Exit B, Causeway Bay MTR Station continue reading
Chibee Chicken and Beer serves authentic Korean foods. They are known for their Korean fried chicken, however their delicious rice cakes and steamed buns are also very popular. continue reading
Opening Hours
Tue - Sun
12:00 - 15:00
18:00 - 23:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master Cash AE UnionPay
Number of Seats
Other Info
Alcoholic Drinks
May Bring Your Own Wine
Phone Reservation
10% Service Charge
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (133)
Level3 2019-03-21
先同大家介紹一下d 炸雞, 呢度有成十幾款炸雞款式可選架😶 上次試完羅勒香蒜醬炸雞, 今次就揀左八爪魚串燒炸雞😎 估唔到炸雞同燒章魚醬汁既味道原來好襯 😂👍其實呢度除左炸雞之外, 韓式火鍋同年糕粉絲都有好高地位既今次既魚片鍋分量可,無咩驚喜但我會推介royal palace tteokbokgi, 呢個係一個有雜菜, 韓式粉絲年糕偏甜既dish, 呢間餐廳整得唔錯 👍(*唔辣)同埋D server 剩係識得行行企企。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2017-10-25
一向都係Chibee fans,同朋友約食飯都會首選呢間,今次去到Chibee叫左3樣野其中一樣仲要係部隊鍋。。飽到呢。雖然係好味但部隊鍋下次可以多人先叫。先講炸雞,Chibee都開左一段時間,炸雞依然好食無退步到,每次必點。仲附送好幾樣source,可以同時試到好幾個味道既變化。之後個韓式牛肉粉絲幾香,粉絲咬口,牛肉味道重,推介。部隊鍋就超級足料,唔辣,多腸仔,超多午餐肉,不過下次至少3-4個人先好點。最後個芒果奶昔唔單止樣靚,味道不錯,相信會好飲過韓式罐裝汽水,果然無揀錯!有機會會再來。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2017-10-06
As we were looking for chicken place nearby the tram, we ended up here. We really should’ve walked to find other place. We ordered spring onion chicken and chibee noodle. This place doesn’t serve water, which surprised me for sure as non-local places usually serve water. They said they don’t “have” water. Anyway, chicken was a bit cold in the middle and tasted old... I had to spit them out... sauce and spring onion had no problem. And then their signature noodle is just popular korean instant noodle with red packet and cheese. Was way too greasy... of course, we ended up very thirsty...Unlike other chicken places in hk, this place didn’t seem to put much effort on chicken itself... I think there’s a reason why my Korean friends always take me to other places in tst..... continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
韓國餐廳新搞作,專賣炸雞之外仲有埋大大個鍋食,真係岩哂一大班朋友聚下。睇落似係韓國一家人開既餐廳,識少少英文但係佢地自己溝通都係韓文。勁爆靚既《Sky Smoothies》($58),有藍天白雲既《Cloudy》同勁粉既《Sunrise》,真係勁似天空飲落係濃濃既乳酪味。超大鍋既《豆芽牛肉鍋》($228),新出有優惠期真係勁大兜,好多牛肉再由店員淋上辣汁,啲豆芽索哂湯汁食得辣既朋友仔岩哂。炸雞都有《玉米炸雞》($178),有粒粒炸起粟米點煉奶食甜甜地,加上都幾滑既炸雞又幾夾。店名: Chibee Chicken and Beer地址: 銅鑼灣軒尼詩道499號永光商業大廈7樓餐牌: continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2017-09-17
Sunday dinner.. For me this plave is quite expensive. The food is not worth the value.I am full but not satisfied i can say, when you ask for extra sauce cause there are not much sauce on the fries they charged 10$ lol. And the drinks , theres more ice than the liquor The chicken is ok. And the seaweed rice ball should ne sticky right?alright maybe thats enough. And also , why is there a limited time to eat? continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)