2-min walk from Exit K, Central MTR Station continue reading
Cipriani Hong Kong is a member's only private restaurant that offers guests authentic Italian food, drinks and great service. This restaurant is suitable for an intimate wedding reception, corporate gatherings or anniversary parties. continue reading
Opening Hours
09:00 - 22:00
Mon - Sat
09:00 - 22:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master Cash AE
Number of Seats
Other Info
Alcoholic Drinks
May Bring Your Own Wine Details
Phone Reservation
10% Service Charge
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (20)
呢間餐廳嘅氣氛係我喺香港最鍾意嘅。佢非常簡單但又經典,營造咗一個讓我可以輕鬆坐幾個鐘嘅空間。梳化絕對舒適,增添咗整體嘅邀請感。今日,我揀咗早餐。水果碗非常清新,雖然我唔可以多講啲,只可以講佢新鮮且份量充足——絕對係「好到過多」嘅情況。Pastry籃令人愉悅,裏面嘅所有食物都新鮮又溫暖。可頌非常出色;如果你識得乜係好可頌,你就會明白點解呢個唔需要多解釋。果醬係Cipriani品牌嘅,單從顏色就可以睇得出佢哋係高品質嘅,因為顏色都好暗淡。呢次我揀咗炒蛋,上次我食嘅係omelet。我而家完全明白點解佢哋嘅蛋要收咁高嘅價錢——佢哋真係知道點樣煮蛋至完美。至於薯仔,我要承認我唔係薯仔嘅粉絲,所以對呢個就唔做評論啦。而家,我哋嚟講講Bacon——哦,Bacon!我真係好鍾意佢。佢外脆內嫩,唔油膩又唔硬,簡直完美。愛,愛,愛!總的來講,我喺呢度嘅早餐體驗非常愉快。舒適嘅氣氛、高品質嘅食材同精心製作嘅菜餚令呢間餐廳成為必訪之地。我迫不及待想再返嚟探索更多佢哋嘅菜單! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2023-11-05
呢間餐廳屹立多年水準一路都保持到真係食物好,服務好裝修環境都冇乜變過同以前一樣唯獨是係泊車如果唔想被抄牌可能要拍對面長江中心因為泊樓下抄牌嘅機率係非常之高食物方面:佢用嘅食材非常之好本人會推介生牛肉他他個肉質一流傳統製作唔花巧味道調校得啱啱好另外佢哋啲牛扒都好出色塊牛扒除咗有質素仲有加埋廚師嘅烹調嘅功力食到佢嘅功價除咗牛扒之外佢哋有陣時有啲特色嘢例如魚嗰啲都整得幾好最後提一提大家如果朋友仔嚟呢度記住要叫佢哋自家製嘅雪糕雖然好多人可能會覺得甜如果趁凍食係啱啱好一個普通size成班人分享👍好好食 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2022-08-10
今次試咗佢哋嘅午餐,非常滿意,當日叫左Avacado and Cherry Tomato salad, 酸酸地既dressing, 勁開胃。Avacado 同 Cherry Tomato 當然好fresh 啦。之後主菜 叫左牛扒加 什菜risotto , 牛肉 好嫩 middle rare 十分 tender! 什菜 risotto 都幾好味,比起一般其他好creamy 既 risotto, 加左不同類型既菜 , 多左一份清新感覺!最後,亦係我最鍾意嘅部份 - 甜品 栗子蛋糕! 佢嘅栗子充滿酒香!蛋糕十分濕潤,homemade cream 入口即熔! 絕對會為左呢個蛋糕而返去Cipriani! ❤️😁💕💕 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2021-11-19
📍CiprianiA membership clubhouse that offers great Italian food. Their baked tagliolini is my favorite. It’s so cheesy that it’s still good even when it goes cold. This pasta trio plate may not look good but they are sure yummy. Their gelato is so smooth and the nuts on the side add the perfect crunch. Way better than the ones at Buenos Aires Polo Club.Recommendations:• Baked Tagliolini• House made GelatoPrice: HK$400-500 pp (lunch) Revisit: 8/10 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2021-08-20
Cipriani serves simple classic Italian dishes. Everything is good and I make it a point to pick something different each time I go. Never disappointed with the food. It’s also fun trying to learn all the dishes’ names in Italian on the menu. Services are good and staff are friendly, they certainly makes a point to know you. Lunch crowd is usually the business type and the rich tai tai type. Saturday is more family oriented. I’ve been to the Cipriani at the New York Central Park which carries the same vibe and deliciousness. Cipriani was also featured in the movie The Thomas Crown Affair in 1999. It is a private club but joining fee and annual fee is reasonable compare to other dinning clubs or memberships. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)