Restaurant: | CHICKEN FACTORY (慈雲山中心) |
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To promote a new salt and sugar reduction (RSS) dietary culture and living style to the people of Hong Kong, the Environment and Ecology Bureau, the Committee on Reduction of Salt and Sugar in Food and the Centre for Food Safety of the Food and Environmental Hygiene Department have launched the "Less-Salt-and-Sugar Restaurants Scheme" ("Scheme"). Restaurants participated in the Scheme will offer less salt or sugar options to the consumer or even tailor-make less salt or sugar dishes in designated restaurants. Participating restaurants will be granted with the Scheme Labels for displaying in the premises for public identification. For details, please click here: https://www.eeb.gov.hk/food/en/committees/crss/restaurants.html
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
【Taste Of Asia Group】 $50 cash voucher
Chicken factory嘅餐都好抵食,有時會嗌隻雞當一個餸今次就叫咗個二人餐. 其實兩個人都食唔晒, 隻雞份量好足, 又夠juicy, 另外仲有黑椒汁跟. 仲跟個飯同埋焗薯, 雜菜, 粟米粒.
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中午時候嗌咗個牛肝菌烤雞餐,餐牌上明明寫住有半隻烤雞,翻到屋企打開得4分1隻。 係其他分店食過都係有足料半隻雞, 係咪得我咁唔好彩有呢個情況發生。希望員工可以改善下呢個情況。
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皇牌烤雞餐$50 呢個有半隻雞㗎醬汁有牛肝菌汁/咖喱汁/麻辣醬我就揀咗牛肝菌汁😋配菜有雞油飯/烤雜菜 / 焗薯(可以選擇兩樣)因為我食唔到咁多,所以我就揀咗烤雜菜同埋焗薯啦🤣佢… …仲包埋嘢飲㗎😱😱😱我就揀咗冷泡茶,唔使加錢㗎真係超級抵食呀👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻嚟到見到真係「嘩」一聲冇諗過$50會咁多嘢食個冷泡茶都唔細㗎,平時呢個size喺七仔買都要10幾蚊枝啦🫣佢隻雞烤得都好靚👍🏻識落普普通通啦,不過$50咁多嘢食,值得去食下嘅😋
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晚餐得$50 budget好,可以食到咩好西?Chicken Factory幫到你!百里香烤雞(半隻)配牛肝菌汁套餐—$48呢個餐包半隻燒雞、兩款專屬配菜、一支嘢飲因為我覺得淨食雞好似好油,加上本身好鍾意食菜,所以要咗兩份都係烤什菜本身見隻雞咁平都冇乜期望,點知一開不得了!色澤均勻,一切開啲肉汁就喺流出黎,超juicy一啲都唔乾身,好食過好多所謂嘅食炸雞專門店!配埋百里香香味,好好食,咁嘅價錢性價比上真係冇得輸!烤雜菜直頭喜出望外!啲菜加咗孜然粉落去焗,入口有好濃香口味,沖淡左本身雜菜比較掛嘅感覺。 所以食落去好惹味,直頭好似去咗食串燒咁!餐飲我揀咗冷泡茶,配埋烤雞啱啱好,可以幫手解濟。枝茶又大大支,一啲都唔孤寒!呢個餐真係好適合糧尾嗰陣食,一定食得飽又食得好
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