2-min walk from Exit B, Wong Chuk Hang Station continue reading
69713818 (WhatsApp)
It specializes in private kitchen service that is tailored to reflect your personal taste and style. In addition, a formal or informal lunch and dinner menu is also provided. continue reading
Opening Hours
10:00 - 14:30
17:00 - 21:00
Mon - Fri
10:00 - 14:30
17:00 - 21:00
12:00 - 21:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master Cash AE
Number of Seats
Other Info
Online Reservation
Alcoholic Drinks
May Bring Your Own Wine
Reward Dining Points
10% Service Charge
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (8)
👍🏻We gathered at CulinArt for a farewell lunch, and despite the crowd, the restaurant managed to maintain an impeccable level of service and quality. I was particularly impressed and already planning to try their brownie on my next visit. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2021-06-29
黃竹坑試伏器今日黎到工廈一間fusion餐廳,慶祝同事生日估唔到黃竹坑呢個美食沙漠都可以令我有驚喜整體黎餐廳氣氛同環境都唔錯,如果同一食物質素開係工廈以外地方,可以索價多50%Lunch Set頭盤+主菜+甜品+飲品 $198+10%頭盤Fattoush Salad😋😋😋😋用左中東香料既一個沙律,有青瓜、蘿蔔仔、生菜、番茄仔同埋令人驚喜的脆片...簡單健康又好味,脆片係有少少厚度的,帶少少牛油香,為呢一道清淡既沙律增色不少!Burnt Ends - Succulent Smokey Beef Brisket😋😋😋😋😋想像佢係一道加左BBQ既煙燻味炆牛腩,煙燻味超級濃郁,牛腩炆得好入味而且味瘦適中,適度的油脂感食落唔會膩主菜Shaking Beef Hanger Steak with Watercress Chimichurri & Jasmine Rice😋😋😋上菜時見到個樣有d失望.. 點解咁多草咁少肉....食落先知原來份量好唔少,d肉一粒粒都好有肉味,而且煎得唔錯,但調味較單一上面既水菜(唔知係咪咁叫)淋左d辣汁,都幾辣下,但配埋簡單調味的牛肉粒同飯食,都真係幾唔錯真個汁都幾辣下,唔食得辣既都係食第二樣好d,因為走汁個飯就好單調,會扣好多分...Lazy Lamb Manti with Yogurt, Tomato Sauce, Sumac & Chilli Oil😋😋😋😋簡單形容一下: 羊肉餃子配一個有少少辣味既醬同原味乳酪食落感覺特別,第一次食呢種配搭,我估係中東菜既fusion.個餃子皮我個人覺得近似意大利雲吞(Ravioli)的煙韌版,入面包住既羊肉唔會有騷味重點係個醬同乳酪,一齊食係出奇地夾未食過唔會相信係好食,大家真係要試下!甜品Ice Cream Sundae with Dalgona & Peanut Butter 😋😋普通雪糕加2塊林左既餅同少少朱古力醬、花生醬,不要浪費quotaAlmond Panna Cotta with Strawberry & Rhubarb Compote😋😋😋😋樣貌平平,食落ok喎第一次食杏仁味的Panna Cotta, 初頭都係帶著猶豫放入口,入到口第一下淨係食到面頭d醬既酸味... 而且食唔出係Rhubarb (中文係大黃? 根據Google大神的話),只食到士多啤梨味但慢慢開始食到個Panna Cotta個香滑杏仁味,個杏仁味唔會話好特出,只係淡淡的襯托意大利奶凍重點的奶香如果個奶凍可以再滑d同面頭放返少少原粒/生果粒增加口感就更好性價比高,重點係menu上唔會呢樣加多$20, 果樣加多$50,款式都好多而且質素高,食得出個廚有用心調配recipe同埋擺盤👨🏻‍🍳味道😋😋😋😋服務🤵🏻‍♂️🤵🏻‍♂️🤵🏻‍♂️🤵🏻‍♂️打卡📸📸📸📸抵食👛👛👛👛 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2012-10-28
I went to CulinArt yesterday with my husband yesterday. I would say this is probably the best western food I 've ever had in Taipei, HKG and China in recent years. Since my husband is a European, we would dine out at some restaurants in Europe from time to time. The western cuisine at Europe is always quiet tasty to me which probably because of fresh local ingredients. I find the good restaurant in HKG, even 5-star hotel is hardly made similar taste because all imported western foods are not fresh at all. But I am very surprised CulinArt could make the taste that is so close to the food that I had in Europe. I enjoyed every dish very much (though I was very full after the soup). But the dish that CulinArt made could demonstrate the depth and complexity of taste. I could experience the texture change ( soft and crunchy) and taste change (sweet and refreshing ) in one dish. And every food is made by themselves, including the black-current ice-cream (full of berry taste), candy dessert display etc. I thought the candy display was probably from Marks & Spencer at the beginning. But my God, it was a sugar coated fresh Resberry! I and my husband really enjoyed the evening very much. The environment is very cozy and relaxed. We were very comfortable to dine out there(no need to dress up but just smart casual). The price is also reasonable to me for this high quality of food. You can bring your own wine which can save the drink cost (But we forgot to do so). For a person around HK900 -1000 to have fine dinner and pleasant evening without being kicked out for the next round of customers is worth of money. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2012-03-30
月前曾參與由美國馬鈴薯協會(USPB)及香港名廚Stanley Wong攜手合作,於culinArt舉行的「星級薯宴」活動,對於Stanley的廚藝,留下深刻印象.今次得到相關公關公司邀請,參加工作室的GRAND OPENING,實在要說聲多謝.Stanley Wong是culinArt創辦人及主廚,曾擔任香港文華東方酒店及米芝蓮二星餐廳等主廚,並曾在不同國家的五星級酒店任職,令其出品,滲入了不同地區的風味,式樣多完化.三月二十二日是正式投入工作的日子,門前已擺放各方好友的花籃,洋溢著一片喜慶的氣氛.主人家除了提供紅白酒給賓客品嚐外,更有幾款即製小食,真的非常吸引.大堂一角是原隻黑毛豬火腿,即切配上法式toast及cheese,供賓客任意品嚐,盡顯主人家對生活質素的要求.幾位漂亮的女仕應在場內穿梭,托盤上都是Stanley小試牛刀的出品,隨手拿起一件Fennel walnut and feta tart, 幽幽的茴香,伴送著上面的一小片羊乳酪,加上有胡桃在內,令口感更豐富.Prawn on sugarcane明顯地是越南菜式,但蝦肉爽口彈牙,醬汁調教出色,如果不點明,還以為真是由越南廚師主理.再來是鵝肝brulee, 表面用火槍烤得微焦,入口是厚重滑溜的鵝肝味,少見的處理手法.Thailand in a leaf是泰式小食的代表,將柚子肉夾雜香草一齊食,帶來清新自然的味覺,使人齒頰留香.用蟹肉夾麵包真的夠豪邁,Crabmeat po’boys混入香草煎香,令蟹肉有更多的層次感,散發出獨特的香味.Kumamoto oyster rasam tomato用上熊本市的生蠔,雖然件頭較細少,蠔味更濃,反而更適合配新鮮蕃茄醬,後者微酸及清新的感覺,提鮮了生蠔的味道.想不到Stanley會採用傳統中式手法來處理羊扒,烤焗過的羊扒肉質保持粉嫩又胭紅的狀態,灑上大量帶辛辣的孓然粉,癖除女仕最怕的羶味.幾款不同小食都展現出Stanley對各國食材風格的認知及處理,都有深刻的瞭解,中越泰法日都隨意滲入MENU之內,相信日後會提供更多完化的菜色,可說是十分令人期待.在熱鬧的氣氛中,大家都感覺得到主人家的喜悅,亦衷心祝福Stanley可以在自己的天地中,發光發熱,創出更加多令人讚譽的菜色.事後,大家更獲贈由Stanley親製的小小紀念品,有心思及對應主人家身份,真的要再次要說聲謝謝! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2012-03-01
身為一個喜歡吃薯仔的我,不論是薯片,薯條,焗薯,薯蓉,甚至乎番茄薯仔湯,統統是我至愛,不過一向對它沒有甚麼研究,好吃便是。當有一天收到有關方面之邀,出席一個名叫星級薯宴的傳媒發佈會,二話不說應約。此活動地點在黃竹坑工廠區,廠廈內的上樓私房菜"CulinArt"。為了隆重其事,主辦單位美國馬鈴薯協會項目經理 Sarah Mahler,專程來港向大家推廣美國的各種不同馬鈴薯。原來,馬鈴薯是有分很多種類,有紅皮,白皮,黃皮,紫皮馬鈴薯等等,每一款也有不同的質感,做出不同的菜式。如紫色馬鈴薯本身帶有堅果的味道,作為沙律是最適合,白皮的一款,通常是用來煲湯,或燉煮。作為只懂一味吃,不懂其底蘊菜鳥的我,又上了寶貴的一課。在這個傳媒午餐上的菜式,由曾經任職文華東方酒店的名廚Stanley Wong設計,每一道菜由頭盤到甜品,也是用上馬鈴薯,果然薯不簡單也!頭盤是深海帶子配椰菜花丸子,帶子肥大肉厚,生熟程度較得剛好,內裡非常嫩滑,鮮甜無比。配菜的脆薯粒,加強了整道菜的口感,更加立體。今次的薯仔湯,以黑蒜來代替大蒜,切合現今的飲食潮流,這個黑蒜三文魚薯仔湯,質感極之濃凋,蒜香與薯仔味道兩者誰也不搶誰的鏡,喝罷令人精神為之一震。主菜二選一,我與友人也是Seared Blue Eye Cod with Spiced Nuts Crust, Mushroom Broth and Potato Gnocchi。在午餐之前,大家看著大廚示範製作意大利麵糰Gnocci,這道主菜是用上鱈魚,肥美得令人驚艷,像吃得一口鮮甜的魚香,鱈魚上的是用薯仔做出的糰子,還有煙韌可人,沾上磨菇清湯的的Gnocci,貫徹始終由頭薯到落尾。甜品為Potato and Bread Pudding, Snickers Ice-cream and Pineapple Sata,還有隱藏的Bonus brownie,這一頓全薯宴,實在非常滿足,而且菜式沒有預期中的膩,當好些人一聽到吃薯仔,即刻被嚇怕,因為會吃肥人,其實,進食馬鈴薯是有助提升飲食質素,帶有豐富維他命C和蛋白質,可減低心臟病的風險。最後要感謝龍少爺之推薦,和有關方面之邀請。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)