2-min walk from Exit A2, Sheung Wan MTR Station continue reading
Canteen is a small restaurant in Sheung Wan that serves both Asian and Western foods. Some of their signature dishes are the linguini vongole and grilled pork rack. continue reading
Opening Hours
12:00 - 03:00
Mon - Sat
12:00 - 03:00
18:00 - 03:00
Public Holiday
18:00 - 03:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master AlipayHK Cash AE UnionPay
Number of Seats
Other Info
Alcoholic Drinks
May Bring Your Own Wine
10% Service Charge
TV Broadcast
Smoking Area
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Signature Dishes
Iberico Bellota Ham
Review (44)
Waiting staff was absolute garbage. Rude and ill-mannered. Did not know how to use the octopus machine. Kept rubbing my phone with the restaurant phone. Removing the phone when the transfer signal was incomplete. I heard a large "beep" and it charged me for a pint of Suntory on my octopus card. Yet, she still refused to give it to me because it did not show on their octopus transaction history. Yet, on my phone, it clearly read that I was charged at the exact same minute (time stamped).Fine. Whatever, I can deal with that. Sure. They didn't receive the money, so I won't get my drink. However, the staff was a complete ignorant. Refused to be helpful. Was on the defensive like I wanted to rob them of a $94 pint. Sure, I acknowledge that I may not be given the pint because they did not receive the money from their terminal, but I sure as hell wished I was approached better. Shitty staff.Just the explanation and the staff's condescending attitude makes this place a "local" turn-off. Don't waste your money here. It's a tourist trap. Go to 711. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2023-07-02
今日內地有同事落嚟香港visit 我地香港office 。咁咁難得佢哋嚟到我地一定要帶佢哋食啲好嘢啦😆Search 左search我公司附近呢一間西餐選擇都幾多嘅味道又好似唔錯。見佢地中菜食得多咁今次就帶佢地黎食下西餐啦😌Lunch set包一個餐湯或者沙律,主菜連一杯嘢飲,我就叫咗個墨魚意大利飯,同事就叫咗呢個牛扒。啲餐湯幾好飲,不過太肚餓所以唔記得影😅墨魚意大利飯可以揀近意大利飯或者意粉我就揀咗好飯。飯感覺上更match😁佢係原隻墨魚上嘅,所以望落去呢份量都幾多。牛扒同事都話個味道唔錯,整體呢都係符合預期嘅百零蚊一餐喺上環有呢個質素,我覺得真係非常之好👍🏻 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2023-05-29
今次朋友帶路去。地方唔算大,環境昏暗,有點似酒吧feel。午餐時間座無虛席。以午餐來說,價錢不是特別平。前菜,湯或者沙律。沙律不多,細細碟。湯,普通。厚切帶骨黑毛豬扒 $168,大大塊,很厚身。不過熟了一點,令到肉質比鞋。薯角好味。烤紐西蘭羊架$198有三件。都幾大件,煎得剛剛好。很香,好正。呢個係朋友極力推薦,墨魚汁意大利粉配原味烤魷魚🦑$152如果唔係朋友力推,正常我不會點呢個餐。因為唔想食到成嘴都黑晒魷魚🦑勁大隻,仲長過把刀。食落很厚身,彈牙,啖啖肉。好好食。呢個抵食。朋友真係無介紹錯。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2021-01-21
Lunch周圍行都唔知食乜好.. 咁啱剛過呢間"canteen" 就比佢吸引左.. 然後同啲同事入去食喇.. 我地就食左個牛扒餐...牛扒都算厚... 配埋蘑菇汁又唔會遮住左個肉味... 配搭剛剛好👍🏻黑毛豬就冇乜肥膏咬落口啖啖都係肉😋而且都幾大塊下... 而羊肉都煎得好香.. 食落去又唔太靭... 最後叫埋個意大利飯.. 口感剛剛好... 唔算太硬... 而汁嘅味道調教得都唔錯😋👍🏻食左個好豐富嘅lunch continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2020-09-19
很多時候沒有決定到那裏食晏,便會漫無目標走在街上,隨機抽樣走進一間餐廳就餐,這次正正就是在這種情況下在此餐廳用膳是也。餐包乃牛油麵包,烘得很香很脆,佐湯一流。牛油麵包配忌廉湯是絕配,湯夠熱夠滑,只是太細碗。烤紐西蘭羊架肥位不算多,肉質鬆嫩不靭,肉汁的味道溫和,沒有蓋過羊架的風頭;此外配菜油份亦不多,值得給讚。厚切帶骨黑毛豬扒最合食肉獸的胃口,豬扒少肥啖啖肉,肉質鬆化得骨肉分離,份量亦足,加上薯菜實乃豐盛之極。誤打誤撞之下吃到飽足的一餐。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)