Restaurant: | Connie's Delicious Sandwiches |
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To encourage eatery outlets to reduce food waste at source together with customers through offering portioned meals and adopting food waste reduction measures, the Environmental Protection Department has launched the “Food Wise Eateries” Scheme. Participants will be awarded with a Food Wise Eateries (FWE) accreditation status if they comply with the assessment criteria and will be granted with the FWE Logo and Stickers for displaying in the premises and their promotion for public identification. Applications are accepted all year round and are FREE of charge.
For details, please click here, https://www.wastereduction.gov.hk/zh-hk/waste-reduction-programme/food-wise-hong-kong-campaign
3-min walk from Exit A1, Wan Chai MTR Station
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A cheap, quick and good bite, Comie’s delicious sandwiches features all types of cuisines, serving hot dogs, burgers, pork cutlets and more.
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Opening Hours
07:00 - 14:30
Mon - Fri
07:00 - 18:00
07:00 - 14:30
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Signature Dishes
久不久就會幫襯這間老店,香港區的港式小食店真係買少見少。坦白講,之前幫襯覺得食品有啲參差,有啲唔錯,有啲又真係唔得,尤其奶茶咖啡係要改善,價錢便宜就係事實。 今日幫襯買個外賣, 真係有啲眼前一亮, 不用40元一個的雜扒意粉配咖哩汁,擺盤整齊,食物豐富, 咖哩汁香而不辣仲有薯仔粒, 係用心製作。 各樣味道合格, 性價比當然係超高。 之前疫情嚴峻, 真係擔心呢間小店不能支撐下去, 希望附近打工仔同街坊會多啲幫襯,保育一下呢間灣仔老店
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今次想食下午茶,見到間舖唔係咁多人, 就再次入去食,今次選擇叉燒湯米,大碗 !足足有別店的一倍份量,以前食過炸雞髀,好傳統 。白汁蛋三文治,調教味道啱啱好,沙律同其他店舖味道不一樣,好食。😊
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最近要過灣仔做嘢,就經過試食呢度嘅早餐。佢哋嘅熱狗,係寫到明即叫即製,一食落去,簡直一試難忘!係外脆內軟!熱狗裏面,就係熱騰騰嘅香腸,配埋非常之惹味,帶小小酸味嘅黃醬,非常之醒神好食!由於本身冇乜預期,所以冇影相。第二日,我食咗佢哋嘅豬柳漢堡早餐,好肯定好食過麥當勞。塊豬柳好嫩口軟身,唔似麥當勞果d豬柳咁鞋口嘅。之後一日食佢哋嘅吉列石斑,一樣畀到我驚喜!因為又係即叫即炸,所以入口非常之鬆化!魚柳質地好嫩口,係煮到啱啱好果種,好鮮甜,外層又脆口,而且好大塊,非常之有誠意!下午,終於搞掂曬所有嘢,又嚟呢度食午餐。食佢哋嘅吉列豬扒。原本係配薯條,但係可以轉鮮果沙律。所以我就轉咗,因為我覺得好似抵啲又健康。 你睇睇,塊豬扒有兩層,併起黎一樣好大塊,好有誠意!鮮果沙律份量都好足!而且冇加漿,畀你自己加,非常之貼心, 因為我好怕漿超多嘅沙律。常餐係包埋杯嘢飲同埋我嘅至愛熱狗。唯一要彈嘅,係佢哋嘅咖啡同奶茶,都唔係好掂,好澀口,我唔係好喜歡 。呢度嘅員工都好親切,令到人一早嚟食早餐,會覺得好舒服,所以,有機會我會再嚟!
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Haven't been here for ages and I have forgotten how friendly this cafe is.Had the fish burger which was really moist and the fish was big and chunky.The best thing was the sauce, it was real mayonnaise, an improvement since the last visit.Also had the rice and the egg was nicely done with a lovely fragrant egg taste.The curry sauce which was later ordered was rather watery.Will try the hotdog on my next visit.
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