10-min walk from Exit A2, Tin Hau MTR Station
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Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
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我同朋友心血來潮諗住入去大坑睇下有乜好食,見到衣間新開中式餐廳,又無乜人,就入去試下.有幾幅油畫掛在牆上,都幾靚。餐牌上吾算多選擇,但D名好似好high甘,見到龍躉又吾算貴,所以叫左黎試下,再叫多兩個其他餸試下。等緊期間,見到佢地D人在門囗不斷吹水,不過吾知係吾係老闆娘,佢D態度好好。D野终于到左,賣相幾好,食物旁邊都有 配襯, 但味道就好-般,感覺同茶餐廳味道差不多,而且有D油膩, 所以我同朋友都有D失望。
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Went to Taihing for lunch as it was close to the library.To be honest, I was attracted to the shop opposite because of the pretty pastel colours but somehow they said we could sit in this restaurant as they serve the food from over there.Anyway, the interior of this place was also nice as there were lots of pictures of Hong Kong.The only thing that was not in harmony was the cloth covering the kitchen as it was Japanese which confused me earlier as this is the first thing you will see when you look through the front door so I thought it was Japanese.The light above was also nice which can extend into a full circle if there was room but currently looks like an arachnid.Chose the egg with roast pork.When it came, it was exactly like the one I had at Shunhing.The whole thing is quite confusing as this could be the one from Shunhing as on the corner of the menu, it says shunhing kitchen.Judging by the name, I don't think I have tried what this restaurant specializes in as it is meant to be a private kitchen.Apart from that, the egg and roast pork was really good especially the pork which was lean yet soft and meaty.The soy sauce that came with it was sweet loaded with spring onions.Anyway, I haven't been to TH for a while and it has changed a lot.
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大坑嘅餐廳實在轉手得太快,唔嚟一輪又有新野食,今日就走嚟試吓呢間新開嘅中菜館。嗰幾幅油畫實在太靚喇,忍唔住一路食一路望!翡翠龍躉球 ($118)賣相有驚喜,以一隻西餐用多嘅黑色碟嚟上菜,旁邊有沙律菜、玫瑰花粒及士多啤梨作點綴,整體色彩繽紛;龍躉肉冇魚腥味,肉質結實,成碟餸有超多蒜,蒜香非常足夠但唔會蓋過魚本身嘅味道;落單時要求少油少鹽,大廚都一一做到,雖然好有鑊氣但冇好油膩嘅感覺青梅醬燒骨伴鮮淮山 ($108)賣相又係好好,唔係求其炒完一碟就上菜,感覺用心;加入芝麻醬嘅鮮淮山口感爽脆,令人開胃,而且好大塊;青梅香氣濃郁,質感稠身味道微酸,有漿住咀唇嘅感覺;燒骨非常入味,肉質亦都軟腍,可惜其中一塊肥膏太多,咬清晒啲肉就要拋棄了,由於煮得好好味嘅關係,覺得好似食少咗一塊,有啲失落!留意一吓唔好用肥膏>肉嘅骨,呢碟餸就完美喇!應該係老闆娘嘅女士服務態度激好,不斷為我哋加茶。佢話而家仲熱緊,遲啲涼返啲就會做埋火鍋(其實我1年365日都可以打邊爐,快啲set好個menu啦!)。呢間小餐館啱啱開,連晚飯選擇都唔多,不過值得再試!
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