1-min walk from Exit D2, Tsim Sha Tsui / East Tsim Sha Tsui MTR Station continue reading
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Review (33)
Level4 2015-01-18
圖片的動物名稱是平時的圖案,我只是想例出十二種味道買了聖誕節版十二粒裝的馬卡龍。雖然有十二種味,口感是好的,但太過甜,所以有些食不出是哪一種味道來。食得出的味道有chocokate,strawberry,banana,sesame,express,champagne。其他味道都是得個甜字,食不出應有的味道。馬卡龍得個樣,可以不用再買,當天還買了牛奶朱古力一片$35/45g ,但沒有拍照,朱古力倒是滿好吃,很滑有很濃牛奶味,比在超市買的朱古力好吃。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2013-05-15
Just after I bought some chocolates at K11's Che Che New York, I discovered they were selling it too at 7-11 convenience stores.Luckily the flavours at 7-11 were not sold at the K11 branch.I saw the chocolate with bacon so i got that.★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★Che Che Chocolate and bacon dark chocolate:I do not normally eat bacon, but tried it anyway and it was surprisingly nice because the pieces of bacon were crunchy without fat.The bacon that was embedded in the chocolate reminded me of those bacon sprinkles used in salads and the taste of bitter dark chocolate with the savoury smoky bacon bits were delightful.★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★ continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level6 2013-05-01
早前跟食友 Supersupergirl 及另外兩位食友,一起到銅鑼灣出席試食活動,她送上購自尖沙咀 K11 <Che Che New York> 的 Seaweed Dark Chocolate 紫菜黑朱古力給大家!多謝妳呀!其實!我聽到這款口味也覺得驚喜! 竟然紫菜與黑朱古力可混合一起?!Seaweed Dark Chocolate 紫菜黑朱古力包裝紙上印有一隻打上紫色 bow tie 的大嘴鳥,醒目又型格! 背景好像熱帶雨林!充滿著神秘感!打開包裝紙,一排 10 格黑朱古力,質感很順滑的!卻不見紫菜的蹤影?! 拗斷兩格黑朱古力,原來中間夾住一大片紫菜,依然保持脆口! 黑朱古力可可味道濃郁卻不甜膩!兩者是出奇地夾! 口味新奇又有趣!話時話,我也很久無走到 K11 行嘞! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2013-04-06
在寫評圈子裡認識了好幾位美女食友,全都心地善良,而且每次見面都有說不完的話題,大家相處得十分愉快。女兒家總愛送贈小禮物,作為互換心意的一種方式,加上大家都是愛吃的人,所以每當發現有甚麼剛推出或新奇口味的巧克力、曲奇等,也總想買來跟朋友一起分享。早前和食友 SSG 一起出席活動,這甜姐兒就送了排 Che Che 的海苔黑朱古力給我,在此再說一聲多謝。其實筆者對 Che Che New York 認識不深,只知是由張氏姊妹花於 2000 年創立,而品牌名字就是由她們的姓氏前三個英文字母所組成的。業務方面,除了集中於生產高級手袋、時裝及首飾外,更涉獵甜點美食如巧克力和極具創意的 Chocarons 等,可說是十分之多元化。至於這次吃的排裝朱古力,不單包裝俏麗可人,而且朱古力中間夾上一片片脆身紫菜,口味亦非常獨特。先吃一口,朱古力味濃而不膩,海苔味道則帶少許鹹,卻又沒蓋過巧克力的甜美,反而有加重朱古力的甘香與甜味之效,口感不俗。據食友講,原來 Che Che 的朱古力,口味衆多,除了較大路的夏威夷果仁、榛子、黑白芝麻等外,竟然連枸杞、辣椒、甜薑都有,非常之標奇立異。之後食友更發現原來現在於 7-11 門市也有三款包括紫菜、煙肉及肉鬆的 Che Che 朱古力發售,如果不想走去 K-11 的話,到這裡選購亦十分方便。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2012-12-13
為左12/12/12,行左好多地方睇下有咩岩送比bf同朋友,不知不覺就行到k11店,原來有間Che Che係到。佢既手袋散銀包真係好funny,但係佢d 朱古力仲吸引,心唸,不嬲都聽朋友激讚Che Che朱古力好味同特別,於是就決定買來給bf同朋友 ^^ hehe 今日bf 勁讚好味,$170 佢有得食,我就可以用個packing做化妝袋啦 仲有買多盒心心星星praline,聽sale講,xmas先有,當然要試下,果然好好食,中間是軟心朱古力離,入口即溶。最後,我選擇買左chocolate bar比朋友,因為佢地既味道實左太特別啦,肉鬆/紫菜/芝麻/海鹽...,packing仲好得意又好靚天~!!哈哈~朋友收到禮物後話好suprise sales 好好人比我試左macaron,話e個比起出邊買既冇咁甜,試左個味道真係好fresh,不過今次買左好多野,留返下次xmas先再買離送比人 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)