3-min walk from Exit B, Whampoa MTR Station
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Opening Hours
Mon - Sun
12:00 - 23:00
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
With the new MTR opening, boyfriend and I decided to explore the Hung Hom area for foodie treats. One such place was Color Cha Cha. It's located just across the street from Whampoa Garden. Close the the MTR exit.A small take away only shop that sells your usual bubble tea and other drinks. They also sell bottles of juice that are colorfully layered. They use no artificial colors so what you see is natural juice color. Each bottle of juice is around $27. Menu is in English and Chinese.This is what i ended up getting. A mango, guava and red pitaya. One bottle was about 500 mL. You are supposed to shake it before drinking to mix the flavors and yes, the colors. Tastewise, it was pretty good as juice usually is. The mango covered everything so I couldn't taste any guava or red pitaya. There didn't seem to have any seeds that I would have expected to come from the pitaya.Fairly ok and a healthier choice than the other drinks along the same street. The bottle was pretty good quality and can be reused again.
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看著店面色彩繽紛既display,還有店員姐姐的親切笑容,就這樣中伏了😰。 我點了少糖,伯爵紅茶,抹茶奶泡... 完全無甜,伯爵茶是苦的,像普利茶,抹茶奶泡零味道。
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見到open rice個個讚, 就儘管黎試一試,點知大大個伏!!!首先,去到點左杯紫薯珍珠奶綠,居然綠茶未ready, 響無人排隊既情況下,足足要我熱鬼辣辣爆汗等左十幾分鐘~一間賣飲品為主既舖出現咁既情況真係好扣分,前提仲要無乜客。好啦,如果係好飲,要我等都無乜所謂。點知我飲到我人生飲過最難飲既珍珠奶綠。杯野完全係水溝奶咁既味,完全無奶味,無茶味,連甜味都無!D手作珍珠就更加係極品,完全一丁點咬口都無,勁粉,一咬就爛!紫薯味珍珠既紫薯味係零!一杯咁既野收我22蚊~ 飲左兩啖我同我男友都完全頂唔順,送杯野入垃圾桶。以後永遠black list!
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新上市的沙冰用上十字鮮奶, 本應十分期待,但結果只有“失望 及 永不光顧”。今天特意來點了一杯$28的枺茶沙冰, 滿心期待, 但服務員反應及生手情況實在“令人不安”。⑴下order時, 服務員反問另一服務員有這産品嗎?⑵製作過程可以用上“慌亂”來形容該情景, 服務員急忙在手機上看ingredient, 份量根本倒不出一杯沙冰, 還見他們發現份量不足, 想再加一大匙冰塊, 但牛奶及抹茶分量不變, 那麼味道還足夠嗎? 這㸃有待商確, 但已開始更令我不安了, 所以立即叫停他們要求退款。(當時光顧時段約為4pm, 我是他們唯一的客人。)⑶製冰塊機的機門是一直没關上的。(我明白香港没有把冰塊列入食品衞生管制範圍, 但你也不用那麼坦白的、開放的、告訴我你的衞生情況是這樣令我擔心吧!)以上的種種的不安因素, 加上最后我要求客服退費的不良回應, 我深深領悟到這分店的生意不好的原因, 雖然有良的品質, 但没有專業及用心的客服。*** 順便提一下, 這分店价格水牌未加上沙冰及价格,連冰沙牌宣傳拉架上也没有標上單價。
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這間新開幕的Color ChaCha,有次雜誌報導後竟然看見大排長龍,難得某天下班後經過沒人,立刻點了個鐵觀音雪糕(小:$14)。這𥚃提供鐵觀音及紅茶兩款軟雪糕,奶茶味的反而在別的地方也試過。平時我也喜歡喝鐵觀音,雪糕有很香的茶味,但又不會大濃或有澀味。小size的大約像雪糕車那樣,還有大size的$20。我在電台節目有聽過甜品其實只會在最初的幾口刺激味蕾,之後的便來得一樣。的確,第一口吃下去嚐到的茶味,慢慢的在之後幾口不見了。所以如果一個人吃,應該點小size已經足夠。
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