲,喝了一口,很甜而且有點糖漿的感覺,較易形容的,就是好像用Khalua溝Soda Water一樣,咖啡味確實存在,但非常薄弱,當然香味更是欠奉,看一看其成份表,全都是化學糖漿來的,所以真的是玩味性質而已,喝一次就夠哂數。總體質素不錯,在這區來說是很不錯的咖啡。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2009-06-27
經常走過這條街,一直有留意這間cafe,但總是找不到機會,也找不到籍口來幫襯。某日,有公事要到胡中大廈,回程時看見當日的Today’s Special係Carbonara,非常想吃,於是就在這裡完成了我的lunch。想也不用想,份去直接跟店員說要那個套餐,跟餐有咖啡,但只可以選Cappuccino或latte,其他咩拉晒花有晒蜘蛛圖案花紋的通通要加錢。財政拮据,加上我並不是十分熱愛咖啡,無謂加錢了。但天時暑熱,還是想飲杯凍的,就要一杯Iced Latte。服務生把Carbonara端上來時,真的嚇了一跳,是一“pat”好核突的東西。意粉韌韌的,一點也不滑,亦唔彈牙,煙肉又是硬柴柴咁,可以用難食去形容。從沒想過在心目中不錯的咖啡店,會有這樣的出品,十分失望。跟餐還有雪糕,是芒果味,很香濃的味道,感覺清新,清味蕾最岩。吃罷不濟的意粉,來番個清新雪糕,是補償吧!Iced Latte,沒有花巧的賣相,但幼滑濃郁,大熱天時喝一杯,感覺很爽。畢竟這家是著名的意大利咖啡專門店,其咖啡水準點都唔會太差,下次有試吓其特色咖啡。只得兩檯客,Waitperson也很清閒,服務自然比較到位。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2009-03-30
Tea time 去食 tea, 捻起去飲 coffee, 去咗caffe pascucci, 裝修幾得意, 但好細杯, 飲兩三次巳經飲晒, 要飲2杯先夠,初初叫凍飲 $43 - 好味, 但好細杯, 好多cream,之後再叫熱 $3x - 好味, 好靚, 一樣好少......too!!!平時响 P..Coffee or S...Coffee 都係叫一杯細 Iced carmel cooffee就夠,but 呢度..............too bad!!!!! 太唔抵飲, 未試過咁!!!!!!!!!!!! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2009-02-25
I have finally satisfied my hot chocolate craving with a real delicious cup of hot chocolate, by that I mean real melted chocolate texture, not the strong cocoa based drink with a milky after taste.Anyway, the chocolate here is literally as thick as fondue, sauce like, and when you drink it it still remains thick. I managed to see the machinery for the hot chocolate, it is constantly stirred to keep it thick and runny, or else it will go lumpy.I also appreciated the temperature of the hot chocolate, not boiling, but just the right temperature that you can drink without burning yourself.As for the tortellini, not as good as I thought it would be, but I intend to try the Ravioli next time. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)