6-min walk from Exit A3, Wan Chai MTR Station continue reading
Opening Hours
08:00 - 21:00
Mon - Tue
08:00 - 18:00
Wed - Sun
08:00 - 21:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master Cash UnionPay Apple Pay Google Pay
Number of Seats
Other Info
Alcoholic Drinks
May Bring Your Own Wine
10% Service Charge
Outdoor Seating
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (51)
Level2 2024-01-30
嚟到這間餐廳,首先試咗個Steak & Onion on Sourdough。話唔定幾,三文治表面烤到脆卜卜🍞,咬落去啲聲音都咁誘人。啲牛肉吖嗱,夠哂味,同啲洋蔥軟熟得嚟有啲甜味,包住咗喺裏頭那股咸香,配埋自家製嘅BBQ醬,滿嘴生津噢!再試吓個Chicken Mayo on Sourdough,雞肉嘅鮮味啱晒我口味,啲炒洋蔥伴得啱啱好,一啖再一啖嘅,欲罷不能呀。配上無酒精嘅Limonata飲品,透心涼,夠晒解膩!店度仲有其他吸引眼球嘅食品,例如南非傳統風乾肉Biltong,不過我留待下次再試喇。舒適嘅環境加上友善嘅服務,整個體驗都嘆為觀止! 心思思想下一次可以一邊品嘗,一邊喺這個有趣嘅街角放鬆咁happy hour!要數今次食評嘅亮點,非sourdough莫屬,隨時會再訪!👌🏽🥂😊 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
之前因公事不時來往灣仔,一直都覺得這個地區非常有趣:有繁華現代感重的商業區也有懷舊傳統的小社區,美食的種類更加是豐儉由人,在這個巴路士街與交加里的轉角交匯處,就遇上一間有趣獨特的小店Any Bowl with Coffee or Soft Drink $130雖說這店的signature是烤肉卷,不過光顧這天的天氣有點熱想來吃點開胃的,選來這店同樣受歡迎的「健康碗」(Bowl),套餐價任何一款bowl配飲料要百多塊錢,在這區加上店家的定位賣這個價錢也覺得合理~ 由於之前曾在這裡買過Açaí Bowl 外帶給朋友吃,這次來到也要來一份來嚐一下味道!這裡的Açaí Bowl 是將巴西莓混合冰凍的藍莓、香蕉等水果製成介乎於smoothies跟雪糕之間質感的果茸,再鋪上藍莓、士多啤梨、香蕉、穀物製品跟亞麻籽作點綴,最後擠上少許蜜糖漿,顏色豐富又吸引,是令人食指大動的賣相!巴西莓(açai )是一種含有大量抗氧化物、纖維和氨基酸的水果,有促進消化、皮膚健康和加強人體免疫系統等功效,營養價值是很高~ 加上其他食材也是高纖飽肚又有營養,這樣的健康餐吃一次半次也沒問題啦!吃一口即感受到冰涼感,由於用上大量莓果,配生果吃酸甜清爽,在炎熱吃這個真的很適合!但要留意一下份量真的很多,怕吃不完的建議跟朋友來多點其他食物再一同分享會比較好!飲品方面就選了一杯熱latte,店家採用了nutty口味的咖啡豆製成,比例很不錯牛奶跟咖啡的味道有取得平衡,不過想要拉花的話很抱歉,這裡沒有提供啊~店家其實是由南非籍老闆主理,以售賣具有南非特色的輕食外帶為主的小店,場內也設有非常少量的座位,坐著邊看外邊風景邊等待美食讓腦袋放空一下其實蠻chill的~ 來到這店還有另一樣極為吸引的就是那個風乾肉類專用食物櫃,裡頭掛著不同size不同風乾程度,來自南非醃製的生肉乾(Biltong),真心推薦要來買,可以當牛肉乾吃也可以先烤一下再吃,前者口感扎實要多𡁻幾下油香肉香同樣出眾,烘熱以後的美妙口感實在難以想像,而且價錢不昂貴又美味!想試一下就要親身認證了 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2022-12-14
Chief's Blend is a place I often wondered about. It  appeared to serve South African cured meats. Something that intrigued me as I had never had that  before. So, after a night shift, I decided to go there for a bite.It's not very big with a small bench window area for dine in. Otherwise, it's mostly take away. Menu is in English only and there is no 10% service charge. They serve various sandwiches, burgers along with drinks.I ordered a Latte ($35 for a small). The latte was ok. Fairly strong with not too much milk.But this was what I was most interested in. The Breakfast Boerie and Egg on Sourdough Toastie ($85). The boerewor, a South African sausage had a slight gamey taste with a wonderful blend of spices. I wish there was more of it. It was smeared with a fresh tasting pesto, melted cheddar, sundried tomato, arugula. All sandwiched between a wonderfully toasted sourdough bread. Everything  held together and wasn't too messy. The flavours all complimented each other. This was  fantastic sandwich.The service was extremely friendly. Checking in on you, making you definitely feel welcome. Food is excellent so I'll be back to try something else. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2022-09-06
🥪 Chicken Mayo on Sourdough ($98)Sourdough焗到好香脆👍🏻入面有雞肉、炒洋蔥同埋好香既芥辣味。雞肉烤完仲好juicy香口,醬汁份量啱啱好,食完都唔會覺得好乾。🫔 BBQ Wrap + Salt & Vinegar Fries ($108)Wrap烤到外面有少少脆口🥰燒烤醬配雞肉又係勁juicy嫰滑,醬汁好惹味。加埋蔬菜,食晒成個都唔覺得好油膩😋🍹 Superhero ($60)Strawberry + Banana + Apple juice主要士多啤梨🍓味較重,因為係新鮮榨既關係,所以唔會覺得有好假既藥水味😛🍹 Peanut Butter Blast ($65)本身以為會係好濃郁既花生醬smoothie,但有少少失望既係唔夠凍😂而且有好多花生粒,所以有少少難吞同埋飲完好飽肚😂 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2022-08-25
係灣仔轉角遇到好西☺️由外國人主理, 座位唔多, 專做外賣但環境夠悠閒~ 可以坐係度chill住望住街邊既人與車😌🏵Steak & Onion on sourdough ($128)牛肉同洋蔥炒得好香😚 麵包又烤得超級香脆😍😍 每一啖都勁脆卜卜, 夾埋一齊食簡單係perfect match🤩略嫌牛肉熟得濟, 有dd硬, 不過sauce同脆麵包搭救😉🏵Peri Peri Wrap ($98)烤卷煙韌, 有d似墨西哥卷🌯 Peri Peri醬好開胃, 酸酸甜甜帶點辣, 係有後勁既辣🌶 包住豐富既蔬菜同雞肉, 口感豐盈, 非常滋味🥰不過食唔到辣既朋友就可能要揀BBQ醬啦😅 因為真係幾辣😝🏵Long Black ($32) / Latte ($42)咖啡偏nutty, 歎住咖啡望住街外既人來車往, 好寫意☕️Lunch算係中價, 不過味道真係唔錯😋環境夠chill, 仲有個鬼佬老闆同你吹水🤪可以令你暫時忘記工作上既煩擾, 值得推薦👍🏻評分: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)