Exit A1/L5, Tsim Sha Tsui / East Tsim Sha Tsui MTR Station/ Exit F, Austin MTR Station continue reading
The dessert shop is originally from France. The opera cakes, ice-cream, and macarons are highly recommended. It serves afternoon tea set too. continue reading
Opening Hours
Mon - Sun
12:00 - 21:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master Cash AE UnionPay
Other Info
Alcoholic Drinks
Parking Details
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (82)
Level4 2019-01-17
Dalloyau’s afternoon tea sets comes in three tiers of delicious goodies presented in a beautiful golden stand. This famous French patisserie is well known for their amazing desserts. Not only do you get to sample an assortment of their amazing pastries with this set, their savory selections are also quite wonderful. The cakes were delicate, chocolate were rich and bursting with flavour and the macarons were thin and crispy and chewy. The finger sandwiches really surprised me and were extremely tasty. You also get some warm delicious scones to finish off the beautiful meal. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2019-01-12
今日係我最鍾意嘅聖誕節呀,同屋企人飲完茶之後,同老公行到去海港城shopping買聖誕禮物。行到攰攰地,就搵間Cafe坐下食個Tea 先。話晒都係聖誕節,梗係要食啲甜啲sweet 啲既啦。 減肥聽日先啦平時唔飲甜野嘅我,通常都會叫latte ! 因為今日聖誕節, 特登飲杯朱古力之前都飲過佢嘅朱古力,佢唔似其他用粉冲,佢係用朱古力溶出嚟㗎,所以特別好飲!飲啲咁甜嘅朱古力,當然要食過refresh d 嘅cake 啦🎂🍰 酸酸甜甜嘅熱情果,同杯朱古力真係好夾。話曬都係法國brand 質素當然有番咁上下啦 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2018-09-09
食完晚飯 心情好 想去陣先搭車番屋企經過DALLOYAU 同另一半講 :想唔想食雪糕啊?佢:仲好飽 一陣再食啦行多一陣我又再問:想唔想食雪糕啊?🤤佢:好啦興奮行去order店員:唔好意思 得番杯裝心諗:想試下個餅底正唔正tim.... 唔緊要 杯裝!我揀左 限定既raspberry $50D粉紅色係有點假既感覺顏色有d鮮豔 Sharp到令我第一啖有少少卻步但一食 好重raspberry味但冰既比例較奶多既入面都食到硬既一細粒一細粒raspberry 籽感覺真實d但相比另一半既.....佢揀左朱古力味 $50第一啖 佢讚啊!另一半不嬲都太好甜食但佢讚好味!嘩!極高要求既佢話朱古力味好濃 好香 又滑講到咁...我試下先一試 我問佢:我地交換食好唔好啊?佢😒 大家明白 下次食 都係試番正常味算貪咩特別💩色既朱古力味我估朱古力濃度大概65%以上所以偏苦 點解另一半咁like入口係甜中後有一點點苦 好有可可既香!啊...太細杯啦 下次嘆個特濃💩味先! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2018-08-12
對於唔鍾意食high tea set 既我,只鐘情Dalloyau 既 high tea set, 抱著滿心期待再去食過。記得之前佢有分兩個menu, 一個係坐入面金色門內,一個係外面既,之前試左入面金色門內既,一食難忘,今次想再食,點知佢話無再分內與外。我地對比過有香檳既menu 同無香檳既menu 原來cake 都無分別。甘我地就叫左無香檳既一食就出事..... 先望望隔離點解佢會食到每個咬一口甘,因為好難食.... 只可以打卡影下相,味道就 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2018-08-09
下午茶時段,跟朋友來到這家法式甜點店子。大概三點半來到,在店外排了十分鐘才能進去。分別點了Caramel Religieuse及Chocolate Mousse Cake。Chocolate Mousse Cake總共有接近七層,層次感足,是夾了sponge cake和mousse/cream,做得頗細心。鋪在面上的白色巧克力棋子也很精細。sponge cake很薄,口感很綿密。Caramel Religieuse有點像puff,中間有滿滿的hazelnut醬。上層跟下層基本上是一樣的,只是體積上的不一樣,以及上層有焦糖在面。這款偏甜,二人分會較好。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)