Exit D2/ E1, Tai Koo MTR Station
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Founded in 2010, DONDONYA is a Japanese donburi specialist committed to offering its guests the most authentic donburi in town. All donburi in DONDONYA are made with carefully-selected Hitomebore rice, which has a sweet taste and a unique soft texture. Moreover, the restaurant presents exclusive Japanese signature donburi every year. With an aim of bringing the unique Japanese donburi culture to Hong Kong, DONDONYA partners with two of the most representative food organizations in Japan – “Donburi Senshuken” and “All Japan Donburi Union” since 2016 and 2018 respectively.
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Opening Hours
Mon - Sun
11:30 - 22:30
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Recommended Dishes
Signature Dishes
While many restaurant were past last orders at the City Plaza by 21.30 on a Friday, fortunately, Dondonya was accommodating.Brightly lit with a high ceiling was even more welcoming.The culinary experience was mixed, however, this place is worth revisiting.
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新年過後開工大吉,基於同某幾個差不多年紀既同事有個群,於是就約咗返工第一日食個開工大吉餐。本來唔想食呢間,即使同事已經一早喺太古城個 app 到拎唒幾間食肆既飛仔,但附近好食既餐廳都要等好耐,2 點要趕返去公司,唯有食呢間。坐低,過左陣先有人得閑理我地,都算。我地 4 個人,但佢比得 3 杯水,咩玩法?嗌完野食...15 分鐘後 3 個人既野食都陸續黎唒,剩返嗰個要催佢先黎,大家都等到眼訓 = ="其實不嬲都都對丼丼屋印象好差,因為係美心集團。我對美心集團既印象不嬲都差...美心集團喺裝修上真係冇得輸既丼丼屋既位好闊落,基金上太古店既間隔都令客人坐得舒服,唔會好迫好辛苦。天婦羅咖哩飯...um, 啲炸粉厚到呢......個份量應該最少有隻蝦既 3/4仲要炸到好乾...食完去立即要飲水。爽口彈牙? 哈哈哈哈哈 -_-成個餐係用咖哩汁搭救...用磚開出黎既咖哩汁又唔會太差既。不過有得揀既話唔會再幫襯 =,=
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今日lunch好想食咖哩,之前一直想試丼丼屋,見未食過就去試下。由於一個人,好快就有位了。menu上都好多選擇,但由於唔鍾意食前菜,於是散叫了咖哩吉列豬扒飯。等左5分鐘就到了,咖哩好香,不會辣,豬扒炸得很鬆化但不會太油,好味!分量都ok, 夠飽下次再試下其他嘢,會再幫襯
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午餐應高興,但吃到難食的很影響心情同工作力雞肉蛋蓋飯,雞件多但雪藏味太強,未解雪一點都不好吃,而用了珍珠米,但汁太多水滴滴,壓根兒不好吃。附沙律,蕃茄淋酸汁。麵豉湯味太淡如水,加了零碎菇看上去很曖昧不明。包飲品,檸檬茶加10元有牛奶軟雪糕,味道一。般唔太滑,奶味亦都普通 只是過口癮加一後要80元,質素一般,飯太濕太水,雞肉有雪味
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第一次食丼丼屋位置吾會太逼 坐得好舒服等左4個字先有野食滑蛋豬扒定食($100)麵鼓湯我最憎就係好咸既湯平時都吾鐘意叫湯但哩度既湯吾算咸都算大碗沙律細細碟無沙律醬比較健康!有鮮番茄滑蛋豬扒飯份量好大!蛋整到岩岩好 有小小流心 豬扒炸到好酥脆😂😂除左價錢偏貴我覺得都好好味!
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