Restaurant: | DONDONYA (Plaza Hollywood) |
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To encourage eatery outlets to reduce food waste at source together with customers through offering portioned meals and adopting food waste reduction measures, the Environmental Protection Department has launched the “Food Wise Eateries” Scheme. Participants will be awarded with a Food Wise Eateries (FWE) accreditation status if they comply with the assessment criteria and will be granted with the FWE Logo and Stickers for displaying in the premises and their promotion for public identification. Applications are accepted all year round and are FREE of charge.
For details, please click here, https://www.wastereduction.gov.hk/zh-hk/waste-reduction-programme/food-wise-hong-kong-campaign
Founded in 2010, DONDONYA is a Japanese donburi specialist committed to offering its guests the most authentic donburi in town. All donburi in DONDONYA are made with carefully-selected Hitomebore rice, which has a sweet taste and a unique soft texture. Moreover, the restaurant presents exclusive Japanese signature donburi every year. With an aim of bringing the unique Japanese donburi culture to Hong Kong, DONDONYA partners with two of the most representative food organizations in Japan – “Donburi Senshuken” and “All Japan Donburi Union” since 2016 and 2018 respectively.
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Opening Hours
11:30 - 22:30
Mon - Sun
11:30 - 22:30
Public Holiday
11:30 - 22:30
*Takeaway until 21:30
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
最近去咗鑽石山荷里活廣場嘅丼丼屋,食咗佢哋新推出嘅松葉蟹系列餐目,真係好正!😋 松葉蟹當造嘅季節,丼丼屋就推出咗兩款主打丼飯:「松葉蟹丼」同「松葉蟹土鍋飯」,價錢只需$98起,真係好抵食!💰我地今次就升級松葉蟹丼飯定食,呢個定食包括前菜、寒天、味增湯同埋飲品🦀 松葉蟹肉超多,鮮甜多汁,蟹鉗同蟹腳肉質緊實細膩,真係好正!🦀蟹籽爆口感十足,每一口都充滿驚喜!✨蟹膏濃郁香滑,配埋飯一齊食,真係無得輸!🍚丼丼屋嚴選優質松葉蟹拆肉起膏,製作成性價比極高嘅「松葉蟹丼」,無論凍食定熱食,都入口即化,口感十足!整體味道層次豐富,食完真係回味無窮!😋 味增湯亦都好暖胃。🍲 飲品方面,我揀咗伊右衛門抹茶入煎茶,熱熱地飲落去好舒服🍵另外,我哋仲追加松葉蟹吉列玉子,呢個真係好特別!🍳 吉列外層炸得好香脆,入面嘅松葉蟹肉同玉子好嫩滑,口感豐富😋松葉蟹吉列玉子將新鮮嘅松葉蟹同香濃玉子結合,並以酥脆吉列方式呈現。每啖都食到松葉蟹嘅鮮甜同玉子嘅滑嫩,令人一試難忘鰻重(並盛)定食亦都唔錯,鰻魚燒得好香,肉質嫩滑,配埋飯一齊食真係好滿足🐟 定食入面嘅配菜同味增湯都好好味,整體感覺好豐富🍱夠哂惹味!!果茶都好清新,果味濃郁🍹最後食埋個黑糖寒天,為呢餐飯畫上完美句號❤️❤️
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日式丼物專家丼丼屋精選咗13款人氣丼物升級做定食,既優惠又豐盛,包括招牌滑蛋丼、海鮮丼、炸物丼至燒物丼都有!最平由$48起,每份定食都有前菜、味噌湯、果茶及甜品,逢星期一至五5點前都可以享用優惠,係超高 CP 值嘅午餐同下午茶選擇,輕鬆享受物超所值嘅日本地道丼物!另外仲可以$18 優惠價加配小食一款,包括:三文魚刺身、唐揚雞、炸魷魚鬚同玉子燒!我哋叫咗名古屋鳥開親子丼定食同埋燒和牛丼定食,親子丼口感濕潤好Juicy,燒和牛帶油脂香好滋味,除咗加配小食之外,我哋仲叫咗新出嘅灸燒焦糖芝士蛋糕,好喜歡佢焦香嘅味道及軟滑的芝士口感,非常推薦!
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今午11:30到入座,很少人,叫了松葉蟹丼钣,凍飲,另外一個和牛飯。松葉蟹個餐很好食,拆哂肉,美味非常,物有所值。最重要的是男经理的服務令我最貼心,因為我買左alipay美心集团10張20元的電子券,我問经理,他說可以用哂都得,我出櫃面结賬,逐張電子券dod ,連逐dod十次,经理好有耐心等我,逐張给他用机dod, 沒有不耐煩,重好有笑容說慢慢,结果用了差不多10分鐘先结到賬,我都唔好意思。经理真係振店之宝,現今很少見,下次一定再幫襯。
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📍丼丼屋 (鑽石山)學木箱鼓之前食過快靚正嘅晚餐🤪事關我好想食烏冬 但荷里活間沖繩烏冬實在係太多人啦🙃所以轉戰到樓上既丼丼屋等齊人就揀野食🩷壽喜燒牛肉拌烏冬+套餐🩷滑蛋吉列豬扒飯+套餐埋單大約$230🩷壽喜燒牛肉拌烏冬一上菜就好香~壽喜燒味一湧而上,牛肉係肥牛嚟既但肉味香濃☺️上面仲有溫泉蛋 蛋汁可以中和壽喜燒既咸味~ 🩷滑蛋吉列豬扒飯個蛋有高湯既味道👅 吉列豬扒香口 層炸衣唔薄但入面豬肉肥瘦適中☺️ 套餐有跟麵豉湯 甜品 飲品 值得一提 麵豉湯有啲豆卜同菇 係平時連鎖餐廳較少看到的😆
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