Restaurant: Crepe Delicious (Urban Cafe) (南豐大廈)
Offer: Dine and earn miles at this Cathay partner restaurant !
Dine at partner restaurants and earn up to HKD4 = 2 miles as a Cathay member. T&C apply.
Terms & Details:
  • Asia Miles can be earned on eligible transactions of up to HKD10,000.
  • Cathay members can earn HKD 4 = 1 mile when dining at Cathay partner restaurants. Standard Chartered Cathay Mastercard® holders can earn an additional HKD 4 = 1 dining rewards when they pay with their card, for a total of HKD 4 = 2 miles.
  • Asia Miles earned are based on the total amount spent including service charges, taxes and tips.
  • Asia Miles may not be earned on certain promotional menus. Please check with individual partner restaurants prior to dining.
  • Asia Miles will be credited to members’ accounts 7 working days after each eligible dining transaction.
Other Cathay Terms & Conditions apply.
2-min walk from Exit E3, Sheung Wan MTR Station continue reading
All Branches (3)
This brand comes from Canada. It uses pancake powder imported from Canada to serve signature crêpes in salty and sweet flavorus. Besides, homemade artisan gelato and Western-style dishes are also provided, which is a nice place to enjoy meals and tea time. continue reading
Opening Hours
11:00 - 21:30
Mon - Fri
08:00 - 21:30
Sat - Sun
11:00 - 21:30
Public Holiday
11:00 - 21:30
Payment Methods
Visa Master AlipayHK Alipay Cash Octopus UnionPay Apple Pay BoC Pay WeChat Pay OpenRice Pay UnionpayQR
Other Info
Online Reservation
Reward Dining Points
Spot payment
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
About Reward Scheme
Restaurant: Crepe Delicious (Urban Cafe) (南豐大廈)
Offer: Dine at partner restaurants and earn up to HKD4 = 2 miles as a Cathay member. T&C apply.
Terms & Details:
  • Asia Miles can be earned on eligible transactions of up to HKD10,000.
  • Cathay members can earn HKD 4 = 1 mile when dining at Cathay partner restaurants. Standard Chartered Cathay Mastercard® holders can earn an additional HKD 4 = 1 dining rewards when they pay with their card, for a total of HKD 4 = 2 miles.
  • Asia Miles earned are based on the total amount spent including service charges, taxes and tips.
  • Asia Miles may not be earned on certain promotional menus. Please check with individual partner restaurants prior to dining.
  • Asia Miles will be credited to members’ accounts 7 working days after each eligible dining transaction.
Other Cathay Terms & Conditions apply.
Review (53)
Level4 2024-08-24
要做到一家餐廳人人滿意、零負評並非易事,位於上環的Crepe Delicious似乎做到了這一點。今日黎到Crepe Delicious,店內樓底高,加上落地大窗,配以優雅既裝修格局,整個用餐環境非常舒適。而且服務親切周到,贏得零負評的良好口碑,可謂實至名歸。為左留出胃口品嚐甜品,我們只選1個龍蝦意粉作為主菜。意料份量十足,濃郁的龍蝦汁包住每條意粉,味道非常好。我地當然唔會錯過呢度既招牌菜 - 法式傳統製法的可麗餅。餅皮薄而有彈性,餡料豐富多款,咸甜都有。今次我們選擇了甜味的烤棉花糖可麗餅,即點即製,果然好味。Crepe Delicious現正推出優惠,只需單點一份食物,即可以$38升級套餐,包括一份餐湯同一杯熱/凍飲,或以半價升級至特色飲品。飲品選擇同樣豐富多款,有朋友最愛的曲奇雲尼拿,飲落會有OREA餅乾碎粒,有點咬口;清新的芒果特飲色澤鮮艷,芒果味濃郁順滑,非常適合炎熱既夏天飲用。Crepe Delicious不僅注重美味,同時也十分重視客人既用餐體驗,係1間值得我一再光顧既餐廳。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
 來自加拿大的 Crêpe Delicious 為著名法式可麗餅專門店,今次就來到上環分店。內裡環境寬敞,加上樓底夠高,甚有空間感,以簡約清新風格裝潢為主。紅白藍配色配上霓虹光管,打造法式小酒館的輕鬆氛圍。餐牌除了鹹甜法式可麗餅之外,也有酥皮薄餅、小食沙律、主菜、意式雪糕、甜品及奶昔等。法式焗波士頓龍蝦配意粉 $328法式Thermidor做法是指先將原隻龍蝦對半切開,然後起肉切件,混合甜椒、 蘑菇、水牛芝士、巴馬臣芝士和車打芝士等食材烹調,再重新釀入龍蝦殼烤焗而成。表面鋪滿澎湃牽絲芝士,龍蝦肉質新鮮爽彈啖啖肉,適合我這些愛吃海鮮但又最怕拆殼的懶人。配菜自選意粉,簡簡單單以橄欖油作調味,煮出Al dente輕微韌度的口感。火腿芝士可麗餅 $98可麗餅都是即點即做,入口熱騰騰,班戟漿直接由加拿大進口,餅皮微厚帶韌性。外型脹卜卜的餅皮緊緊裹著煙燻金門火腿、牛油生菜、巴馬臣芝士和車打芝士,表面擠上沙律律醬作點綴,一口就已充滿多重味覺層次。蘋果批可麗餅 $108賣相簡約精緻,令人賞心悅目,配上一大球自家製榛子味gelato,微熱的餅底與冰凍的雪糕,一熱一冷,衝擊味蕾。餅皮舖上三塊新鮮青蘋果切片,裡面裹滿玉桂蘋果餡料,將蘋果的天然酸甜果香與玉桂的特有香味交互融合,齒頰留香。Gelato Cup 3 Scoops $58 每天輪流供應不同品味的自家製手工意式雪糕,不但低脂且卡路里含量亦較低。今次自選三球:Chocolate、Pistachio、Berries,手工Gelato 質感綿密幼滑,空氣含量少,入口濃稠略帶黏性,溶化速度亦較慢,個人最推介開心果口味,真材實料,散發純粹濃厚的果仁芳香。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
最近天氣咁炎熱,經過上環南豐中心既落地大玻璃見到有間Crepe Delicious,即刻走入去避暑兼醫肚。走進餐廳,環境開揚光猛,座位闊落,店內裝潢簡約舒適,最重要冷氣好夠,讓人可以舒適涼爽的環境中好好享受美食。服務人員也態度親切,一入門口即刻行過嚟問我幾多位,然後帶我入座。這家餐廳的主打菜無疑是手工製作的可麗餅。從菜單上見到他們提供了各種口味的甜鹹可麗餅,意粉pizza及其他主食。我先嘗試了火腿芝士可麗餅,這款可麗餅的餅皮薄而有彈性,內餡則是鹹香兼備,煙燻火腿的味道與芝士的香濃完美融合,再加上不同口感的生菜,非常開胃。除了可麗餅,這家餐廳的其他菜式也絕對不容錯過。我品嚐了好好味的黑松露忌廉雞肉寬條麵,pasta的質地柔軟,與炒得恰到好處的雞肉和各種菇類完美配合,濃郁的黑松露風味更是讓人意猶未盡。另一道煙三文魚酥皮薄餅同樣出色,薄脆的餅皮上有是大大塊煙三文魚,搭配紅洋蔥和芝麻莢,口感豐富層次分明,簡直是一絕。食完主菜,我當然要試埋特色甜品 - 椰香芒果斑斕可麗餅。這款可麗餅餅皮上灑有幼細的椰絲,裡面是香濃的芒果餡,搭配淡淡的斑蘭味,清新自然。作為餐後甜點,完美點綴了整個午餐。最後,我還品嚐了他們的招牌飲品 The naughty - 一款朱古力榛子冰淇淋奶昔。濃郁的巧克力和榛子味道在口中融合,再加上香滑的冰淇淋質地, 消暑一流。總結來說,Crepe Delicious 值得推薦俾你哋,環境舒適,服務員上餐快又有笑容, 嘢食飲品都表現出色,特別是黑松露忌廉雞肉闊條麵,喜歡食菇類食品嘅你不能錯過。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2024-09-03
上openrice搵食既時候,見到Crêpe Delicious的可麗餅好吸引,發現原來上環都有分店,即刻約先生放工過黎試😆上環分店地點好方便,E3出口行3分鐘即可到達。店面好寬敞明亮,簡約得來細節位很有設計感。小食拼盤 $198 – 各款小食睇落都好吸引,真係選擇困難,樣樣都想試,咁一於叫個小食拼盤可以一次過試多款小食。拼盤有薯條、蜜糖雞翼、炸大蝦、cheesy risotto balls with truffle mayonnais。全部上枱都熱辣辣冒著煙,勁正!我最鐘意係risotto balls,外皮炸得香脆金黃,食落充滿濃郁芝士同黑松露味。另外,炸大蝦、雞翼都非常惹味😋薯條量係肉眼可見的多,食到好滿足!波士頓龍蝦伴龍蝦汁扁意粉 $268 - 龍蝦係預先切碎調味再加埋芝士一齊焗好有驚喜!龍蝦汁非常濃郁,單食又得,拌埋充滿油香既意粉一起食又得!每一口都是美味!荔枝草莓可麗餅 $88 - Crêpe Delicious既可麗餅咸既甜既睇落都好吸引!可惜胃只有一個🥹🥹說實話我一開始係俾荔枝草莓可麗餅既賣相吸引住,但一食驚為天人!草莓薄餅配荔枝、草莓和荔枝波霸,上面淋上鮮奶油和草莓醬,食落好清甜可口,隱約仲嚐到清香既玫瑰味,即使好飽既情況下,因為清甜而不膩都可以食曬成個。阿芙佳朵 $58 - Affogato係一種意大利甜點,又可以將佢當為一杯咖啡☕️以Espresso倒入雪糕中,既能享受冰火交融,又能嚐苦甜交織,係多層次既享受!十分推薦Crêpe Delicious,一來環境好舒服;二來店員親切有禮,服務態度良好;三來食物質素高,選擇又多,相信香港應該無第二間店有咁多可麗餅選擇。已經決定好短期內好快會再訪,因為真係好想試曬全部口味!😆 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
𓊔 𓊔 𓊔一向知道Crepe Delicious主打咸甜可麗餅,早幾天首次在他們上環分店吃lunch。店內環境寬敞,空間感十足。店員招呼熱情,笑容可掬。𓊕凱撒沙律 $108Caesar salad非常足料,二人份量剛剛好。新鮮的羅馬生菜配上巴馬臣芝士、香脆麵包粒和惹味煙肉,健康又清新。𓊕波士頓龍蝦伴龍蝦汁扁意粉 $268必點推薦!波士頓龍蝦有半隻,還有很多蝦肉!車厘茄、蘑菇片和翠玉瓜作配料,加上鮮味龍蝦汁,怎能夠不好吃?𓊕烤牛肉可麗餅 $138來到一定要點招牌可麗餅吧?牛油生菜和烤牛肉的配搭,畫龍點睛的是炒洋蔥和芝士,令整個可麗餅鹹香惹味。還可加$38升級至套餐,附送是日餐湯和熱茶,絕對是價錢公道又吃得舒適的午餐好去處。𓊔 𓊔 𓊔 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)