5-min walk from Exit E1, Sheung Wan MTR Station continue reading
All Branches (3)
Opening Hours
08:00 - 17:00
Mon - Fri
08:00 - 17:00
Sat - Sun
Payment Methods
Visa Master AlipayHK Alipay Cash Octopus Apple Pay Google Pay WeChat Pay
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (19)
中環嘅Dozy 是一間環境幾 chill 嘅cafe,以灰色為主調,入面有不少植物🪴🌿,可以係呢度嘆到各種靚啡☕️ ,仲有多款好靚嘅pastry😍我叫咗cold brew coffee,味道甘甜與醇厚,散發咖啡豆原有的香氣,朋友叫咗 Hojicha Latte 都唔錯🤎。Pastry 方面,我最中意 double chocolate muffin,朱古力味真係好香🍫,Apple Turnover Fine French Butter 喺款幾好食嘅餡餅,入面蘋果幾香,餅嘅部分好有牛奶味🥛,整體黎講都幾滿意。⭐️Cold Brew Coffee⭐️Double chocolate muffin⭐️Apple Turnover Fine French Butter ⭐️Raisins Scone⭐️Hojicha Latte ⭐️Raisins Whirl⭐️Banana Cake continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2024-11-18
今日中環office開會,break time嘅時候大家都落樓去飲杯coffee,食個pastry,上openrice望望就見到呢到有dozy!真係超興奮!之前去過深水埗個間覺得好高質,於是就即刻拉住同事來。未走到門口已經先聞到啲勁香嘅咖啡味,用嗅覺帶領我哋入到去舖頭,覺得呢間嘅裝修都真係幾特別,水泥風,加埋植物同深綠色嘅sofa,有一種好特別嘅懷舊風~我地今日要左個cold brew in a bottle,Hojicha latte同Cappuccino。同事話coldbrew好好味,而且好夠濃,我自己亦都覺得個Cappuccino整得好出色,拉花亦都好靚。食物方面就要咗檸檬味同藍莓味嘅Muffin,好鬆軟,但係水果味亦都好出,真係幾出色。最尾都決定買多幾樣嘢返去俾老細揀,睇吓佢想食乜嘢:Scones 、Raisin whirl同Apple turnover。最尾老細揀咗Apple turnover,外面個puffpastry夠酥脆,蘋果餡嘅甜度亦都剛剛好。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2024-10-10
今日係中環整錶, 未夠鐘我地去食個brunch先呢間cafe自選Salad / Bagel menu, 自行揀選Main, side dish and dressing 由於比較肚餓, 我同老公都係揀左食Bagel😂🥯煙三文魚, 紫洋蔥, Parma ham, 法式芥末香橙醬bagel好chewing, 配料份量都唔少, 好夠飽肚 🥯牛油果, 蛋, Mozzarella, 橄欖黑醋蜜糖汁牛油果and蛋不死組合, 每次食呢個combo都會勁滿足, 幸福感up up🫶🏻 🥤Iced Dozy Chocolate 口感好rich, 好香濃☕️Hojiacha Latte 濃郁嘅培茶香加埋順滑嘅牛奶, 我好鍾意😍不過因為地方面積有所限制, 如果可以容納到多d靠背椅坐, 用餐時會更為舒適享受😎 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2024-09-16
✍︎︎附近返工又想食沙律行咗入去發現間coffee shop有啲隱蔽😳座位雖然唔多,但總算可以喘息一下☺️🥗煙三文魚牛油果石榴沙律x甘筍薑汁🥑 $85Smoked Salmon Avocado Ponregranate Carrot Solac• Served with Corrot and Ginger DressingLatte $45 ❥店員勁有心機砌得好靚個沙律😍牛油果熟度啱啱好,三文魚肥美好食,食完個口仲好香三文魚味😂••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••🔎Dozy 中環皇后大道中99號中環中心1樓5B號舖•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
中環人也未必知的cafe 中環中心返工既人有福了,可以飲到杯好咖啡之餘,又有地方可以一個人chill 吓不過Dozy Cafe 坐位不多,有冇位坐就要睇luck 了。Cafe 走水泥風,加上不少植物點綴,沒有半點造作,令我感覺很自在。Lemon Muffin 店員好窩心為我焗翻熱Muffin 檸檬味好出,每口都咬到罌粟籽,口感好豐富夠濕潤,好味。Piccolo Nutty香味突出,味道香濃,口感幼滑,很喜歡這個公鷄杯子,帶來不一樣的感覺。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)