Cul-De-Sac是一間提供美式漢堡飽﹑潛艇的小食, 是一間充滿外國風味的快餐店。
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Opening Hours
Mon - Sun
11:00 - 06:00
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Signature Dishes
早前電腦壞咗, 無得用直至今日才發現已結業真可惜, 只好長話短說......A tribute to Cul-De-Sac 買外賣午餐 (全店用英語的) Chicken & Chips $59, 炸雞脆漿唔會太厚,而且仲有香草味,配有沙律醬 推介:薯條
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Cul-De-Sac during normal hours is just another Burger & Chips joint which no one takes seriously as a viable food source, much like its sibling outley in Lan Kwai Fong. But as it gradually enters into the late hours the more it shall become alive, rising to its own prominence amidst other busy bars and clubs within Wanchai district. It doesn't close until 6:00am for obvious explanations and no doubt its planted here only to cater for us drunken dudes and girls in need of a late night or early morning feast. The more grease the better for soaking up that alcohol right ~ who cares about food quality. But the Beef and Lamb Burgers here are indeed done acceptably well. Made from imported Grade A quality New Zealand meats, during the morning-after you might not recall fully that the patties were overcooked and pungently peppery/mustardy, nor that the buns were under toasted.... But even if you weren't in your best state of mind and having trouble distinguishing between your close friends from unknown strangers you'd barely met 10 minutes ago, you'll still recognise a pretty detectable meatiness taste in your lamb or beef burger. The Fried then Baked Cheese Fries with Mayo dip is perenially under-salted, with the cheese tasting more like a watered down bechame saucel, but cheese with fries is a beer's best friend. It can be still prove to be that exact oasis you're looking for as supper, as most bars would have shut their kitchen around 10:30pm ~ many shops such as Delaney's owner wouldn't mind you bringing in some take out food from Cul-De-Sac to go down with their beers. Remembering that ~ It'll just sell them more beers in the end. Ask the various shops' staff to confirm if its ok first, just to be safe!
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Although it is quite expensive, their food is decent, the chips, subs are good.Chips not too burnt, lots of condiments, such as salts, malt vinegar, white vinegar, ketchup, mayonnaise etc.The portions are slightly smaller than before.The Steak sub is an aromatic medly of onions, green peppars, cheese and beef.
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去演藝睇野之前,拿拿林食野先,咁就去呢間就腳鬼佬野啦。呢到三間舖仔已經食左kebab,真係好好味,之前經過隔離呢間舖,已經有個鬼佬話好味,叫我地入去,今次就真係要試埋啦。我地兩個人叫左一份fish and chips。佢新鮮炸幾熱辣辣,d魚都幾嫩,又有陣香草味,好味過英國d魚,可惜唔夠厚囉。d薯條都好新鮮,可惜唔夠英國個d大條同有薯味,始終香港d薯條冇咁好味。呢間舖係由兩個好似賓賓的人主理,我地趕時間睇野,個阿姐炸野真係炸得太"摩"!d他他汁唔夠多,俾多少少都唔怕喇! 但個舖面細細間,周圍又多鬼佬,又令我想起歐洲!
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