7-min walk from Exit E1, Sheung Wan MTR Station continue reading
Opening Hours
Mon - Tue
13:00 - 18:00
Thu - Sun
13:00 - 21:00
Payment Methods
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (88)
Level4 2014-09-10
某日經過冇野做, 朋友推介一齊上去HEA< 我好少飲咖啡, 只係跟風上去, 不過月意想不到既驚喜裏面裝修好別出心裁, 好似一個家庭式既CAFE 甘, 令你感覺上可以好優閒甘休息。叫左一杯LATTE拉花好靚,睇得出 整咖啡既人好有心機, 味道聞落去好香好有咖啡味, 同平時超市既咖啡粉冇得比飲落味道比較濕潤, 比想像中甜, 奶味都比較濃, 係我鍾意嗰類會再黎試 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2014-09-01
When we got there, we were so sweated coz of the very hot weather and it started to rain outside and unfortunately, all the seats were occupied. The shopkeeper lady said, "Don't worry, you can take some rest before you leave, it's so hot today."Surely, we stayed to wait for like 10 mins at two bar table chairs. The lady recommended salted caramel syrup of the iced latte which turned out to be a bit sweety. The coffee was "homely" made and it was could really lead you a relaxed afternoon. It was definitely a good place to get rid of the busy city.One suggestion is that the coffee shop should play some soft music instead of Radio903. Will go again! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2014-03-25
在這座步伐急速的城市,時間總像是抓不住。每天都總是要被迫著走、迫著跑,咖啡時光都只能是用來充充電,喝罷又回到生活的急流中。誰又有空閒細味當中的細節?Coffee Assembly對咖啡一絲不苟的態度,教你如何放鬆欣賞。Coffee Assembly是銅鑼灣Cafe Corridor的姊妹店。與Corridor的喧鬧繁忙不同,Coffee Assembly寧靜緩慢的節奏更適合談天、工作、休息(放空!),貫徹其中文名「咖啡會館」的意義。小店位於中環伊利近街的一個小閣樓,簡約裝修,沙發茶几,有像家的親切感覺。店中唯一的店員在吧枱後忙碌著。點了兩杯Latte,然後談東論西靜靜等候,等了好一會店員才端上咖啡,口中連連道歉,因為今天人客較多所以沖調需時。由咖啡上美麗的拉花,你會發現雖然店務繁忙,可店員卻是一絲不苟的做好每杯咖啡,慢工出細貨;這令我更能細嚐咖啡的奶泡、奶及咖啡的每個細節。Coffee Assembly除了咖啡好喝,也給予了一個安靜舒適的空間人客重新注意及細味生活。Couple們可以來好好享受下午喔! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2014-03-24
星期六的一個下午, 中環下著毛毛細, 陰天, 氣溫有點冷。 我獨過兒尋找這間評價不錯的咖啡店。 在蘇豪區不斷穿梭, 終於找到了她。一踏進咖啡會館便感到異常溫暖, 老闆娘非常親切地叫我隨便坐下, 眼看位置不多, 整店約有15個座位都差不多坐得滿滿,那我只好坐在高林櫈近bar檯位置。 不久後,我便買了一杯flat white 及一件banana muffin。 原本來到還以為有其他輕食, 後來翻看食評才知道她們已沒有提供了。 由於店內只有老闆娘一人, 所以食物和飲料的速度較慢,加上banana muffin 是即叫即整, 若大家趕時間便不要到這裡了! 雖然等候了多時,但當你看見那杯漂亮的拉花咖啡和那令人會心微笑的muffin, 便將所有心急的狀況一概而消! Diz 並不是一個咖啡愛好者, 所以很難去品評咖啡的味道。 不過那孔雀造型的拉花真的令我很驚喜。香蕉鬆餅非常迎合我的口味,熱哄哄,不太甜,外脆內自鬆軟,還有哈哈笑圖案,令人感到幸福溫暖。最值得一讚是老闆娘親切誠懇的態度,使我日後必定再來這小店享受悠閒! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2014-01-16
Coffee Assembly is a small, but cosy space on the first floor of a building on Elgin Street.  The cafe is a one-lady operation and the barista does everything herself.  The result was a very respectable latte with some of the finest artistic pour work I have seen done.  The coffee was smooth and strong.  The only problem was the wait.  Each cup is made individually, so it takes a really long time to get it.  There were two of us, so one cup came about ten minutes before the other.  The wait, although long, was worth it.If you have a while to linger, this is a good place in Central to get a good and reasonably priced (30 dollars) cup of coffee.  Don't visit if you are in a hurry. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)