6-min walk from Exit E1, Hong Kong MTR Station continue reading
Payment Methods
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Alcoholic Drinks
May Bring Your Own Wine
10% Service Charge
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (14)
Level3 2020-10-25
嚟間係少數行過實舖而吸引到我上openrice search嘅一間小店~ 今次主要係買黎做第二日嘅早餐所以只係買咗一小舊試食。見到大部分人都係買個綠茶麵包,我都無好留意其他包就衝咗過去買。麵包係已經預先包裝好,有五隻味,價錢係$10@1,$38@4。價錢都接受到~第二日切開佢都幾失望點解會得咁少紅豆嘅,一啲都唔似ig同openrice啲圖。撇除咗個包樣影相冇咁靚同冇乜紅豆之餘,個包本身有咬口又唔會乾。抹茶味都足,值得一提係比起平時啲麵包鹹,但唔會影響到個味。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2018-10-17
我好鍾意食麵包, 閒時仲會自己動手整麵包! 🍞 不過法包我一次都未整過, 因為太麻煩 😂😂 行經中環, 見到呢間麵包舖有麵包工房, 中環咁貴嘅地段都整個麵包工房, 引得我入去八下!呢間店主打骰仔包 mini cube, 我無試! 反而被個小法包吸引! 好靚仔! ♥店主話得返一個現貨, 喺冰箱攞多個即刻翻熱比我, 話晒隔離就係工房 ma....點知到我食既時候發現個心仲係冰嘅! 😫 食住一個先啦! 。。。超好食! 皮脆內軟, 氣孔分佈平均! 真心強烈推介! 店主推介牛角包! 老實講, 賣相唔討好, 捲得唔靚, 留左尾! 朋友買左一個試話唔好食, 又淋又油, 我眼見中間層次唔太分明! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2018-10-02
Dreams. The  Bread is a small bakery in Central.  The bread in this shop is quite cute and I decided to buy some.What peaked my interest was this little small cube bread. A package of four was only $18! Definitely not expensive!A package of four gave me four different flavors: chocolate, raspberry, sweet potato and sesame.They were super cute. The bread was soft but not too fluffy. There was filing inside as well but the taste was not very pronounced. I've had cube bread with filling in Japan and some how that was a whole lot better! The filling was divine. The bread fragrant. This place ... it missed something. The bread was ok but not great. At least it wasn't super expensive. Probably won't be back as there are better bakeries around. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2016-04-25
好失望,被吹噓的店到底有幾多間係名不虛傳呢…😨😨 曾佔據不少報紙雜誌篇幅既骰子麵包,店內有八種味,上網見到啲打手話紫薯同抹茶紅豆正就買黎試。🍠🍵🍞 睇外表顏色就夠喇,食落竟然可以兩種完全無任何味道。🔥🔥 最神奇係連正常既麵包味都可以無。。。😱😱我到底食左啲咩物體😂😂 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2016-01-30
店舖主打嘅立方體麵包,外表吸引,味道仲有芝麻,紫薯,紅莓同朱古力揀😊綠茶味唔係太濃,食完之後過一陣先感覺到綠茶嘅味道😂而紅豆蓉就比較香,所以有點兒蓋過咗綠茶味!另外麵包嘅口感都唔會好乾好硬⋯整體黎講個小麵包清清淡淡,做早餐都ok嫁☺️但份量吾多,可以揀多幾種味道去食🙂 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)