Restaurant: CHICKEN FACTORY (啟鑽苑)

To promote a new salt and sugar reduction (RSS) dietary culture and living style to the people of Hong Kong, the Environment and Ecology Bureau, the Committee on Reduction of Salt and Sugar in Food and the Centre for Food Safety of the Food and Environmental Hygiene Department have launched the "Less-Salt-and-Sugar Restaurants Scheme" ("Scheme"). Restaurants participated in the Scheme will offer less salt or sugar options to the consumer or even tailor-make less salt or sugar dishes in designated restaurants. Participating restaurants will be granted with the Scheme Labels for displaying in the premises for public identification. For details, please click here: https://www.eeb.gov.hk/food/en/committees/crss/restaurants.html

3-min walk from Exit A1, Diamond Hill MTR Station continue reading
All Branches (35)
Opening Hours
11:00 - 21:00
Mon - Sun
11:00 - 21:00
Payment Methods
AlipayHK Alipay Cash Octopus
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (14)
Level4 2024-02-23
今晚同跳舞同學去新蒲崗上跳舞堂,  放左工諗住食啲野先跳又唔想太飽, 跳舞同學提意試呢間燒雞,  呢間小店係自助落單, 可以堂食或外賣~我地各自叫左半隻燒雞套餐 - $56, 配烤雜菜及焗薯 (自選), 我揀左牛肝菌汗, 飲品就洛神花茶~半隻燒雞有驚喜, 雞脾位食落好滑 juicy, 雞胸位都唔會好'鞋', 點埋個牛肝菌汗就會濃味啲, 多層味道, 配菜好似食到小小微辣, 有胡椒粉味, 幾好~洛神花茶小小微酸, 好大樽~原來飲品係自取,  店員可以提點一下就更好啦, 因為第一次堂食,  坐底左先發現無俾飲品, 詢問了才知道需要係旁邊雪櫃自取的~不過整體用餐愉快, 食物真係抵食又好味既,  性價比高既滑燒雞, 會再黎試下其他雞套餐~ continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2023-08-05
經外賣app order咗個原隻烤雞二人餐 HK$135。900g嘅烤雞份量十足,未打開個袋果陣烤雞香味已經撲鼻而來,令人不禁食指大動。烤雞好有質素,外皮薄而脆,雞肉好嫩滑多汁,就算雞胸都唔會鞋。跟餐有四款dish, 蘑菇飯有蘑菇味,不過汁略嫌少,唔夠撈飯。焗薯好大舊,外皮有咬口。烤雜菜都唔錯,幾入味。個牛油粟米就比較淡味,無乜牛油味。 加HK$1.6 既紅菜頭西柚汁酸酸甜甜,好適合解膩。以平民價食到呢個質素嘅烤雞好有驚喜,值得再幫襯。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
超水準皮脆肉嫩烤春雞,主菜side dish樣樣都掂🤤!本波與肚波家人一個月已怒啪兩次🤘!・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・🛵經外賣app 九折優惠購買外賣~🐔原隻烤雞二人餐 HK$144 (原價HK$160)包括:烤雞900g、蘑菇飯x2、焗薯、烤雜菜、牛油粟米粒、飲品x2🐔烤雞好入味,雞皮重黑椒味。皮微脆少肥膏,雞肉juicy滴哂汁。仲跟咗盒黑椒醬,唔咸OK。🍄蘑菇飯creamy,食得出蘑菇味,唔係KFC死咸。略嫌份量偏少,迷你飯size,餸汁都唔夠。🥔焗薯好出色,一盒有5-6舊。黑椒薯皮有咬口,入面薯仔粉而不老。🥦有椰菜、本菇同蘿蔔片。用雞油嚟烤雜菜好出色,唔係烚菜有誠意!仲有孜然粉吊味~🌽粟米甜。食得出有牛油味但唔夠,似係放咗陣啲粟米吸哂牛油所以食唔出嘅輕牛油味咁~🥤+HK$1.8有低糖檸檬水,真係微甜唔酸喎,清清地好快啪哂成支~仲有烏龍茶同洛神花茶揀(都係0甜)!🍗百里香烤雞餐(半隻)450g HK$58.5 (原價HK$65)包括:烤雞450g、主食四選二(烤雜菜、焗薯、白飯、雞油飯)・味道:同上!好好食!(食過波妹個餐嘅雞油飯,見到個黃甘甘令立立嘅油香,食落真係好香雞油味!).口感:同上!皮脆肉嫩!・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・🤰性價比:高~🤰9衝度:9衝~🤰結論:無論係主菜同side dish每一樣都超水準好有誠意,仲要咁抵食,真係糧尾恩物! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
叫外賣小心,佢俾漏野你都會當你呃佢?買完外賣,到食嗰時先發現俾少咗野。打電話去,個店主喺電話面前問另一個店員,話:你係咪俾咗兩碗野佢架,我叫咗你放兩碗架啦!店員: 我俾咗喇!店主: 佢話佢俾咗喎小姐!但實際上,我係總共應該有3碗野,其中同款嘅就俾少咗一碗。之後終於我去返間鋪拎。去到之後,店員咁啱放飯,其中一個話: 嘩,即刻黎拎喇?🤣離晒大譜!態度好差,有懷疑嘅,我唔介意店主可以去check閉路電視!想同哩間店嘅店嘅HR講,可唔可以俾多啲training俾員工? continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2022-09-17
抵食燒雞!鑽石山新屋苑落成以後,有幾間屋苑餐廳進駐,我先第一次試Chicken Factory! 一食就愛上咗呢度嘅燒雞,成日會encore!原隻烤雞$58- 點完單店員會將隻雞再焗多一陣,務求有熱辣辣嘅烤雞食。烤雞俾香料醃到非常入味,唔使額外點黑椒汁都已經好好味。外皮香脆非常邪惡,裏面有好多肉汁,肉質通常都嫩滑,有時烤雞烤得啱啱好連雞胸都好爽好彈牙,不過都會有時鞋少少。- 另外加$12有烤雜菜或者焗薯,調味偏鹹。餐廳有套餐$50包半隻雞、兩份配料連飲品,一個人食都唔錯。兩個人食一隻烤雞加個雜菜都已經好飽好滿足,抵食! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)