1-min walk from Exit B1, Hong Kong MTR Station continue reading
Inspired by the Jiangnan region, south of the Yangtze River, an area famed for its skillfully crafted snacks and delicacies. Restaurant serves authentic dishes that are made on-site to ensure quality. continue reading
Additional Information
Opening Hours
Mon - Sun
11:00 - 22:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master AlipayHK Alipay Cash Octopus UnionPay
Other Info
Spot payment
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (192)
Level3 2022-10-29
我自己係翡翠拉麵小籠包金會員,我都幾鍾意呢間餐廳,其他尖沙咀分店都好好食。我無諗過嚟到中環國金商場,呢間分店反而難食到咁,食物係淡茂茂無味道的,冷氣又勁凍,餸菜15分鐘之內就即刻涼了,除非你趕時間,唸住半個鐘頭內入座兼且埋單,食快餐。唔係千祈唔好嚟。同埋真係唔好點套餐,好求其,好難食!!因為唔想諗食乜,所以點匯豐嗰個優惠套餐。中伏了!!!之後見到中環這間店舖咁多差評,後悔自己冇睇openrice就入咗去🙈。真係好多好多個劣評㗎。 如果唔係靠呢個集團,真係做唔住。補充一句呢度啲員工服務態度都可以,只是食物質素嚴重有待改善。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2022-09-13
由細食到大,無論堂食同外賣我個人都好鐘意。佢嘅嘢食基本上冇嘢唔好食,只有好食同埋更加好食。佢嘅辣唔會十分之辣,係剛剛好俾人用舌尖去感受嘅辣嘅美好,所以我好鍾意食。呢排佢哋做緊蟹嘅主題,超級無敵開心。因為我好鍾意食蟹,如果係蟹嘅愛好者就唔好錯過啦。值得一提嘅係好多外賣送到黎都已經唔熱,無論味道同口感都會比堂食失色,但係喺翡翠拉麵小籠包叫嘅外賣從來都未試過會有咁嘅情況,所以我成日都叫佢哋嘅外賣,真熟客🤟💯 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2022-08-07
2022年8月6日星期六下午,與朋友到中環IFC翡翠小籠包午膳。朋友先到,坐在最埋邊靠牆的枱,本身張四人枱已經中間有塊膠板,即係同人搭緊枱,一個字:迫。而同隔離枱都係得15cm度,迫上加迫。當隔離枱食客或侍應要出入,就要打側身因爲根本唔夠位。有個女侍應(只是中等身裁)因為身高關係,剛好個「八月十五」就貼住喺枱的邊緣上, 真係提早賀中秋。疫情之中,遊客減少,食店已無良心可言,亦未必理會社交距離。我同侍應講好心你地啲枱唔好咁迫喇, 你個屁股都坐在喺枱邊。她一於借咗聾耳陳隻耳。建議有關當局得閒巡查下IFC翡翠,睇睇有否違規,順便賞下「八月十五」。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
大概傍晚六時半左右於翡翠拉麵小籠包店(中環IFC分店)用膳,我地一行四人(兩大兩小),首先門前帶位的同事並沒有事先跟我們說限時用膳,我們坐低就開始點餐,正常速度地進食,基本上每放下筷子,就有侍應來清理剛進食完的碗碟,如是者在七點十分左右第五次來收碟,這次收了三人的碗筷,由於我們開始表達不滿才收剩一對碗筷及餐前小食,我們這個時候詢問是否有限時,侍應姐姐語帶輕鬆說:「我們70分鐘限時,出面餐廳只有60分鐘吧!」這些服務已令我地坐多一分鐘已不願,與一般茶餐廳無異用餐時間:45分鐘 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2022-05-21
Crystal Jade has continue to set new lows post the buyout by L Capital. I am guessing they got significant subsidy or rent cut during the pandemic to have survived the cut-throat restaurant scene in Hong Kong given how bad the food was. There was not one dish that was worthwhile: drunken chicken was mostly bony parts; broth of pork ramen was tasteless; 毛豆雪菜百叶 had rubbery tofu strips; 干煸四季豆 was not at all 干煸. Self service ordering & paying at the counter helps with efficiency but took away from the experience esp considering the relatively high price point for such casual fare.Never going back again! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)