1-min walk from Exit D1, Lai Chi Kok MTR Station
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Opening Hours
08:30 - 20:30
Mon - Fri
07:30 - 20:00
08:30 - 20:30
09:00 - 20:30
Public Holiday
09:00 - 20:30
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
冇想像中咁好食 我想講薯仔包有點煤氣味😂 貝果🥯一般 另拿破倫包可以接受 不過$42 有點昂貴 🙈食一次足已,有時要自已試過先知 伏吾伏,網上吹得太劲,哈哈戓者英國口味吾啱我总體來講環境還好,員工友善,有禮貌,不過口味因人而異,始終要試過先知⋯⋯值吾值地去排隊啦,鮮果撻酥皮系列賣相好精緻⋯⋯味道未能試到,有興趣朋友可以試試$20幾 一件 可能係最便宜既系列😂⋯⋯⋯⋯
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Just stepped out of the MTR and was instantly greeted by the irresistible buttery aroma of this bakery right at the exit😍The crowd is non-stop so you know you have to get in! I have got their top seller aka the truffle salt butter croissant - super buttery with strong truffle smell🥐The chocolate croissant is a dream - flaky and super rich in chocolate🍫And guess what, my absolute favourite is the corn pastry😍it’s sweet, savory and absolutely divine🌽The variety here is just overwhelming in the best way possible, you will not be able to leave empty-handed🍞🥖🥐🥯🥨🌽sweet corn cream cheese danish🥐salted butter croissant🥯matcha red bean mochi bagel🍫chocolate croissant
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I love Doughman’s pastry and we saw that there were croissants in Christmas tree version. The green one was pistachio flavour; the pink one was strawberry. The croissants stood vertically just like a tree. My friend got the pistachio one and the inside has swirls of green, and it wasn’t too sweet - just right. There are a piece of differently printed chocolate on top of each croissant tree. The one she picked was the mitten glove. The croissant tree was really cool but it costed $40 per piece. I also saw palmiers shaped like a ribbon. It’s big in size and I’d give it a try next.
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平時經過D2 Place,都一定會聞到呢一間麵包舖嘅香氣,不過每次都好趕時間冇行入去,今次見到佢有聖誕造型麵包就入咗去啦。佢除咗又唔同款式嘅麵包之外,仲有整嘅咖啡。今次試咗兩款嘢食,分別係聖誕樹造型嘅開心果牛角包同開心果牛奶。開心果牛角包好脆,即使擺咗一晚個口感都保持到,而且開心果餡瞓得好足,一搣開啲開心果醬就流出嚟,而且仲好濃郁,值得一讚!不過開心果牛奶就有啲遜色啦,飲落去好淡開心果味,食到少量開心果碎,但係似係開心果碎加牛奶,比起其他舖頭嘅開心果牛奶就爭得遠啦。兩樣嘢食加埋$85 ,講真真係有啲貴,間唔時買一次都可以嘅,成日食就不了。
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