3-min walk from Exit B1, HKU MTR Station continue reading
Opening Hours
Mon - Sun
12:00 - 22:00
Payment Methods
AlipayHK Alipay Cash Octopus
Other Info
Alcoholic Drinks
May Bring Your Own Wine
10% Service Charge
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (125)
Level3 2023-08-24
I had been to this restaurant and reviewed it many years ago but decided to give it a go again for reasons even I don’t fully understand. I just wanted something inexpensive, satisfying, and not fried from a different area of China, and I’m happy to report that’s exactly what I got. I ordered the original set: it came with cold seasoned flat noodles, a roujiamo 肉夾饃 (call it a Chinese hamburger) and a drink on the side, all for $58. I must say it was an impressive value, which was indeed the meal’s more remarkable feature. The roujiamo was stuffed with meat and the noodle bowl was mighty full. As for the flavor, well, it was alright. I can’t give it accolades for authenticity, as I’ve had the real thing many times before and this was definitely a bit shy of the mark, but still satisfying. One thing worth mentioning is that the payment system is unique. They don’t accept cash, but they do accept Alipay and WeChat Pay, as well as Octopus. I asked if they took Apple Pay and she said “no”, but I saw a Visa logo on the payment device, so perhaps there’s a chance. Just something to be aware of. Overall, not a bad spot for an inexpensive something different around HKU. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2023-08-21
肉夾饃的肉就是死鹹,沒有鮮味,但係有多多汁,饃是小小脆的。但涼皮是真的踩雷,感覺就是軟趴趴的,沒有把麵筋洗出來就算了,而且仲煮過頭的感覺。豆漿非常淡,感覺就是兌水兑多左 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2023-05-29
堂食,下午只有我地一檯客叫咗個麻醬涼皮+素三絲夾饃送餐時俾錯咗個酸辣涼皮同肉夾饃(成單都落錯哂)之後請侍應換番結果送番啱啱果碟酸辣涼皮過黎(只喺上面多咗pat麻醬) 個肉夾饃仲好笑,一樣用番之前送錯咗果個,但喺咁二“了”走咗3/4嘅肉絲,剩番1/4既嘅肉絲喺個底度,再喺上面塞番d素三絲上去,成個夾饃同包裝上面仲滲注好多肉汁...可見㕑房都好求期,做下樣子砌番個餐出嚟,一點都不尊重客人由於本人不能吃辣同肉,同落單果位侍應反映後,佢無反應,坐喺一邊休息既兩位侍應亦都無理會,最後問佢拎個外賣盒同袋打包回家俾家人食...最後待應拎個外賣盒同袋黎,講咗句: 補番兩蚊。不負責任和敷衍了事的餐廳呢間嘢,以後都唔會再食 Never. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2023-02-19
1,舖面好污糟2,食物唔好食3,姐姐服務態度極差收銀姐姐主要講普通話,收錢個下最積極,其他時間都係hea,落單取餐都無系統,舖面好細無POS好正常,但,至少唔叫,””你2個取餐””成場都唔止一枱係2位食客,難啲知邊2個。食物質素,正唔正宗我其實唔清楚,但個饃極乾,咬好辛苦,吞都好辛苦,當你想飲啖豆漿之際,個個豆漿,全部都係渣。好易咳到吐。成餐飯最好既就係,無糖可口可樂。餐飯2個人食左140蚊左右。我情願買饅頭食。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2023-02-03
開咗學之後平日少咗機會出去食好西🥲難得今日可以喺香港大學附近搵食因為本身自己好鍾意食啲煙煙韌韌嘅麵,同埋一直都好想是biang biang麵咁啱搵到西環呢度有間食西安菜嘅,雖然OpenRice評語不至於好高,但係試吓啦▶️ 西紅杮雞蛋Biang biang麵 ($48)西紅柿即係蕃茄🍅所以呢個就係蕃茄炒蛋配biang biang麵嚟到個面真係闊到嚇親😂第一次見咁闊嘅麵,係刀削麵嘅×3除咗濶之外仲算厚身,都幾似啲厚嘅餃子皮口感上就非常煙韌有嚼口🫶🏻完全係我想要嘅麵質一碗入邊可能有六大條biang biang麵,食落非常有質感,所以都幾飽肚😋蕃茄炒蛋就似住家餸嗰隻,炒蛋幾香而唔乾爭爭🥚應該用咗一隻雞蛋?如果多啲啲會好味啲🍅蕃茄已經煮到好淋好爛,「皮肉」分離,食落甜甜地一啲都唔酸,加上用真新鮮蕃茄整,所以唔會好鹹,但絕對夠濃味另外仲有少量雲耳嘅至於個湯,其實都唔知當唔當佢係湯🙈因為佢係超級杰身嘅,似極濃蕃茄味嘅芡汁,咁樣就可以黏住啲麵入口🤤成碗麵好好食!▶️ 金牌肉夾饃 ($28)佢嘅招牌菜式,亦係平日比較少搵到嘅小食兩塊白吉餅夾住一大堆豬肉,非常厚身白吉餅好食,咬落偏煙靭👍🏻都係麵包嘅一款,但明顯同刈包有分別入邊嘅豬肉似手撕豬肉🐷一絲一絲咁,肉質少少鞋,不過勝在有肉汁好juicy同埋醃得夠入味-食物好食又非常有特色份量大,每碗麵都有返咁上下size佢有啲一人套餐同二人餐,又有小食/肉夾饃,又有麵,又有嘢飲有埋學生優惠都係$70左右一個餐😍好抵食環境就一般啦,唔會坐得好迫嘅,但係舖頭本身就唔大唯一係服務差少少🤏🏻HKU嘅朋友仔不妨試試呢一間!(尤其鍾意食麵同重口味嘅你) continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)