5-min walk from Exit C, Sha Tin Wai MTR Station continue reading
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Review (29)
We (6 people in total) gathered and dined in Dragon Delight (龍悅) in Sha Kok for Dongji gathering.  While we happily walked in the restaurant for dinner, we left there with unpleasant mood.  Sure, we are not returning!  First, we needed to serve ourselves by walking to the cashier counter for ordering instead of being served.  All their waitresses were not only frowned all the time but also not responding.  Although we wouldn't be surprised by their bad service, We were surprised to order food in cashier counter as if we were dining in a Cafe De Coral (大家樂) or Fairwood (大快活).Most of the food was quite salty or might have added too much MSG.  There was one dish that I would like to mention.  It was "Mutton Pot in Ancient Style - regular size (古法羊腩煲-例).  It costed $298 (not including 10% service charge) but there were no more than 10 pieces of mutton in the pot. When we asked the head waitress regarding it, she admitted and said that there should be 6 pieces in a pot.  Then she left immediately.  We were shocked!  We were not sure if she told us the truth or she just wanted to shut us off.  $298 for less than 10 pieces of tiny mutton?  In sum, it is unforgivably bad experience dining in Dragon Delight (龍悅) Sha Kok.  We will not come again and will not recommend to anyone we know either!  Please think twice if you want to dine in there for such a bad service and poor food while there are some better nearby!  If you still want to come Dragon Delight (龍悅) Sha Kok and try the mutton pot, be sure to ask how many pieces are given! Good luck! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2019-12-13
之前來過這間酒樓飲茶, 感覺幾好,今日 剛巧在附近約了朋友 ,便約他到這裏飲下午茶 我們 點了幾款點心和一碗燒腩飯 , 燒腩飯先來, 腩仔肉又乾又鞋,燒腩皮又不脆身, 白飯祇得半碗 ,而點心方面,蟲草花棉花雞,用 最小的碟子盛載,只有數條蟲草花和三件雞件, 叉燒腸粉則 粉皮厚了點, 還有生煎粟米鯪魚餅, 鯪魚餅很薄身 , 魚餅乾硬,像放了很久 ,我和朋友也認為這間酒家的出品今次做得不太好 ,可能是他們換了師傅🙄 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2019-10-27
今天和媽爸細佬出去睇輪椅,來到沙角村,細佬話很肚餓,因為已經差不多兩點,我們還未吃過午飯,見到這裡,兩點有下午茶,所以就走入去。這裡環境不是很大,但都光猛闊落,我們點過點心,就安然等待。咸水角很脆,上枱時還很熱,饀料不是很多,但味道都幾好。鮮蝦腸粉,粉皮很滑,蝦肉很細小,不是很多,但還可以。涼瓜排骨炒河,炒河炒得很有鑊氣,涼瓜有點苦,排骨很多,調較味道都很好。這個炒河我去幾間龍悅都會叫這個,間間都炒得不錯。魚湯鮮竹卷,上湯鮮甜,鮮竹卷饀多,味道豐富。水晶鮮蝦餃,不是很大粒,入面的蝦很爽甜,雖皮薄但不夠煙靱。豉汁蒸鳯爪,很腍,味道惹味,有少少辣,豉汁味濃。潮州蒸粉果,皮厚,但饀料好香,有很多芹菜味,又有一些爽脆的葛和花生,很好味!蠔汁叉燒包,包很軟,叉燒甜美多汁,熱辣辣,正!四個人食左二百幾蚊,都不是太貴,今次還第一次幫襯這間分店。都可以再來幫襯! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2019-08-16
今天與老街坊茶聚,我們要了一碗燒鵝髀燒腩仔雙拼飯,蝦餃皇,白花釀魚肚。燒鵝髀肉少皮唔脆口,燒腩仔却不錯,是五花腩燒肉,皮脆肉滑,白飯軟綿。蝦餃皇就 比較多蝦肉,鮮蝦都很爽口,豬肉就比較少,少到感覺不到有豬肉。 百花釀魚肚,蝦膠都係爽滑彈牙, 魚肚炆得夠淋同埋夠入味,味精比較重。綜合食物價水平都可以達到中等了!我們邊吃著午飯邊閒談,老人家向我吐苦水,被媳婦冷漠對待,身體又經常有一些老人病,感覺活得不耐煩,不希望長壽........我告訴老街坊,我欣賞她很叻,你是接近90歲的老人家,還可以自行到茶樓飲茶和買餸,有能力可以照顧到自己,唔好放棄!人與人之間緣分隨遇而安,也可以嘗試用另一個角度釋懷,看見兒媳和諧,自己也老懷安慰,媳婦沒有表達關懷,那麼自己更要關懷自己。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2019-06-05
今天有朋友響台灣來, 唔想煮, 便相約到屋企附近嘅龍悅酒樓食晚飯, 酒樓的環境都算清靜, 我哋喺魚池附近呢度坐低, 我哋嗌咗啫啫蝦醬通菜煲, 呢度送夠鑊氣, 够惹味, 送飯一流。 蜜汁金薯牛柳粒, 牛柳合度好處, 唔靭。 金薯外脆內軟 , 配合蜜汁 都很開胃。 椒鹽鮮魷, 味道爭少少, 沒有底味。 粉漿亦多咗少少。 伴水芹香炒魚片 ,都還唔錯。 辣雞煲都還可以接受, 但係啲份量好似唔係太合理。 但係勝在白飯夠熱, 啲侍應啲態度都算禮貌溫和。 最後奉送熱騰騰美味陳皮紅豆沙。 整個用餐過程都算ok。 有機會都會再去試, 佢哋的點心。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)