9-min walk from Exit A2, Sheung Wan MTR Station continue reading
Opening Hours
Mon - Fri
08:00 - 17:00
Sat - Sun
09:00 - 18:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master AlipayHK Alipay Cash Octopus
Number of Seats
Other Info
10% Service Charge
Spot payment
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (24)
Level4 2021-09-06
✨Egg Benedict with Smoked Salmon $108個水波蛋整得啱啱好,切完啲蛋汁流曬出黎😆荷蘭醬亦十分出色,好夠濃,蛋黃香幾出😋不過個sourdough就真係有啲硬到over左少少,勁難切開最後放棄埋🤣-✨Creme Brulee French Toast $108 呢個好好味呀🤩熱辣辣外脆內軟,食落蛋香味好重,雖然係麵包但食落真係有creme brulee嘅感覺,太正啦🥰🥰隔黎香蕉都好有焦香味🤪士多啤梨就酸左啲🧐 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2021-02-10
今日黎試吓Cupping Room嘅咖啡,普慶坊個位比較偏辟,估唔到人都唔少,位差不多坐滿,好多人帶埋電腦嚟做野😆呢杯嘢叫Coco Chanel($50),個名夠曬fancy😂其實係coffee mix matcha 同 coconut,味道都ok嘅,不過始終覺得咖啡係熱嘅咖啡味濃d好飲d服務比較慢,叫嘢飲冇人排隊都要等一陣先可以落order continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Egg Benedict with Pulled PorkThis brightly coloured egg benedict will definitely lit up spirits!the juicy pulled pork also add an extra flavour to the egg benedict along with the orange zest and the sesame. Finally the finish touch with the fruit on the sides! This dish has the combination of look and taste! You simply cannot beat the Carrot Cake topped with chopped PistachioThis cake is slightly more moist than chiffon, tasted alright but looked lovely! Perfect for Sunday Tea! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2020-09-29
Cupping Room分店遍佈港島,講就腳程度,呢間分店一定包尾,但我就貪佢人少少,氣氛悠閒,可以係到hea返一整個下晝,唔會有人龍及員工暗自逼你離開~Single Original - Ethiopia $50嗌咗杯手沖Ethiopia,幾鐘意呢個setting,可以保留返咖啡溫度及香氣,適合慢慢嘆~ 另外仲會附上呢隻豆及莊園background,多角度咁理解呢杯咖啡風味及背後的故事,present得好好。Egg Benedict w/ Slow- Roasted Pulled Pork美中不足嘅係,呢間分店冇pasta,得麵包類Brunch(我記憶中cupping room嘅pasta係十.分.好.味),於是叫咗個Egg Benedict。Egg Benedict煮得恰到好處,無論係流心蛋黃定係荷蘭汁都非常唔錯,底下的baby spinach嫰滑多汁,而手撕豬肉就香辣惹味,個汁非常驚喜,完美點綴偏清淡的Egg Benedict!相信叫Salmon呢個大路組合絕對唔會令我咁鐘意,好多謝店員推介~ continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2020-09-15
非常間中先至會嚟一次上環做野,上環咁多正cafe,咁啱喱間係工作點附近。朋友叫佐杯mocha with cream, 雖然有啲細杯,但味道都不錯👍🏻我就又睇錯餐牌叫佐喱杯expresso, 好彩我都飲嘅🤣 即刻個人精神晒,不過味道有啲太酸😅 因為減肥進行中唔可以食澱粉質,所以叫佐喱個,份量比想像中少,$108,食晒都唔夠飽所以都忍唔住食佐半塊包。不過塊包又凍又硬🥺朋友叫喱個忌廉意粉佢話幾好食,一個女仔成碟食晒 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)