Exit C, Causeway Bay MTR Station continue reading
Opening Hours
Mon - Sun
11:00 - 00:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master Cash AE UnionPay
Number of Seats
Other Info
Alcoholic Drinks
May Bring Your Own Wine
Parking Details
Phone Reservation Details
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (44)
Happy Friday Shopping去放工孖同事落銅鑼灣行街買衫,好快已經拎到一袋二袋...近近地行去京都廣場搵食......點指冰冰就點左Damun食間韓國餐廳兩個人叫左四碟野,好食丫!我會再食多次架!😋😌生牛肉配柚子汁:牛無膻味柚子皮絲同雪梨粒鋪面,同柚子汁配合食口感清新辣汁魷魚沙律:韓國辣椒膏真係配咩都得,當沙律汁用溝生菜、青瓜....👍🏻傳統藥膳飯:睇menu話有銀杏、紅棗、松子.....應該用上糯米🤔🤔煙韌軟糯、微甜有棗香,當能量五穀或甜品都得!雜錦串煎餅:其實是蟹棒、午餐肉、蒜芯和小黃瓜的組合再沾蛋漿,雖然平價食材,但好好食!自己屋企可以試下整 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2017-09-02
One of my Korean colleagues introduced me This Korean restaurant so I visited to there with my Korean friends on a Monday night. Restaurant was a little bit quiet but we liked very much as not crowded.we ordered few dishes and Korean rice wine.I never could find some Korean dishes in hk. But I found those dishes at only this restaurant. Dried Pollack fish taste was so nice (a bit spicy and grill taste) and exactly same product as in Korea. It's my favorite dish in Korea too. It's perfect to match with rice wine.This rice wine is very premium and hand made rice wine from Korea. Taste is so fresh and I could check the made date on bottle. It is also hard to find in Korea with this quality. The braised Kimchi pot tasted so authentic as the kimchi and pork belly have been braised for enough time to become such texture and matching taste. The spicy soft tofu stew pot is a very common dish in Korea as well as HK. The ingredients such as tofu and seafood are all very fresh and the level of spicy is just perfect as they know we are Koreans. It's something that I hardly find in other Korean restaurants in HK. I felt like I'm having dinner in Korea. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2017-09-01
有大老板由美國過來✈️,又係時候食好西😋, 唔想次次食中菜咁悶, 今次揀咗食正宗韓國菜🇰🇷, 我哋16人一早訂定枱, 因為VIP房坐唔落咁多人, 但又唔想坐長枱傾唔到計, 餐廳老板特意安排砌張大枱俾我哋, 好有愛呀!💖今次大餐有傳統的九折坂, 唔止外國人覺得特別, 我哋喺香港都好少食到, 由薄切蘿蔔片包盒內8款蔬菜同牛肉卷住食, 口感爽脆清新, 味道亦出奇的夾, 大家好似上咗堂課咁, 認識咗韓國的宮庭美食!⛩有老板照住大家當然要食好西,呢度招牌菜醬油海鮮拼盤的確名不虛傳,用料新鮮,醃得好入味又唔太咸,同事們激讚!🦀🦐主菜唔少得烤牛肋骨、原隻炸雞等,牛肋骨有咬口,大家鍾意佢炭燒嘅味道,自己韓燒嘅冇呢個效果😍 (鐵板上太香一人夾件好快清晒,冇影到相😱)原隻炸雞皮脆肉嫩,唔會乾身,原隻上再入廚房切件,真夠細心!🍗😙其實仲有叫咗韓式煎餅、滑豆腐湯、大醬湯、米酒啤酒,美國老板滿意安排,同事們亦食得開心,個個捧住個肚走 (多謝老板!😝)我一定會再帶家人朋友再來試其他菜式😎🥘🍝🍤🥓🍖 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2017-08-28
同朋友食生日飯, 因不想食日式放題或火鍋, 中式又興趣不大? 所以集中選韓食。呢間係銅鑼灣, 好似幾 trendy, 所以選呢間。前菜是指定動作, 坦白講, 一般, 以4人黎講, 份量吾大, 食完泡菜亦不能免費添加, 其他前菜就可以略加, 感覺似乎有點不足。點了牛油飽魚, 很香, 但亦有些硬, 有點失望。燒牛肋骨, 滿懷希望, 怎料極度失望, overcook, 煎濃底, 咬吾開, 心情跌進谷底。蝦煎餅挽回劣勢, 真心講, 幾好食。 可以再叫。 另外叫了魚肉串, 無味道, 又一次失望。之後叫了蠔鍋, 2個石頭飯, 因味道實在普通, 所以已經無再影相。埋單計, 4個人, 每人都要$450有多, 呢個價錢, 在世貿或銅鑼灣其他知名的韓式料理差吾多, 但質素人地就好好多。 似乎佢地要急起直追。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2017-08-21
朋友生日想食韓菜,但又唔想韓燒,炸雞太普通。環境:十分寧靜,可一邊用膳一邊和朋友聊天。室內以黑色為主,給人高尚感覺。食物:比一般傳統韓國料理帶一點時代感,很特別,建議大夥人約4至5人,可以食更多種類豆腐泡菜湯:由於煱上能保持溫度,因到我們食到尾聲,餘下的湯仍溫暖的。味道十分濃郁,豆腐很嫩滑,而且喜歡辣的朋友一定要試,因我一路飲頭頂一路出汗。特式炸飯團:口感好得意,溶芝士包著脆脆外層,咬下去有熱騰騰的飯,十分特別,要食飯才飽肚,但不想吃白米飯的可試一下。韓式沙律:十分開胃,酸酸甜甜,有點日式風味海鮮泡菜煎餅:一碟三件,不似傳統一大塊,容易食,餅邊煎到脆卜卜,而且沒有油膩感覺配菜:可以refill continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)