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Review (8)
Level3 2022-01-18
I couldn't ask for a better place to eat in peace and be open in the air in Hong Kong Island. This casual restaurant is extremely airy, surrounded by a beach, nice mountains, a great neighborhood, and dog-friendly. The milk tea is outstanding with the right amounts of evaporated milk and a good blend of tea. The prices on the menu are very reasonable and the tea sets are so valuable. It is common to eat deep-fried chicken leg with french fries/ salad as an afternoon tea set in Hong Kong. The chicken legs here are scrumptious. Not only they are freshly fried, but the meat under the crispy skin also remains juicy. The taste is so vintage which is not easy to find in Hong Kong anymore. Salad is equally exceptional.Stir-fried instant noodles with pork chop is another signature of the house. I love everything on the menu! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2021-08-27
喜歡到石澳游水不只是因為水清沙幼和交通方便,沙灘旁的餐廳亦很不錯,第一次來張泮記,雖然在迴旋處旁,車來車往,但餐廳內整齊乾淨,吸引唔少一家大細。今次先試吓炒粉麵:干炒牛河及豬扒炒公仔麵,炒得乾身唔油膩,大大碟,加埋餐廳枝辣椒醬,都幾好味喎。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2021-04-03
今日復活節假期,我們一班行山友行完山之後找到一間石澳老店,看像是一間露天開放式的茶餐廳,因為假期沙灘的人特別多,餐廳全埸都爆滿,老闆人特別好,安排我們不用等太久便可以入坐。一坐下我們便立刻叫了六個冰凍椰青,真的清甜又解渴真的爽呀。太肚餓啦!立刻叫了一份肥牛雙蛋飯,然後再加兩份炸雞比薯條🍟,兩份西多士,乾炒牛河必定首選!再追加一份雞翼牛腩撈麵,正正正超級好味😋這間店看到很多來拍婚紗照片的情侶客人超多,生意很好👍食品也不錯,極力推介下次再來石澳必定再光顧的😋😉 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2019-08-04
係石澳沙灘玩完一輪好肚餓,又去左張泮記食下午茶,佢性價比算高,所以每次黎石澳都係食佢。佢選擇好多,公仔面,米線,炸物,炒粉面飯都一應俱全。本身想食三文治,可惜佢冇。我地就叫左炸雞脾配薯仔沙律同埋炸薯條,好邪惡。加左$5配左熱飲。炸野都係即叫即炸,樣樣野都係熱辣辣,當然除左沙律。炸薯條都幾大碟,條條都好肥美,香脆。炸雞脾切開出哂煙,調味剛好,夠脆又不油膩,薯仔沙律有青瓜、紅羅白、蘋果等等配料。個肚滿載而歸啊🤤 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2019-05-15
今日同老公去石澳沙灘前去左尼間餐廳填飽肚子。分別叫左紅腸雞蛋公仔麵同薑蔥枝竹魚腩煲客飯。食物黎講,一點都唔hea, 紅腸有炸過再煮,有口感香口,另外薑蔥魚腩用鐵煲上,魚腩入味,一點都唔腥,外脆內軟。魚腩份量亦很多。係附近食店比較,價錢較合理。味道真的不錯。公仔麵35元(雙拼)。客飯58元。加凍飲8元。服務方面都唔錯,奉上魚腩煲時,會細心提醒鐵煲很熱。小心觸碰。埋單101元。食飽後就向沙灘進發。啦啦啦。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)