Opening Hours
*Mon-Thu Last Order: 21:00 Fri-Sun Last Order: 21:15
Mon - Thu
12:00 - 22:00
Fri - Sun
11:30 - 22:00
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Review (130)
Level4 2024-08-16
As we felt thirsty after the Korean dinner, we went to this resto in search of a drink..I ordered Tieguanyin Milk Tea. The tea base of the milk tea exuded a fragrant aroma, and the drink was smooth, although the taste was not particularly remarkable. My colleagues ordered Wheat Germ Milk Tea, Pearl Tieguanyin Milk Tea and Pearl Jasmine Milk Tea for themselves. They praised the chewy pearls in their drinks a lot. .Personally I found the milk tea to be a bit pricey. We needed to scan the qr code to order, and one was required to pay the service fee. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2024-03-26
来店里点单的时候因为开了一盒外面买的蛋挞,被服务员黑着脸骂,不太了解这边风俗是不允许食物外带入店的,但是不行可以好好讲而不是黑着脸骂,毕竟也是正常来店里消费的,入座也没有几分钟,觉得服务员态度太差就起身走了,也没说什么话,结果那个女服务员在那里鼓掌嘲讽……戏太多了哈这位朋友ps看评论说这个品牌吹自己是台湾珍珠奶茶的起源,只能说听听就好,我在台湾以前待过大半年,看到过说自己是珍珠奶茶起源的店铺不下十家,今天特意问了问台湾小伙伴,果然没人听说这家是什么珍珠奶茶的起源哈哈 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2024-03-03
同小朋友一齊諗唔到食咩,就嚟返呢度。同埋都有少少為咗佢嘅飲品再嚟。今次叫定食,好鍾意食佢個豬手,好入味好淋。但有少少建議就係唔好所有菜都落勁多胡椒粉,咁樣味道麻麻外,小朋友又食唔到… continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2024-01-24
講真,昨日我係呢間餐廳試咗款款好似山珍海味咁嘅麻辣牛肉麵🍲,講起嚟簡直係口水直流!麵條爽滑得嚟,啖啖肉咬落去真係腍滑多汁,牛展肉片嗌到太過癮!再點嘅肉鬆滷肉飯,個肉鬆香噴噴,肉醬味道夠曬層次,好夾飯得滯,湯底帶咗啲麻麻辣辣,後勁十足!飲品嘅話,珍珠奶茶🧋就真係一試難忘,奶味同茶味搭得好,珍珠Q彈,我飲咗兩杯都仲想再嚟一杯呢!整體黎講,味同質素都堅過癮,真係夠晒香港b嘅食堂標準!跟住我朋友嘅建議,下次打算再重游,試下其他料理。哩家店啱啱好,正宗風味,珍珠奶茶仲要正中下懷!👍🏻 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
朋友舉手叫waiter,舉咗手成分幾鐘,咁啱兩個長卷髮嘅男waiter就喺我哋張枱附近,冇遮冇擋,望住我哋嗰個方向,都冇人行過嚟我以為waiter見唔到,又接住舉手,又fing又搖,又係同兩個waiter對晒眼,都可以扮見唔到繼續傾偈完全冇人理我哋😮‍💨舖頭多人都話,明明同一時間係冇人舉手/叫waiter,都可以俾人當空氣,零服務其實反而辛苦咗舖頭另一位女waiter,又要送餐又要睇住其他客人 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)