4-min walk from Exit A, Central MTR Station; 5-min walk from Hong Kong MTR Station
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This elegant style restaurant was located in Lyndhurst Terrace at the beginning. It is helmed by a chef who was trained at Le Cordon Bleu. It has a high floor and outdoor seating. The signature slow-cooked dishes with homemade sauces are excellent.
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Opening Hours
11:30 - 22:00
Mon - Sat
11:30 - 22:00
Public Holiday
11:30 - 22:00
Public Holiday Eve
11:30 - 22:00
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
About Reward Scheme
🧧🧧農曆年食西餐做公司開年飯🧧🧧🎄⛄️餐廳佈置仍然好聖誕🧸🎁不竟西方係無農曆新年網上訂桌送🍰甜品🧁餐廳細細間吾訂位 walkin 基本上都無位入座時都吾爆大約1點左右已經滿座🫣🫣由於餐廳以慢煮最為出名點都應該試試佢的慢煮食物Order 6 個 set lunchStarter5 碗 soup of the day1 個 Chef’s SaladMain🌟3 個 Sea Bass with Italian XO Sauce Mix Green🐟海鱸魚🐟配意大利XO醬🌟1 份 Sous Vide Chicken Breast Linquine with Rendang Sauce低溫慢煮🐔雞胸巴東汁扁意麵🌟2 份Slow Cooked Spanish Pork Loin低溫慢煮西班牙豬扒🐷🐷睇相好似好大份甘實際佢係得大掌心甘大望落好似會吾夠飽食完係剛剛好平衡到做得好好🌟南瓜忌廉湯南瓜味道濃郁甜甜地,質地濃稠,入口綿綿Dessert🌟3 Mango Mille Feuille芒果拿破侖同事高度讚賞🌟1 Fresh Fruit Cheese Tart鮮果芝士撻吾係好鍾意甜Cheese 🌟1 Chocolate Brownie巧克力佈朗尼同事話好硬Drink1 Hot lemon tea2 Cappuccino1 American coffee 1 black coffee1 latte
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適逢慶祝,又唔想花太多錢,今次真係搵到寶!半價優惠,點可以唔試。裝修充滿異國風情, 座位分室外同室內,一進入餐廳就有旅行的感覺。配合異國情懷的就餐環境,食飯賣相非常吸睛!最適合二人同渡一個愜意的晚餐。🌟前菜︰#巴馬火腿蜜瓜沙律#燒美國安格斯牛肉泰式青木瓜沙律清新的蜜瓜搭配鹹香的巴馬火腿,巴馬火腿高質好香,值得encore。另一款沙律,牛肉嫩滑又多,配上脆口的青木瓜,酸甜的泰式醬汁,十分開胃。🌟#蘑菇湯+餐包湯濃郁滑順,湯中刻意保留蘑菇碎,口感不錯。搭配剛出爐的餐包,香軟可口,有點似酸種麵包,配黑醋食好正,暖心又滿足。🌟#低溫慢煮雞胸冬陰功醬扁意麵創新好味!平時都食過泰式西餐,但今次呢款真係好正,兩者味道把握的和諧,雞肉鮮嫩,意麵吸收了冬陰功的香氣,超好食,原來係前五星期藍帶主廚打理,怪不得味道上勝。🌟#紅館姜母鴨必試!鴨腿肉質結實而唔柴,入口散發鴨獨特的鹹香,配甜果醬風味更香甜,仲有香滑薯蓉及配菜,好特別的滋味。🌟#摩洛哥羊肉非常經典的美食!营养丰富,味道鲜美,完全唔會羊羶味,軟腍香甜,入口軟綿肉質鮮,好食。🌟#芒果拿破崙+鮮果芝士撻兩款味道都很不錯,拿破崙入口鬆脆,新鮮芒果片,好香甜,而芝士撻流心,甜而不膩,好正。🌟#Cappuccino + black coffee濃郁不酸澀,淡淡的鮮奶香,入口豐盈,而Black coffee甘苦解膩,有炭香的咖啡豆味。餐廳服務細心高質,仲有提供各款特色Cocktail、茶飲,更有精美甜品,好岩拍拖及聚餐,值得一試。
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今次黎到中環食dinner,上網見到佢地dinner set做緊半價,即刻book枱過黎試下,原本要$1398,宜家只係$699/2 ppl😱昆布鯛魚沙律配檸檬醬:呢個感覺好fresh,鯛魚好鮮甜,配埋檸檬醬,好開胃!澳洲M8和牛他他:牛肉味好濃,仲可以夾住麵包一齊食!磨菇湯:佢地個濃超濃,仲飲到碎左既磨菇粒,真材實料😝藍青口扁意粉:呢個意粉有好香既白酒同芝士味,配埋勁多青口好正!紅館姜母鴨:鴨脾外皮燒得好香脆,肉質結實,每一啖都食到紅糖味😆三黃雞釀野菌卷:呢個菜式好特別,佢係用雞肉釀野菌,食到雞皮雞肉外,仲食到好多野菌,好有層次感👅士多啤梨拿破侖:一層一層既拿破侖,仲有勁多士多啤梨🍓鮮果芝士撻:呢個撻幾鬆脆,上面仲有藍苺🤤
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$699 SIX-course dinner for TWO in central ??? HAPPY HOUR $48 for a glass of WINE??????♙ set for 2 $699𖦹 dashi snapper & radish salad w lemon dressing𖦹 aus m8 wagyu beef tartare +$28𖦹 wild mushroom soup𖦹 blue mussels linguine w white wine, butter & fresh herbs homemade lobster fettuccine +$168𖦹 rare ginger duck leg𖦹 yellow chicken ballotine𖦹 strawberry mille feuille & fresh fruit cheese tart𖦹 chamomile tea & cold lemon tea♙ happy hour house white $48started w the bread which was rly fluffy & soft, we would be happier if its warm ahhaha. the beef tartare was finely diced w a tangy, rather sour sauce - refreshing!! the mushroom soup was rich & creamy. for pasta we had the mussels linguine - the mussels were big & fresh tho the linguine was rather bland while the lobster fettuccine had nice chewy textures. moving on to the mains, the ginger duck leg was divine !!!! its juicy & crispy at the same time carrying the aromas of ginger & herbs. the yellow chicken ballotine was pretty good, chicken stuffed w a generous amt of mushroom & cheese - yet i thk the portion was rather small as there was only one ballotine !!!
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What the tea set includes:🤍 Cocktail Shrimp 鮮蝦雞尾酒青瓜杯🤍 Thai Spices Pork Tardlet 泰式豬肉碎撻🤍 AUS M8 Wagyu Beef Tartare 澳洲M8和牛他他🤍 Teriyaki Chicken Sandwich日式照燒雞三文治🤍 Parma Ham Emmental Cheese 巴馬火腿配艾曼塔芝士🤍 Stuffed Champignon Mushroom with Iberian Chorizo &: Emmental Cheese西班牙黑毛豬辣肉腸埃曼塔芝士釀白蘑菇🤍 Cheese Fruit Tartlet 鮮果芝士撻🤍 Mille Feuille 拿破崙🤍 Chocolate Cake 朱古力蛋糕🤍 Macaron 馬卡龍my favourites of the tea set were the beef tartare, mushroom with chorizo & cheese, and the cheese cake. overall the standard of most of the food is pretty nice, quantity is food is not a lot (bc the bites r rly small, don’t substitute lunch with this haha) but it’s a suitable amt for afternoon tea! price is also quite good as it’s quite rare to come across high tea at the 100+ price range in hk
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