4-min walk from Exit A2, Yau Ma Tei MTR Station continue reading
Varieties of candy shake and candy milkshake, such as M&M, Maltesers, lemon favour, etc. It sells cheese tarts for limited everyday too. continue reading
Opening Hours
Mon - Thu
12:00 - 00:00
Fri - Sat
12:00 - 01:00
12:00 - 00:00
Payment Methods
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (316)
Level4 2017-09-18
近排開咗sem,係ReU嘅節奏啊!大口喺星期日都去咗旺角嘅Party House同人班大學朋友玩~之後見肚餓就去咗登打士街條食街睇下有啲乜嘢好嘢食!行過見到Candy Shake醒起之前試過唔錯~再去食多次,掃街就最啱試吓呢啲細細份嘅小食同飲品架啦!今次大口叫咗麥提沙奶昔同埋海膽孖寶(一口海膽拉絲多士,一口海膽車打芝士焗蘑菇),其實本來想叫黃金墨魚球,但係可能我去得太遲啦!佢已經賣完啦⋯⋯真係可惜!不過下次行過再試過~個麥提沙奶昔真系好足料,啖啖都有麥提沙,見到個店員真係落咗好多落去架,再加埋啲cream啊奶啊,咁樣真係大滿足呀,真係飲完杯麥提沙奶昔都飽啊!至於個海膽芝士孖寶呢,真滿足到我想食平嘅海膽嘅願望,雖然份量細咗啲~真係一口搞掂,但係海膽好鮮味我覺得同蘑菇特別夾呀!總括來講去旺角掃街可以試吓呢一間Candy食可能有驚喜呢! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
This place was popular when they first opened.They turn your favourite candies into shakes with a choice of Western candies and Asian candies.Evidently I went for the twix milkshake because this is a chocolate bar that I can relate to.The noodles were a bit bland so next time I'll just grab a drink! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2017-08-20
Candy shake開左咁耐 間唔中行過都見到新野食同埋優惠🤔----------麥提莎奶昔 ( $30 )賣相靚之餘 麥提莎味都幾突出 質感creamy 甜度適中 之前都試過金莎奶昔 感覺麥提莎相對冇咁甜 不過一個人飲都幾飽😛-Wasabi沙律薯角 ( $26 )薯角份量都算正常 熱辣辣食嘅時候脆脆地 重點在於個沙律醬 微微地wasabi味 唔會太攻鼻☺️-抹茶芝士撻 ( $20 )攞上手雖然唔算熱 不過都仲係暖嘅😉 曲奇皮都幾脆 而且抹茶同芝士味夾 唔會俾某一邊搶左 又軟又滑 🤓 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2017-08-19
下午茶時間,係旺角想食少少野又唔想企係條街度食咁肉酸,於是黎openrice 望下,搵到呢間人氣小食店。既然身處附近,唔洗諗即去啦!店舖裝潢走型格路線,灰色做底色,牆壁懸掛住色彩繽紛嘅糖果,見到都好開心原來呢度出名將奶昔加入糖果元素,所以叫做"Candy Shake"! 揀左麥提莎奶昔,朱古力味香濃,最搞鬼係又真係食得出麥提莎味喎!過隱!另外叫左個拉絲芝士多士拼盤,有腰肉露筍、露筍芝士、車打芝士腸、黑松露四款各一件,多士焗得金黃香脆,配上拉得到絲的芝士芝士迷嘅我真係好buy! 我自己覺得露筍最夾!見到撻類都好似好正!不過個肚已無位攝,留待下次再試啦! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
香港自家品牌Candy Shake 創新各款芝士系列產品 吾試吾知 原來都幾吾錯~~原味半熟芝士撻 $20一拎上手仲有暖暖地 諗起BAKE嗰個芝士撻凍冰冰突然好感動><而且都算大個 : )芝士餡用北海道同澳洲產忌廉芝士製成 口感軟滑 芝味香醇 同時奶香味都吾弱 相輔相成 味道做得吾錯撻皮口感香脆鬆化 帶點牛油香 像吃曲奇餅般成為我第二愛既芝士撻原味做得好 令我對其他口味都增加左信心 下次會試埋香芋 抹茶-暫時我的芝士撻排行榜(原味)No.1 半熟工房 $222. Candy Shake $203. BAKE $204. 糧友工房 $105. Uncle Tetsu Cheesecake $16以上排行只屬於我既口味><大家要睇返自己口味去揀呀~ continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)