Exit D, Kwai Fong MTR Station, Exit E, Kwai Fong MTR Station continue reading
Opening Hours
11:30 - 22:00
Mon - Sun
11:30 - 22:00
*Last order: 21:15
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Review (223)
Level4 2025-01-01
阿媽喜歡中菜,所以做冬晚同爸爸媽媽去食上海菜。一行4人叫左個4人餐,有前菜,有花膠湯 (每人一盅); 小籠包一定吾少得因為媽媽至愛😍主菜酸菜魚,片皮鴨,仲有甜品。 酸菜魚不會太辣,連媽媽都食到,而且魚質夠滑,唯一我們以為有寬粉原來是沒有的🤭。片皮鴨不會太肥,每次來吃飯必點的一個餸。甜品芋圓冰粉不會太甜,而且可以清一清油膩。 因為識得經理所以免費送左豆漿比我們,而且全單仲有九折。 訂枱時註明坐房,-家人可以食得更舒服。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2024-10-09
服務員招呼很好,落單快,送豆漿~可能叫套餐,上菜超快~但食物就對比之前較為遜色了,同事都大感失望。 松子魚上台賣相不錯,一食….即試到無汁位置會食到腥腥地 同幾個月前食差得遠;黃金蝦球….較厚粉,食兩口都飽飽濟濟,蝦肉略為乾身;孜然排骨好香口野味,一上台即食(不錯),遲十幾分鐘後食既,會覺得超乾…似有骨肉干,咬都好難撕開乾巴巴既肉。(同事最後都放棄肉乾沒吃)其他食物都不過不失~ 無驚無喜~但今次真係較為失望~ continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2024-09-16
中秋早少少做節同d 老人家食,知道新都會星期六勁多人加埋就中秋,早兩日電話booking 左,得返5:00-6:30, 咁都照食囉⋯⋯我哋5個人安排左sofa 位,初初諗住食5-6人餐,但好似差唔多,所以散叫叫左稻成酸菜鱸魚、陳醋伴老海蜇頭, 京燒羊腩, 稻成片皮鴨(半隻),茨實浸菜心苖, 之後好似唔夠,加左個小龍包,上海粗炒,鑊貼和燒豬仔骨⋯⋯個酸菜魚ok 多料d 魚肉都好鮮,海蜇頭開胃野味,羊腩都香但冇乜味淡左d, 片皮鴨都好唔太肥,菜心苗幾淋,小龍包鑊貼正常發揮,個粗炒一般和顏色太深,燒骨返宜幾香好入味⋯⋯埋單5人$17xx continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2024-09-11
I was here with friend, they leaded us to a small table at the corner while there are other table available and told us others are booked ( not sure if it’s true), and during order, I mean I ordered according to the set later but they still counted the food I at first ordered and cancelled, and they brought all the dishes together to you at this small table. When I paid after dinner mentioning this, the service guy doesn’t care and ask why you take them ?? Come on I already cancelled that when ordering and cancelled again when they brought it, and your service is to bring it back to me telling me can’t. Conclusion - Really bad service. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
想食京川菜又坐得舒服見午市有特色套餐而且平日下午無人等位就試一試揀左午市2人套餐包一款前菜、點心、主食、時蔬、甜品等🥢 雞絲粉皮麻醬味道偏甜, 而且太濃,漿住哂 啲雞絲, 相當漏🥢 小籠包皮薄湯料多,肉湯味道濃,水準不錯🥢 賽螃蟹蟹肉都幾多, 配蛋白、蟹子同醋一齊食, 都幾鮮味🥢 紫淮山炒時蔬(+$18)唔係好多地方有得食紫淮山, 加小粟米、蘆筍一齊炒,配搭不錯🥢 高力豆沙 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)