4-min walk from Exit A2, Sheung Wan MTR Station continue reading
Opening Hours
11:00 - 21:00
Mon - Sat
11:00 - 21:00
11:00 - 18:00
Payment Methods
AlipayHK Cash WeChat Pay
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (12)
Level3 2024-07-15
一向都幾鐘意食豬雜 尢其係鐘意食豬潤黎到上環呢度, 店面唔大, 位置都唔多見到有豬雜分2個sizes大同細, 都係爭$20心諗爭$20 . 通常呢d 細既份量都好細驚死細既唔夠食, 因為本身鐘意食嘛一野嗌左個大既一上枱, 比人望住哂.. 因為...嘩..個碗好大D人都忍唔住要問店員"咁 大 碗"既!!唉呀好尷尬呀 大家都一定以為我好大食啦~!!碗野份量好足, 有豬潤豬腰豬心豬肺豬大腸豬粉腸蝴蝶腩有咁多款食得好滿足湯底係好清有少少胡椒味可以食到豬雜好新鮮既豬味~!仲有(應該係) 枸杞葉配菜, 好清新唔肥膩的 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
位於上環的八刀麵館,是一家以各式麵食為主打的小店,這次我品嚐了$45的細豬雜加藤椒醬米粉,整體感受頗為滿意。首先,細豬雜的份量十分足夠,各種內臟處理得非常乾淨,沒有腥味,每一種內臟都有其獨特的口感。豬肝滑嫩、豬心Q彈、豬腸有嚼勁,每一口都充滿了不同的驚喜。這些豬雜與藤椒醬的搭配尤為出色,藤椒醬帶有獨特的麻香和微辣,提味的同時又不掩蓋豬雜本身的鮮味。整體來說,八刀麵館的細豬雜加藤椒醬米粉,以合理的價格提供了優質的美食體驗。食材新鮮、烹調得當,再加上獨特的藤椒醬,讓這碗米粉在眾多米粉和麵食中脫穎而出。如果你喜歡嚐試新口味,這碗細豬雜加藤椒醬米粉絕對值得一試。八刀麵館不僅滿足了味蕾,也帶來了滿滿的幸福感。餐飲沒有在店內買,在外邊購買凍咖啡。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2024-04-24
八刀湯屬於客家菜系,已有100多年歷史,是紫金縣乃至河源市的客家特色美食。 「八刀湯」是用黑麥草、番薯葉餵養的紫金藍塘豬的八個部位,切割一刀,分別包括豬心、豬潤、豬肺、豬舌、豬腰、粉腸、隔山衣(豬隔膜 )、前朝肉熬成的湯。一點枸杞葉與之同煮,令八刀湯除了那肉的滋味,更有枸杞葉那淡淡的清香。細豬雜王就有 豬潤、豬粉腸、 豬肺、 豬大腸、 豬心、 豬肚、 蝴蝶腩。客家腌面並非把粉或面腌了吃,而是客家人在遷徙躲避中原戰火,當時的客家人都喜歡把食物加鹽腌制後以便保存,麵條就是其中一種。客家醃麵是把面條在沸水中煮熟後撈出,再加上豬油炸過嘅油蔥酥及鬆化香脆豬油渣, 撈上已調味醬油及豬油, 其味無窮。配上係檯上任食的客家古早味醃蘿蔔乾, 香脆爽口,一口接一口, 為餐桌增添美味。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2024-03-22
#八刀麵館in eng. eight knifes noodle. i dont know how it named that way. just a name, ok, forget it then.maybe boss uses 8 knives to cut the pig organs.ok cut the bullsheet. new open store. selling pig mix organ.there are many competitor around this area.1. 永記 2.達濠仔 3.潮洲人they all good and cheap. let see this place.ordered big mix organ rice noodle 65$.relatively cheap in such area.portion incredibly big. i almost cant finish.what make this special?1. more variety of organ. they hv pig heart, lung, kidney, belly, stomach, liver, large and small intestine powder. largest variety amongst all.2. large intestine is not clean, not clean is not bad in organ. especially in large intestine. the little grease make it more yum.3. they sauce special paralyze sauce. making my mouse paralyzed. sooo refreshing. and very unique.will come back. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
其實想問有好多食肆。不過如果要食豬什又鍾意內臟嘅呢就真係唔可以坐到呢間咁好味啲小店。今日食嘅係三餸。叫咗粉腸豬心同蝴蝶攬。 如果唔大食嘅,其實都夠。喺枱面上面亦都有一啲葉嘅蘿蔔。我見人食我食。我12:15去到都已經要排幾個人。走嘅時候12:45,就開始出現人龍啦。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)